Friday, March 23, 2018

In the news, Friday, March 9, 2018


MAR 08      INDEX      MAR 10


from Competitive Enterprise Institute

More Evidence of Growth in February Job Figures
Today’s jobs numbers shattered expectations—313,000 new jobs in February against an expectation of 200,000. The numbers provide yet more support to the argument that supply side measures such as tax cuts and deregulation are working. Unfortunately, several questions remain as to whether this can continue.


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
RIGHT-CENTER BIAS, HIGH, non-profit organization

I Grew Up in a Communist System. Here’s What Americans Don’t Understand About Freedom
Individual freedom can only exist in the context of free-market capitalism. Personal freedom thrives in capitalism, declines in government-regulated economies, and vanishes in communism. Aside from better economic and legislative policies, what America needs is a more intense appreciation for individual freedom and capitalism.


from Forbes

This week, Congressional Democrats released a detailed tax hike plan that they promised to implement if given majority control of the House and Senate after the 2018 midterm elections. So much for the crocodile tears about the deficit--Democrats want to raise taxes not to reduce the debt, but rather to spend that tax hike money on boondoggle projects. As you might expect, hold onto your wallets.


from Foreign Policy
Magazine; part of Graham Holdings Company (formerly the Washington Post Company)

The State Department Needs Rehab
American diplomacy is losing its battle with the Trump administration — but it can still win the war.


from Mises Institute
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Robert Reich Gets These Seven Economics "Fundamentals" Very Wrong
Nearly 40 years ago, Lawrence Reed published “Seven Fallacies of Economics” in The Freeman in which he noted that much of what the public believes about economics is fallacious because most people fail to understand simple opportunity cost. Given the current trends in political economy, it is a sad certainty that most if not all of the fallacies Reed listed are still taken as economic truths in much of the academic world. Fast forward to former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, who now is a public policy professor at the University of California-Berkeley, and is a popular economic and political commentator on the Internet, making good use of Youtube for his lessons accompanied by board drawings. As if to counter Reed’s economic wisdom, Reich presents his “7 Incredibly Clear Economic Fundamentals.” As one will see, they not clear, they are not “economic fundamentals,” and they certainly do not represent sound economic thinking.


from New York Magazine

The World Is Better Than Ever. Why Are We Miserable?
The evidence of human progress is irrefutable, but it’s been accompanied by a loss of meaning that’s harder to quantify.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


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