Friday, February 3, 2017

In the news, Wednesday, January 18, 2017


JAN 17      INDEX      JAN 19


from The Catholic Herald (UK)

Should Christians regard the Trump presidency with hope or trepidation?


from Competitive Enterprise Institute

Since President-elect Donald Trump’s nomination of CKE Restaurants CEO Andrew Puzder to Secretary of Labor, Democrats, labor unions, and their allies have deployed a coordinated attack against him. It has all the looks and feel of a “corporate campaign,” which is a type of union organizing strategy that uses a mix of legal, political, and public relations attacks to wear down a company’s resistance to unionization. These tactics are intended to impose financial and legal liabilities on the target company, sully its reputation with its business partners and customers, and hurt its standing in the community by subjecting corporate officers to personal embarrassment.

There’s one simple change the next head of HHS can make that has the potential to save millions of American lives: stop the Food and Drug Administration’s dangerously foolish war on vaping.

Over-budget, over-time, under-delivered is a good way to describe the FAA’s ongoing failure to bring air traffic control into the 21st century.

Tom Price Should Focus on Reversing 'Mission Creep' at HHS
Trump's pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services can eliminate out-of-control spending by refocusing agency efforts on their primary purposes. As Secretary of Health and Human Services, Rep. Price has no say in how much money his agencies receive from Congress. By reining in what the agencies do, however, he can limit how much money they need to operate.


from EUobserver

May's speech was not a war declaration, Malta says
British prime minister Theresa May's confirmation that she intended to pull the UK out of the single market was "very welcome" and helped to clarify the issue, the Maltese prime minister said on Wednesday (18 January). Joseph Muscat, whose country holds the rotating six-month EU presidency, told journalists at a press conference that May's long-awaited speech on Tuesday was “a statement of clarity”. Referring to British press articles, Muscat said he “did not see in the prime minister's words, when I heard her first-hand, the sort of declaration of war that some media are depicting it was”.

EU must find backbone to survive in Trump's world
In a recent Atlantic interview, Henry Kissinger argued that above all, states and politicians around the world need to take the time to understand the implications of a Trump administration. He predicted that a “frenzy of studying” will now take place in an effort to formulate a response to this year’s election. The European Union (EU), however, cannot afford the luxury of a period of reflection.

Moldova turns from EU to Russia
Moldova’s president has said he would like to scrap his country's EU treaty, and confirmed that he has begun making preparations to join a Russia-led bloc instead. Igor Dodon, who came to power in December, made the announcement at a press conference with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Tuesday (17 January).


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Which State is the Biggest Moocher of Them All?
It’s important to remember that the map is showing the relationship between state revenue and federal transfers. So if a state has a very high tax burden, then federal aid will represent a smaller share of the total amount of money. By contrast, a very libertarian-oriented state with a very low tax burden might look like a moocher state simply because its tax collections are small relative to formulaic transfers from Uncle Sam.

The Oldest Rhetorical Trick in the Book
In his brilliant 1956 collection, Minority Report, H.L. Mencken stated: "If you were against the New Deal and its wholesale buying of pauper votes, then you were against Christian charity.  If you were against the gross injustices and dishonesties of the Wagner Labor Act, then you were against labor.  If you were against packing the Supreme Court, then you were in favor of letting Wall Street do it.  If you are against using Dr. Quack’s cancer salve, then you are in favor of letting Uncle Julius die.  If you are against Holy Church, or Christian Science, then you are against god.  It is an old, old argument."

Oxfam is Wrong About How to Alleviate Poverty
Our problem is poverty, not inequality. Those eight entrepreneurs who have more wealth than the bottom 50 percent, they got rich by making us richer.

Okay Cupid, Why Aren't Millennials Getting Married?
Only 26% of Millennials are married now, compared to 36% of Gen-Xers and 48% of Baby Boomers when they were young. We propose that the economy is to blame.


from First Things

Everyone has a right to their opinion about the state of Catholicism in 2017, but no one has a right to invent their own Church history. It does Pope Francis no good service for his self-professed supporters to demean his two predecessors as rigid ideologues. It’s also fake history.


from The Heritage Foundation

Anti-Business Policies Are the Real Reason Companies Leave
One of the benefits of international trade is that it helps reveal the cost of domestic policy. Lower labor costs are not the only reason companies move to other countries.

Study Shows Americans Flock to States With Less Burdensome Taxes
Migration patterns for 2016 show that Americans tended to move away from high-tax states and into states where residents keep more of what they earn. United Van Lines, the nation’s largest moving company, recently released its annual movers study report showing that South Dakota overtook Oregon as the top inbound destination.


from Huffington Post
[Information from this site may be unreliable.]

Clueless, Reckless, Graceless, Mindless And Heartless: Our President-Elect
Barbra Streisand: “This isn’t simply a matter of Republican versus Democratic.”


Education Website

Oxfam Thinks $8-Coffee-Drinking Millennials with Student Debt are the World’s Neediest
Every year, Oxfam releases a report meant to shock the public about the extent of income and wealth inequality. This year’s report claims that the eight richest people on Earth have as much wealth as the bottom half of the world’s population (3.6 out of 7.2 billion people). That’s certainly shocking. It’s also profoundly misleading. As others have pointed out, Oxfam reached that number with a questionable methodology, which also led them to several other absurd conclusions. According to their own graphs, more poor people live in North America and Europe than China (see the far left of the chart below). How can that be, given that traditional poverty measures show the opposite?


from LifeZette (& PoliZette)

Babin: Ending the Trojan Horse Refugee Threat
Swift action required to prevent terrorists from exploiting weak migrant policies
America’s United Nations-run refugee resettlement program poses a direct threat to the safety and security of the American people. ISIS has already successfully infiltrated the refugee flow into Europe and has pledged to do the same in America. To protect Americans and put their safety first, we must put a stop to this “Trojan Horse” threat.

Obama: ‘Justice Has Been Served’ for Manning
Defends commutation of former private's prison sentences, disputes the charges of 'contradictions'

President Obama’s ‘Naïve’ Approach to Russia
At final news conference, he casts Putin's aggressiveness in personal terms

Trump Ready to Move, With or Without Congress
Spicer says president-elect armed with Day One executive orders and a movement behind him

Obama Commutes Sentence of Communist Terrorist
Outgoing president hands get-out-of-jail card to FALN bomb maker Lopez-Rivera

Bernie Sanders: ‘We Are Not a Compassionate Society’
Vermont senator falsely claims U.S. at bottom of barrel on childhood poverty

Judge Napolitano: Expect More Commutations from Obama
Judicial analyst predicts outgoing president will expand historic jail break in last 24 hours

CNN Guest Doubles Down: Racism Elected Trump
Academic, media elites still refuse to accept issues, not racial animus, behind election shock
A prominent Georgetown University professor on Wednesday doubled down on the liberal narrative that racial animus fueled President-Elect Donald Trump’s successful campaign. Michael Eric Dyson, author of “Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America,” said on CNN that Trump is the manifestation of white voters enraged over the election of President Obama.

The Obama Presidency — By the Numbers
Eight statistics that will define the legacy of the 44th president of the United States

Looming Flash Points Between Trump and Ryan
Divergent stances on key issues could spark clash between incoming president, House speaker


from Mises Institute
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Inequality Doesn't Create Poverty
Oxfam, the leftwing NGO devoted to poverty relief has released a new report blaming poverty in wealth inequality. In other words, its central claim is that the existence of very wealthy people creates poverty. When egalitarians like Oxfam say some people are "worse off," they really mean those people are getting rich more slowly than some others.

Oxfam's Hypocrisy on Private Wealth
Earlier this week, the Oxfam organization published a “report” about global inequality. It’s not really a report, since most of it consists of babble-economics with little empirical foundation, and the hard data that it includes comes from an external source: the Credit Suisse Report. In any case, this data indicates that there is a lot of poverty in the world, whereas in some other places there is relatively much more wealth. This has led to loudly shouted statements in the media of how 8 people in the world have more wealth than half of the world population combined. Oxfam does not practice what it preaches. It is a foundation, functioning on annual revenues and also various benefits from invested capital.

The Money Myths Behind the Creation of the Federal Reserve
Patrick Newman: Roger Lowenstein's new book on the Federal Reserve relies on some well-worn myths about the monetary history of the United States. "The problem with economic historians,” Murray Rothbard once quipped, “is that half of them are historians who don’t know any economics and the other half are economists who don’t know any history.”

The Fortunes of Liberalism, in China and around the World
Peter G. Klein: When I visited Shanghai in December 2016, I was interviewed by Tyler Xiong at Jifeng Bookstore about the forthcoming Chinese edition of Hayek's The Fortunes of Liberalism, and about the prospects for liberty in China and around the world.


from New Statesman
"The leading voice of the British left, since 1913."

“Suddenly there was a deafening roar”: 100 years on from London’s biggest explosion
It was the most destructive explosion ever to blast London. A century ago, Silvertown, a small community in east London, was devastated by an explosion at a TNT factory so big that is was heard in north Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. Entire streets were destroyed, 73 people were killed and hundreds were injured. As World War I raged across the Channel, it was a terrible echo of the horrors taking place on the continent.


from The Spokesman-Review

Old Cheney High being converted to student housing
A Seattle developer is giving new life to the historic old Cheney High School by converting it into student housing right next to Eastern Washington University. The three-floor structure will house up to 36 apartments of different sizes.


from Zero Hedge
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Foreign Central Banks Liquidate Record $405 Billion In US Treasuries As China Sells Most US Paper Since 2011
The wholesale liquidation of US Treasuries continued in November, when according to the just released TIC data, foreign central banks sold another $936 million in US paper in November 2016, which due to an offset of $892 million in buying one year ago, means that for the 12 month period ended November, foreign central banks have now sold a new all time high of $405 million in the past 12 months, up from a record $403 million in LTM sales as of one month ago. As we pointed out one month ago, what has become increasingly obvious is that both foreign central banks, sovereign wealth funds, reserve managers, and virtually every other official institution in possession of US paper, is liquidating their holdings at a troubling pace, something which in light of the recent surge in yields, appears to have been a prudent move.


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