Saturday, March 7, 2020

In the news, Wednesday, February 26, 2020


FEB 25      INDEX      FEB 27


from The Jerusalem Post

347 rabbis sign letter rejecting Bernie Sanders' 'outrageous comments'
Following Sen. Bernie Sanders’s decision to skip the American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC] Policy Conference in March, a group of 347 rabbis has signed an open letter to the Democratic front-runner, saying they support AIPAC’s role in advancing the US-Israel relationship and reject his “outrageous comments.” Sanders claimed on Saturday that the organization gives a platform “for leaders who express bigotry.” "AIPAC's mission is one that we and our congregants care deeply about,” the rabbis wrote in their letter. “Through AIPAC, we lobby Congress to support our democratic ally and strengthen the long-standing bipartisan support for a partnership that benefits both nations.


from National Review  RIGHT BIAS

Lesbian Feminist: It's Time to Stop Trans Indoctrination in Public Schools
On Wednesday, Miriam Ben-Shalom, the first lesbian to be reinstated to the U.S. Army after getting kicked out for her sexual orientation, spoke out against the "indoctrination of children by the trans community." A vocal radical feminist, Ben-Shalom championed the cause of parents in Madison, Wisc., who are suing the local school district over the issue. She and her allies with the Hands Across the Aisle Coalition spoke at a press conference at the downtown Madison public library.


from Newsmax

Greitens' Exoneration — A Lesson for All Americans
Last week, Navy SEAL and former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens was fully exonerated after what has been nearly two years of hellacious, false, and vicious accusations. Greitens was attacked because — like President Trump — he was an outsider who represented a threat to liberals nationally, and to politics as usual. He is an unapologetic conservative: pro-police, pro-veteran, pro-jobs, pro-freedom. And he took on the establishment — including politicians in the Republican Party — by banning lobbyist gifts, defeating a pay raise for politicians, and killing a corrupt tax credit program which stole from people and lined the pockets of insiders.


from PJ Media
News & Media Website

Lesbian Feminist: It's Time to Stop Trans Indoctrination in Public Schools
On Wednesday, Miriam Ben-Shalom, the first lesbian to be reinstated to the U.S. Army after getting kicked out for her sexual orientation, spoke out against the "indoctrination of children by the trans community." A vocal radical feminist, Ben-Shalom championed the cause of parents in Madison, Wisc., who are suing the local school district over the issue. She and her allies with the Hands Across the Aisle Coalition spoke at a press conference at the downtown Madison public library.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


from USA Today

Across the country, rural communities want to secede from their states. Here's why.
The United States has a bad case of “secession fever,” and the only cure is splitting up states. As a recent article in The Washington Times notes, residents of more rural parts of many states want to secede, because those states are dominated by the residents of large urban centers, who know little and care less about the lives of people out in the country. “You’ve got Oregonians seeking to cascade into Idaho, Virginians who identify as West Virginians, Illinoians fighting to escape Chicago, Californians dreaming of starting a 51st state, and New Yorkers who think three states are better than one.” And this leaves out eastern Washington, which, like eastern Oregon, has been talking about breaking off from the liberal-dominated coastal regions. For that matter, California has produced multiple secession plans aimed at breaking the Golden State up into two, or as many as six states. This phenomenon isn’t new — I wrote an article about it for the Notre Dame Law Review over a year ago — but it seems to be gathering steam. The reason it’s gathering steam is the same reason why most secession movements, including the American break with Great Britain in 1776, gain steam: the belief that the people who want to leave are being treated badly and callously by rulers over whom they have little or no influence. It’s not just “taxation without representation,” but also “regulation without representation.” And a general sense of being held in contempt.


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