Friday, October 19, 2012

Coulee City News and Standard, 15 August 2012

p. 2:

Learn about the Channeled Scablands at Sun Lakes-Dry Falls State Park

     OLYMPIA - The Washington State parks and Recreation Commission invites the public to two events highlighting the Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington at Sun Lakes-Dry Falls State Park in Grant County.
     A book signing and interpretive program featuring local expert and author John soennichsen will take place on this Saturday, August 18, within Sun Lakes-Dry Falls State park, near Coulee City.  Soennichsen will share his knowledge about the Channeled Scablands in eastern Washington and the geologic history of the area.  The book signing runs from 1 to 3 p.m. at Dry Falls visitor Center.  The interpretive program will feature a multimedia presentation by Soennichsen at 9 p.m. in the Sun Lakes-Dry Falls State Park amphitheater.  The Discover Pass is required for vehicle access to the event.

     John Soennichsen is the author of "Bretz Floods" and the recently released "Washington's Channeled Scablands."  Local to the Spokane area, Soennichsen lives alongside the scabland channel just outside of Cheney.  He has a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Oregon and a master of fine arts degree in creative writing from Eastern Washington University.  More invormation about his works may be found at
     Dry Falls Visitor Center is located two miles north of the Sun Lake-Dry Falls State Park entrance on Highway 17.  The center is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 1 to Oct. 31.  Admission is free, with donations accepted.  For more information about Dry Falls Visitor center, visit
     Sun Lakes-Dry Falls State Park is a 4,027-acre camping park with 73,640 feet of freshwater shoreline at the foot of Dry Falls.  Dry Falls is a geological wonder of North America.  Carved by Ice Age floods, the former waterfall is now a stark cliff, 400 feet high and 3.5 miles wide.  In its heyday, the waterfall was four times the size of Niagara Falls.  Today, it overlooks a desert oasis filled with lakes and abundant wildlife.
     Stay connected to your state parks by following Washington State Parks at, and  Share your favorite state park adventure on the new State Parks' blog site at
     The commission manages a diverse system of more than 100 state parks and recreation programs, including long-distance trails, boating safety and winter recreation.  The 99-year-old park system will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2013.
     Support state parks by purchasing your annual Discover Pass today, and enjoy a whole year of outdoor fun on Washington's beautiful state-managed recreation lands.  For more information, visit


p. 6

Coulee City Neighbors in the News
by Dorothy Graff     632-5373

     Jeff and Barb Grant of Ocean Shores came on Tuesday and stayed the night with his mother, Phyllis Rice.  When they left Wednesday they took his sister, Marlene Grant home with them to spend a week.
     Chris and Kim Jorgensenand family finished their wheat harvest on Friday.  Saturday they - Chris, Kim, Conor and Fieona, went to Spokane and participated in a three family yard sale at the home of Jill and Duane Spurbeck.  Jill and Kim's parents, Dale and Joan Wile also were there.  After the long hot day they all went out to dinner before returning home.
     Family here for Otto Jensen over the weekend were his daughter Janie Jensen, Janie's daughter Michelle and son Randin, all of Olympia along with granddaughter Sarah and husband Jay and Sarah's children, McKay and Ryan.  They came to attend the annual Pierpoint-Nutt reunion held at the old Pierpoint home place. There were a large number of relatives and friends gathered and of the original family, seven siblings attending were Bill Pierpoint and his wife Peggy of lacy, Bob Pierpoint of Colville, Frances Pierpoint of Chewelah, Marilyn of Chewelah, Bonnie of Kennewick, Miriam of Vancouver and Jane of Moses Lake.
     Before harvest, Rich and Katie Evans attended the PITA Grand Pacific Trapshoot at Evergreen Gun Club in Little Rock, Washington near Centralia, where rich earned High All Around Honors in the AA division.  Son Kenneth Evans also shot with his dad the final day of the week-long event.  Kenneth's wife, Adriane, and her parents joined Rich, Katie and Kenneth for dinner in Olympia that evening.  Following the shoot, Kenneth came "home" to help with harvest by driving combine.  Other visitors at Rich and Katie's during harvest were Holly and Mac Finkbeiner and their parents, Keith and Jackie.  Friday night a celebratory end-of-harvest dinner was held and Saturday the family enjoyed a day of boating, a picnic and water skiing on Banks Lake, joined by Ted Finkbeiner of Wenatchee.
     Sheri Behne traveled to the Tri-Cities Sunday and from there she and her daughter, Erin, and Erin's daughter left for San Diego, California.  Erin has a conference there this week and sheri will keep her granddaughter entertained.
      Visiting Letty Buob on Sunday were Alysia Buob, Maggie and Olivia, from Walla Walla.  They came on Friday and stayed until Sunday, visiting family.  Alysia's parents, derek and Sandy Policani of Cheney, also came for a visit.
      Barb Roberts accompanied Nancy Miller, Alicia McGuckin and Jodee to Wenatchee Friday to do some shopping.  Because it was so hot, they made it a quick trip!
      Former resident and Ag teacher, Steve Russell is working during harvest at the Adams ranch.  Over the weekend his wife, Tracy, visited and also stayed with Ben and Jenny Adams.
      Opal Oxos had her granddaughter Jamie Oxos stay from Friday to Saturday afternoon.  Opal returned her to her home in Ephrata and then stayed for the night with her family. On Sunday, Kelly Olsick, Opal's grandson, visited from Soap Lake.
      Tim and Melissa Hahn attended her niece Kimberly's wedding held friday night at Maple Valley.  Sunday, Melissa and Will were baptized at Blue Lake at the lake houses of Larry and Marilyn Tanneberg and Brian and Corrine Isaak.  Several others were also baptized.
      John Graff Sr and son, Johnny, traveled to Naches Saturday to pick up Johnny's daughters, Emily and Brittany.  Their step-sister, Paula Borrows, brought them from Toledo as far as naches.  The girls will stay at the Graff home for a two-week visit.
      Mary Rice had family visiting her last week which included Marianne, Amy, Elijah and Camryn Ebanez of Kennewick, Geoff and Evan Bechtol of Alaska, Jim and Jacquie Snyder of Shelton, Bob Snyder of Seattle and Brett Henkle of wenatchee.  Donna Bradshaw and daughter Karen stopped by Friday afternoon.
      Reese St John spent time with great-grandparents Linda and Mike Diaz.  While here his friend Adrian Bischoff came over to play.  Both Reese and his sister Jozlyn spent the past week in Coulee City while their parents went camping and to a concert with friends.  They spent Sunday to Thursday morning with Linda and Mike.  Jozlyn visited with her friend Maren Beardsley in the afternoons. One afternoon Maren's cousin Raleigh Shepler did the girl's hair and lightly applied makeup, which the girls enjoyed.  Reese and Grandma Linda had a special time together playing games on the Kindle, whild Jozlyn was at Maren's.  Reese had to teach Grandma how to play several of the games.  Linda says the kids weren't even gon a half hour before she was missing them and looks forward for a sleepover and when they can come visit again.
      Thursday, August 2, ShirleyRae Maes picked up grandson, Reese St John, to stat a few days with them.   Friday, ShirleyRae, Reese and Mason had a date to see Ice Age 4 and had a great time.  Joey stayed home with grandpa Richard keeping him entertained.  The following Thursday, August 9, the Maes home found three grandkids having a slumber party - Jozlyn and Reese St John and Mason Maes.  Friday joslyn and Reese stayed the night with uncle Josh and aunt Nichole, Mason and Joey.  They had dinner over the firepit which included S'Mores.  The kids are so happy Josh and Nichole have moved to Coulee City.  Saturday was spent running errands and ending with Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie in Ephr4ata for Reese, jozlyn, ShirleyRae and Richard. (Shhhh we won't tell who fell asleep during the movie.)  Sunday evening Brandi and Dave hansen pick up the two kids to return home and deprogram them from staying with grandparents all week. Damian is enjoying time with his dad and family.
      Wednesday Ben and Arlene Coates took Ben's truck to Moses Lake and to have the seat reupholstered.  They also went to the American Legion for lunch.  Thursday morning Ben and his riding buddy, Grant O'Berg met in Moses Lake leaving to Meridian, Idaho and on to Lewiston for the Idaho State H.O.G. Rally.  While there they took a ride up through the Sawtooth Mountains and another day rode to an old mining town named Idaho City.  Ben returned home on his birthday sunday and brought and Idaho State H.O.G. Rally banner with him.  Monday they picked up his truck and did some shopping in Moses Lake.

Hartline Happenings
by Dorothy Graff     632-5373

      Donna Thomas accompanied her son Ron Thomas to Spokane on Sunday to attend the surprise 78th birthday party for Ron's uncle Bill Cox, held at Shadle Center Park.  Ron said he had finished harvest.
      Bob and Anita Sieg and Nick, Sue and Gary Sieg, Garred and Gracie Smith, Randy and Jenny Sieg and two boys, Kyle and Zane celebrated the end of harvest with dinner at Chico's Saturday night.
      Bill and Shelley Higginbotham have had two additions to their family this summer!  A baby boy, Aiden Drew Roberts born July 3 to Kellen and Allyson roberts and a baby girl, Blakely Higgenbotham born July 23 to Kyle and Hannah Higginbotham at Vancouver.  Blakely joins a little brother, Jack.
      The Higginbothams are about halfway through harvest.  Tuesday they moved daughter Miranda to college.
      Family visiting at the Bob Dingmans were daughter Evelyn Hamann and her sons Hunter and Kael, of Spokane.  They stayed about three days, rode the combine and spent time at Blue Lake.  Doug also came up from Blue Lake to ride the combine with his children.  The Dingmans finished harvest Monday.
      Erwin and lauretta Baergen spent last week at Fruitland Bible Indian Camp, along with five of their grandchildren.  Lauretta spent most of her time in the kitchen!  On Monday afternoon they took grandchildren swimming at Spring Canyon.
      Cindy Couble said they and others were all working hard painting and getting the Hartline School ready for the 90th birthday on September 8, which is also Hartline Days.


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