Friday, February 3, 2017

In the news, Thursday, January 12, 2017


JAN 11      INDEX      JAN 13

Information from some sites may not be reliable, or may not be vetted.
Some sources may require subscription.


from BBC News (UK)

Trump: Obamacare repeal and replace to go 'simultaneously'
President-elect Donald Trump has said he plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as soon as his health secretary pick is confirmed. The president-elect said he would like to see President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, also known as Obamacare, repealed and replaced "probably the same day, could be the same hour".

BBC sets up team to debunk fake news
Permanent Reality Check team will target false stories or facts being shared on social media


from Big Think

5 Ways Playing Chess Can Boost Your Mind and Your Life


from Bloomberg

Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
Milton Friedman was wrong about the permanent income hypothesis. A new study by Peter Ganong and Pascal Noel shows that consumer behavior is more short term than almost any mainstream model predicts.


from CNN

6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings
If you were suddenly hit with a $500 unexpected bill, would you be able to cover it? If the answer is no, you're not alone. Nearly six in 10 Americans don't have enough savings to cover a $500 or $1,000 unplanned expense, according to a new report from Bankrate. Only 41% of adults reported having enough in their savings account to cover a surprise bill of this magnitude. But at least the number has improved. Last year, only 37% of Americans reported having enough savings to cover an expense of $500 or more.


from (& MRC & NewsBusters)

Reality Check: Goodbye, Obama, and Good Riddance
President Obama put on his rose-colored glasses one more time Tuesday night, delivering his final speech to an adoring crowd in his hometown of Chicago. In his remarks, Obama waxed poetic regarding his executive successes over the past eight years, promoting open-mindedness while backhandedly slamming anyone who's disagreed with his progressive agenda. So how exactly have the past eight years gone for the millions of people living in Obama's America? Let's break it down with the truth.

Conservative Leaders React to Salacious, Unsubstantiated BuzzFeed Article
Following BuzzFeed’s reckless decision on Tuesday to publish an erroneous and salacious document pertaining to President-elect Trump, a diverse array of conservative leaders (including Media Research Center President and Founder Brent Bozell) offered their reactions to this damaging publication of fake news.

Hostin's Rallying Cry: 'We Are United As Journalists' In War Against Trump
The View admits what we've all known: the liberal media isn't interested in facts. They're only interested in taking down Donald Trump.


from Competitive Enterprise Institute

Endangered Species Bee Listing Could Harm Bees, Butterflies, other Pollinators
If you care about the survival of bees and other pollinators in the United States, you should be concerned about yesterday’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announcement that has placed the rusty patched bumble bee on the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) list. Although it may seem counterintuitive, the ESA listing could harm this bee and other pollinators by creating perverse incentives that actually reduce species’ habitat.


from The Daily Caller
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]


from Conciliar Post

Go back in history as far as you’d like and you will find two people disagreeing about the meaning of God’s Word, each party “certain” of what they know (i.e. Gen 3:1-5). This is because one never just reads God’s Word; one interprets God’s Word through the lens of his or her own experience. The obvious conclusion, it seems to me, is that the Bible is not a book of indubitables. And even if it were, it does not necessarily follow that we can know these indubitables indubitably, which brings me to the point of this article: hold your beliefs lightly, lest your capacities for love be hindered by your own unwillingness to allow the experience of others to inform your beliefs about the world and about God. This God-given lesson is on full display within the pages of Job.


from Daily Kos

from Deseret News

Utah Rep. Mia Love renews call for single-subject bills in Congress
Rep. Mia Love is renewing her efforts to increase congressional transparency through single-subject bills with clear titles. The Utah Republican introduced the bill last year to curb the practice of passing complicated, multifaceted bills or attaching unrelated items to crucial appropriations bills.


from EUobserver

Soros-linked NGOs to defy Orban purge
Hungarian NGOs funded by philanthropist George Soros have vowed to defy prime minister Viktor Orban’s plan to “sweep them out” of the country.

EU mulls Turkey-type migrant deal with Libya
The Maltese EU presidency said a "similar approach" to the Turkey deal could stop migrants coming from Libya, but the UN said the plan was a non-starter.


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

How Red Tape Can Be a Death Sentence for Small Businesses
All things considered, I like small businesses more than big businesses. Not because I’m against large companies, per se, but rather because big businesses often use their political influence to seek unearned and undeserved wealth.


from First Things

Atheists have long been a vocal minority in America, their relations with the dominant Protestant culture defined by unresolved antagonism, unexpected affinities, and the back-and-forth movement of individuals between atheism and belief.


from The Globe and Mail (Canada)

Is Canada setting itself up for a pipeline glut?
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement of support for the Keystone XL pipeline and approval of two other pipelines raises an interesting question. Could we be on the verge of moving from a pipeline shortage to a pipeline surplus? If you look closely at the numbers, the answer is yes and the implications could be costly.


from The Guardian (UK)
[Information from this site may be unreliable.]

The call of the bells is a call to a moral awakening
For centuries, bells have served as prompts for us to become a better version of ourselves. But their days appear numbered.


from The Heritage Foundation

Repealing Obamacare Is Just the Start: How to Fix American Health Care, Part 1
Obamacare, the left’s grand attempt to create a national government-run health care system, has failed. They promised lower health insurance premiums, but delivered higher ones. They promised more choice and competition, but delivered less. They promised continuity and better access to care, but delivered disruption and dislocation. Despite promises that people could keep their plans and doctors, thousands of Americans were forced into more expensive insurance with higher deductibles and plans that didn’t include their doctors.

Trump Protesters Vow to ‘Shut Down’ Inauguration, Related Celebrations
A coalition of leftist causes calling itself Disrupt J20 plans a series of organizing sessions, classes, protests, and other activities aimed at disrupting Donald Trump’s inauguration as president Jan. 20.

Lemons in America Are About to Get Cheaper
On Dec. 23, the Department of Agriculture eliminated a 15-year-old ban on lemon imports from northwest Argentina, the world’s top producer of lemons.


from LifeZette (& PoliZette)

Esteemed Journalism Centers Veer More Openly Left
In the age of Trump, the arbiters of ethical press behavior show more bias


from Martin Van Creveld

“We Shall Win This War, and Then We Shall Get Out.”
No, this is not Vladimir Putin speaking. This is Winston Churchill, not long after returning to power in 1951. The context? The conflict in Malaysia, which at the time had been ongoing for three years with no end in sight. The immediate outcome? The war came to an end and the Brits left. The ultimate outcome? To this day, whenever anyone suggests that brushfire war, alias guerrilla, alias people’s war, alias low intensity war, alias nontrinitarian war, alias fourth-generation war (currently, thanks to my friend Bill Lind, the most popular term of all) is beyond the ability of modern state-owned armed forces to handle, someone else is bound to ask: but how about the British in Malaysia?


from New Statesman
"The leading voice of the British left, since 1913."

Could Havana avoid the traffic congestion that plagues most middle income cities?
The classic 1950s cars on the streets of Havana are much admired by foreigners, yet the reality for most Cubans is a lot more mundane. For them, owning a car – any car – remains a dream, albeit one which has been reawakened by economic reforms and moves towards normalising relations with the US.


from Redoubt News
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Scotchman Peaks Group Not-So-Friendly After All
Last night drew several hundred people to Clark Fork to hear more about Scotchman Peaks proposed wilderness designation. The ‘Friends of Scotchman Peaks’ have been trying to get the land changed to a wilderness designation for years. They finally got Senator James Risch on board to put forth a bill to accomplish just that.


from Reuters

Trump's Pentagon choice says U.S. needs to be ready to confront Russia
Donald Trump's pick to lead the Pentagon put Russia at the top of a list of threats to U.S. interests on Thursday and told Congress that America must be ready to confront Moscow where necessary, even as he backed Trump's bid for better relations. The remarks by retired Marine General James Mattis were the latest by one of Trump's Cabinet picks that veered away from the president-elect's campaign rhetoric, which included praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin and pledges to improve ties with him.


from The Spokesman-Review


from UPI News Agency - United Press International

Trump names Giuliani as cyber security advisor
The former New York City mayor will be responsible for coordinating meetings of private sector cyber security experts and advising the Trump administration on best practices.


from Washington Examiner

Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz team up to defund UN over Israel vote
The United States taxpayer must stop paying into the United Nations until it reverses its vote condemning Israel's occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, two top senators said Thursday.


from Zero Hedge
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Visualizing Donald Trump's $20 Trillion Problem
Only a few days after Trump’s inauguration ceremony, the U.S. National Debt will creep across the important psychological barrier of $20 trillion. It’s a problem that’s been passed down to him, but, as Visual Caitalist's Jeff Desjardins notes, it certainly puts the incoming administration in a difficult place. The debt is burdensome by pretty much any metric, and the rate of borrowing has exceeded economic growth pretty much since the late 1970s.


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