Friday, February 10, 2017

In the news, Wednesday, January 25, 2017


JAN 24      INDEX      JAN 26


from Asia Times Online

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict—or to put it more narrowly, the Palestinian Problem—constitutes one of the most complex international problems and most difficult to solve. 

As Donald Trump settles into the Oval Office this week, say goodbye to the one-worlders of the Obama-Clinton years and say hello to a new era of the one-percenters. America’s oligarchs will profit handsomely from the administration’s infrastructure program, its reconfigured trade deals, and its accelerated emphasis on resource extraction.

She’s two years old, works in restaurant – inexperience shows
Her name is Jie Jie, she is two years old and works in a suburb of the city of Guangzhou in southern China. She’s mostly dressed in white, has a cute neckerchief, and huge eyes that blink every four seconds exactly, and is the worst waitress I’ve ever met. She’s a robot.


from The Christian Science Monitor

Why Republicans and Democrats see different things in an inauguration photo
A new survey found one in seven Trump voters chose the wrong answer when asked which picture, President Trump or Obama's inauguration ceremonies, had a larger crowd.


from (& MRC & NewsBusters)

Snopes Defends Planned Parenthood; We Rate Them 'Mostly False'
The left-wing partisans over at Snope rushed to the defense of Planned Parenthood. That's why we turned the tables and gave them a fact check!

Live Action Video Exposes Planned Parenthood's Lack of Prenatal Care; Liberals Ignore or Denounce
The pro-life group Live Action continued its history of exposing Planned Parenthood this week with a new video reporting they contacted 97 Planned Parenthood clinics across the organization's 41 affiliates where undercover recording is legally allowed, and only five said they offered any form of prenatal care.


from Competitive Enterprise Institute

Minimum Prices Have Consumer Benefits: Contact Lens Case Study
With more than 30 million Americans that wear contact lenses, prices matter. We are taking a look at price regulation in the contact lens market. We argue that allowing manufacturers the option to set a price floor for their own contacts actually benefits consumers and improves competition in the contact lens marketplace.


from Conservative Review
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]



from The Daily Caller
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

CAIR: Refusing Refugee Admissions Is Equivalent To Slavery
The executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said Wednesday that refusing to accept Muslim refugees is the moral equivalent of slavery. CAIR held a press conference in anticipation of executive orders from President Donald Trump to limit refugee entry from several Muslim-majority countries, block federal funds from sanctuary cities and start construction of a wall on America’s southern border.


from Douglas County Empire Press

Badger Mountain resident takes on management of NAPA Auto Parts
Gary Mullendore worked at a NAPA Auto Parts store in high school. He then spent a career working in machinery and management. Now, at the other end of his working life, he has become manager and part-owner of the NAPA Auto Parts store in Waterville, which is now called Waterville Auto Parts.


from EUobserver

EU unveils €200m Libya migrant project
The EU commission has earmarked €200 million to enhance surveillance and better train the Libyan coastguard to stop migrants coming to Europe.

Trump cannot deny business case for clean energy, says EU official
As Trump begins his term in office with several decisions that are expected to worsen climate change, the EU commission notes that American business see the sense in being climate-friendly.

EU 'mumbles and grumbles' on Israeli settlements
EU “regret” on Israel’s new settlement surge will be seen as empty “mumbling and grumbling” in the Donald Trump era, diplomats say.

Schulz to run against Merkel in Germany
The former European Parliament president, Martin Schulz, is to be the candidate of the Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) in its bid to unseat chancellor Angela Merkel in this year's election.
Schulz should be officially confirmed at a meeting on Sunday, after the party's leader, Sigmar Gabriel decided to stand aside. The 61-year old Schulz is more popular than Gabriel, but has a slim chance of beating Merkel at the ballot box, however. A recent poll by the Emnid institute for Bild, a German newspaper, said that in a direct vote Schulz would win 38 percent against 39 percent for Merkel.


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Greenspan the Undertaker and His Countless Victims
As Rothbard wrote , “For Greenspan, laissez-faire is not a lodestar, a standard, and a guide by which to set one's course; instead, it is simply a curiosity kept in the closet, totally divorced from his concrete policy conclusions.”

The Napoleonic Wars were over, but Europe’s political class sought to extend the economic war indefinitely with a permanent regime of protectionism. The great English classical economists responded by founding the modern theory of international trade, including the epochal Law of Comparative Advantage. The Manchester liberals then took up the cause and inspired a mass movement for unilateral free trade. When famine struck the British Isles, the groundwork was laid for an upswell of public opposition to the Corn Laws, which were triumphantly abolished in 1845. Free trade then reigned and spread for decades, lifting the West to unprecedented levels of prosperity and creating the foundation for the living standards we enjoy today.


from First Things

If we feel stymied by the imprecision of sonograms and other tools for looking inside the bodies of others, we should feel at least as frightened by the fallibility of our own wills, and the unreliable view they give us of the souls of others. The Atlantic suggested that the humanity a sonogram seems to convey is only an optical illusion. Our real challenge, of course, is to see the humanity of mother and unborn child at once: Remove mother or child from our field of view, and we waver about how to care for both, tempted to see only one, and escape the pressure of conflicting duties.

During the heyday of the Solidarity movement, a famous Polish slogan had it that, “For Poland to be Poland, 2 + 2 Must Always = 4.” It was a quirky but pointed way of challenging the communist culture of the lie, which befogged public life and warped relationships between parents and children, husbands and wives, colleagues and neighbors. For Poland to be something other than the claustrophobic Soviet puppet-state it had been since 1945—for Poland to be itself, true to its character and history—Poland had to live in the truth: It had to be a country in which 2 + 2 always equaled 4.


from Forbes

In the United States, more people were employed in solar power last year than in generating electricity through coal, gas and oil energy combined.
Diverting human labor supply from other, more productive possibilities for the overall economy.... Dig a ditch with one guy and heavy machinery, or dig a ditch with 100 guys and shovels.... one employs more, the other makes the overall economy more productive. That's why Trump's assertion that solar is bad for the economy is the correct assertion.


from The Heritage Foundation

Trump White House’s Revolutionary Approach to the Media
“The mainstream media isn’t the only game in town anymore.” That’s what White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday night on Fox News—and his actions show he’s serious about the sentiment.

Andrew Jackson Portrait Now Hangs in Oval Office. Here’s What He Said About Draining the Swamp.
Just prior to his inauguration, President Donald Trump compared his movement to the one that brought Andrew Jackson to the White House in the early 19th century. And on Wednesday, he followed up on this commitment and will reportedly hang a portrait of Jackson in the Oval Office. One of the central themes of Jackson’s election, like Trump’s, was that a permanent political class had rooted itself in the nation’s capital and needed to be expunged. Many bureaucrats had spent their entire careers in Washington, D.C., despite, in many cases, their incompetence, corruption, and general uselessness. Jackson believed it was the right of the people to elect representatives who could “fire” bad civil servants. In 1829, Jackson pushed Congress to ensure term limits for bureaucrats—limiting their time in office to four years, after which they would have to apply for their job again.

Trump’s HHS Nominee Holds Firm on Importance of Patient Choice
Price is a rare breed of public servant who combines rich professional experience with a profound grasp of health policy, a complex and difficult field.


from The Hollywood Reporter
[Information from this site may be unreliable.]

Mary Tyler Moore, Sweetheart of American Television, Dies at 80
She starred on 'The Dick Van Dyke Show' and on her eponymous sitcom, two of most acclaimed comedies ever, then acted against type to earn an Oscar nom for 'Ordinary People.'


Education Website

Today, most people see their dog as a companion and friend. Yet in the 1600s, the turnspit dog was solely bred to be a kitchen device. The poor creatures, described by historians as “long-bodied” with “short crooked legs,” had to run constantly in a giant hamster wheel to spin meat over an open fire.


from Independent Journal Review

Trump's First Post-Inaugural Interview Gets Testy After ABC News Anchor Brings Up 'Crowd Size'


from Mises Institute
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

What the Tobacco Industry Did for Women
Did you ever see a woman light a cigarette and thought to yourself "What a provocative example of moral decay!"? That's likely not to be the case, but only because you weren't born in the 19th century. The fact that your favorite Western movie doesn't show women smoking tobacco is actually historically accurate: women weren't supposed to be smoking until the 1920's. Far from being a tool of the so-called patriarchy, marketplace producers enthusiastically cater to anyone willing to join in.


from New Statesman
"The leading voice of the British left, since 1913."

If you want to fix Britain's economy, there's one word you need to remember And it isn't "infrastructure".
How people are managed and treated at work, as well as how they acquire skills and retrain for a modern economy, are matters of vital economic significance.


from The Seattle Times

What does Trump’s action on sanctuary cities mean for Seattle? Here’s what we know
President Trump signed an executive order to crack down on sanctuary cities for undocumented immigrants, vowing to yank federal funding from jurisdictions that don’t comply. 


from Slate
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Wednesday Was the Worst Day Yet
You’re not wrong; today was the worst day yet. On Wednesday, the president of the United States made historic moves to recast the country as an angry, insular nation, one that recoils from the world around it and casts suspicion on those within and without. This is the America that Donald Trump envisioned; this is the America he campaigned on; this is the country he's delivering.


from The Spokesman-Review


from USA Today

Trump revives pipeline projects: Our view
The extended national argument over whether to lay a couple thousand more miles of pipe from oil field to market, in a nation already crisscrossed by tens of thousands of miles of oil pipelines, has long been overwrought. Opponents have exaggerated the environmental risks. Supporters have exaggerated the economic benefits. President Trump, following through on a campaign promise, came down on the right side of the debate Tuesday by advancing construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, both of which had been blocked by the Obama administration.


from Zero Hedge
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Google Permanently Bans 200 "Fake News" Sites
The crackdown has begun. In a blog post by Scott Spencer, director of product management for sustainable ads, posted on Wednesday, Google said it has banned 200 publishers from accessing its Adsense advertising service for posting fake news stories. Google said it had cracked down on sites which contained 1) Ads for illegal products; 2) Misleading ads; 3) Bad ads on mobile; 4) Ads trying to game the system and, 5) Promoting and profiting from bad sites. But the emphasis was on the so-called "fake news" category which has dominated media buzz for the past two months.


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