Wednesday, May 21, 2014

In the news, Friday, April 25, 2014


APR 24      INDEX      APR 26


Some links to some sources may require subscription.


from ABC News (& affiliates)

*from ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice)


from Alex Jones (INFOWARS.COM)


from Allen West


from AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens


from The American Conservative


from The American Spectator




from AsiaNews


from Associated Press


from The Atlantic


from BBC News (UK)

Health atlas allows online search of risk by area
A new online map of England and Wales allows people to enter their postcode and find their community's risk of developing 14 conditions, such as heart disease and lung cancer.


from BizPac Review

Major Obama donor avoids jail time after brutally beating girlfriend
A high-dollar Obama donor who was caught on video brutally beating his girlfriend got off with 25 hours of community service last week after he pled guilty to domestic battery charges.


from The Blaze


from Bloomberg


from Breitbart


from BuzzFeed
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]


from CBC News (Canada)


from CBS News (& affiliates)


from Ceasefire Magazine (UK)


from Charisma News


from Choice and Truth
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]


from The Christian Science Monitor


from CNN


from (& MRC & NewsBusters)

Veteran Says He Thinks President Lied to Him About Obamacare
Chris Schiff, a Marine Corps veteran from Louisiana, lost his insurance because of Obamacare and now pays more than twice what he used to in health insurance premiums. He's featured in Americans for Prosperity's latest anti-Obamacare ad.


from Columbia Basin Herald

Endeavor Middle School walking routes analyzed
Officials believe Patton Blvd. is a safety concern for soon-to-be Endeavor Middle School students walking to school.

Moses Lake teenager sentenced in shooting
Jose Rivera, the 16-year-old boy who was an accomplice in the attempted murder of Dale Olmos, was sentenced to about two years and will serve that time in a state juvenile facility.

Old grenade found in Columbia River bed


from Conservative Infidel


from Conservative Tribune

BREAKING: First State Obamacare Exchange Goes Under in Oregon
Oregon, the state that was the poster-child for “getting covered,” has apparently created an exchange that functions so poorly that they’re having to drop it altogether and merge with as their official Obamacare website.


from Crosscut


from Cyndi's List


from The Daily Beast

Cliven Bundy Should 'Go Away'
The Daily Beast's Michael Tomasky joins MSNBC to discuss how the Republican party is responsible for the controversial Nevada rancher whose racist remarks have inflamed the country.

Exclusive: Putin Halts All Talks With White House
As new U.S. sanctions against Russia loom, the Kremlin has shut down—at least for now—intensive high level communications between top U.S. and Russian officials.


from The Daily Caller

Feds Spent $26.2 Million On Medicare Advantage For Illegal Immigrants
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has improperly paid millions of dollars to Medicare Advantage organizations on behalf of illegal immigrants.

Exclusive: Gov. Tom Ridge Resigns From Bloomberg’s New Gun Control Group

from EarthSky

Mountaineers leave Everest, as Sherpas say they won’t climb
Mountaineers began leaving Mt. Everest yesterday, as Sherpas refuse to climb again this year, out of respect for 16 who died in last week’s deadly avalanche.

This tiny creek connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
A raindrop striking Two Ocean Pass has a 50-50 chance of flowing out to the Pacific or down to the Gulf.


from East Oregonian




from Facecrooks (& Bitdefender)

Five Remedies for that Creepy Feeling You Might Be Spied On
With the rash of revelations about mass spying by the US NSA, rampant accusations of Chinese snooping, major security breaches worldwide and the rise of cyber crime, millions of internet users worldwide face that creepy feeling that somebody, somewhere is keeping an eye on them.


from Family Tree Magazine


from The Farmacy
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

The Worst Nutrition Advice in History? Here’s the Top 5 Contenders…1. Throw Away The Egg Yolks, The Most Nutritious Part of The Egg
2. Everyone Should Eat a Low-Fat, High-Carb Diet… Even Diabetics
3. A Calorie is a Calorie… Food Quality is Less Important
4. Use Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oils For Cooking
5. Replace Natural Butter With Processed, Trans Fat Laden Margarine

20 Ways to Build a Whole Food Kitchen on a BudgetMaking a trip to the grocery store these days is like running a gauntlet. From one side you are assaulted by food-like substances in brightly labeled packages, some even touting exaggerated health benefits from the toxins within. From the other side, you are gouged and poked by cleverly marketed “natural” foods that are 4 times the price of conventional foods. When you change directions to avoid one onslaught, you are immediately attacked by the other.

The 5 Best Backyard WeedsA major part of achieving optimal health is living in partnership with nature. Growing your own food is a great way to rekindle this connection with nature. But have you thought about eating plants that grow wild—perhaps in your own backyard? Some “weeds” can be delicious if prepared properly, and they are absolutely free.

7 Secrets that Cured My Acne Naturally

7 Simple Foods For Natural Weight Loss


from The Federalist

The Shallow Selfishness Of Social Media Sharing
I used to consider linking to an article to be one of the more valuable, less narcissistic things you could do on Facebook—compared with posting an album of selfies, say. Now I think the opposite is closer to the truth.

Why Medical Price Controls Are A Terrible IdeaLost in the efforts to repeal Obamacare is the fact that, even if it disappears, deterioration in the quality of care that Americans receive will continue. To date discussion centers on financial and political matters not the real problem which results from price controls on medical care;  how can we be sure that when we are sick or injured, we will receive the quality medical care we need?

The War On Women Is Now
Republicans may not be interested in this war, but this war is definitely interested in them

How Disney Princesses Lead Young Women To Dystopic Fiction


*from The Federalist Papers

Aetna CEO: Why 2015 Health Insurance Costs Will Jump Dramatically

Marco Rubio Offers Strong Defense of Gun Rights & 2nd Amendment

Hillary Clinton Discusses Her Views On The Second Amendment & Gun Control

Major Obama Donor Avoids Jail Time After Brutally Beating Girlfriend

NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Issues Blistering Takedown of Journalists Right to Their Faces!

Bundy’s Black Bodyguard: ‘I Would Take A Bullet For That Man’

Gabby Franco: “Freedoms Are Not Untouchable”

Harry Reid’s Double Standard on Racism Exposed

Controversial Welcome Sign In Detroit Tells Criminals Citizens Will Use Deadly Force To Defend Themselves

Dr. Phil Helps Fix The Relationship Between Putin and Obama

Ben Carson: How Bad Is America’s Financial Situation?

Democrats Are Making a Point Of Mocking Military Service This Election Cycle

S.E. Cupp: Bloomberg ‘Worst Face for Gun Control,’ NRA High-Fiving

Bundy vs. BLM Land Disputes Analyzed by Charles Krauthammer

Aborted Babies Being Incinerated to Provide Electricity in the United States
After reports a few weeks ago that aborted babies are burned to heat hospitals in the UK, today we get this: The remains of aborted humans are being shipped to a US power facility, in order to provide electricity to Oregon residents.


from Forbes


from Fox News (& affiliates)

Growing Grassroots Effort to Support Dr. Ben Carson for 2016 Presidential Election
As speculation builds over the 2016 Presidential field, there is a growing grassroots effort to draft retired pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson into the political fray.


from Freedom Foundation (WA)


from The Globe and Mail (Canada)


from Greatist


from The Guardian (UK)


from h+ Magazine


from Hartford Courant


from Health and Happiness
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]


from The Heritage Foundation  (The Foundry)

7 Reasons Nothing Should Stand in the Way of the Keystone XL Pipeline
The Washington Post slammed the Obama administration’s continued delay of a Keystone XL decision, calling it “absurd” and “embarrassing.” And for good reason—in fact, many good reasons.

Watch Jake Tapper Call Out Obama for Breaking Promise on Genocide
CNN anchor Jake Tapper yesterday highlighted the 99th anniversary of the Armenian genocide in light of President Obama’s broken campaign promise that the U.S. government would make a formal acknowledgment of the atrocities.

Why We Should Say “Yes” to a Culture of Marriage
Cultural changes have resulted in a society where unwed childbearing is acceptable and, in some communities, the norm. Tragically, the retreat from marriage and the rise of unwed births are associated with poorer outcomes, not only for men and women but for children and society.


from The Hill

Michelle's high five on 'Parks and Recreation'


from The Hindu  (Chennai / Madras, India)


from History


from Huffington Post

Cliven Bundy: If People Think I'm Racist, Blame MLK Jr.

Nasa Admits Humanity Will Not Survive Unless We Get To Mars

Elizabeth Warren Simplifies Thomas Piketty: 'Trickle Down Doesn't Work. Never Did'

Vaccination Has Saved 732,000 Children's Lives Since 1994, Says Report
More than 732,000 children's lives have been saved in the past 20 years due to routine vaccinations, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, 322 million cases of kids getting sick were prevented, according to the report.


from Human Events




from iFIBER ONE News (WA)

Grenade found in Columbia River bed near Vantage


from The Independent (UK)


from Independent Journal Review


from International Christian Concern

Christian Convert Dragged from Home and Publicly Executed in Somalia
Parents Grieve after Witnessing Daughter’s Murder for Her Faith
International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that suspected al-Shabab militants have murdered a woman professing the Christian faith earlier this month after breaking and entering into her home in Mogadishu. Sufia was at home with her parents when a group of armed men burst into her home. Leaving her parents untouched, the men grabbed Sufia, forcefully dragged her from the home at gunpoint, and then publicly shot her, firing into the on-looking crowd as friends and neighbors attempted to save her.

Three Egyptian Cousins Go to Libya; None Comes Back Alive
ICC Note: Attacks against Christians in Libya have struck close to home for one Egyptian family. Three cousins were killed by violent extremists after going to Libya in the hope of earning an income to assist their families in rural Upper Egypt. Two of them were killed in March of this year as the attacks against Christians have spiked.

Amidst Global Celebrations, Christians Grieve Easter Attacks in the CAR
ICC Note: The Central African Republic's deterioration into borderline genocide has heavily affected Christian communities throughout the violence-plagued nation. Easter week proved no better for the faithful, as radical Muslims murdered a Christian family of three after breaking into their home in the middle of the night April 16th, the Dombia Baptist Church in Bangui was burnt to the ground on April 17th, 37 year-old Father Christ Forman Wilibona of Saint Kisito Parish was killed by armed men linked to ex-Seleka on Good Friday, and Rev Thoma Ndakouzou, age 42, of the Baptist Church in Mbata was murdered Easter Saturday. Pray earnestly for peace and security in the Central African Republic and that God would protect his people.

Freedom of Religion Non-Existent in Bhutan Despite Happiness Claim
ICC Note: Bhutan is know for its policy of Gross National Happiness (GNH), but despite this measure, religious freedom for Christians in the small Asian country is almost non-existent. Christianity is not officially recognized by the royal government of Bhutan. This fact has resulted in Bhutan not having a single Christian burial ground nor a single church nor a single Christian bookstore anywhere in the country, despite Bhutan being home to an estimated 900,000 Christians.

Somali Christian Woman Dragged from Home, Executed Publicly
ICC Note: The public execution of Somali Christians by radical Islamists continues devestate underground Christian communities across the East African nation. Earlier this month, a Christian Somali woman by the name of Sufia was forcefully dragged from her home and shot before friends and neighbors by an armed gang of men who opened fire on those who attempted to help her. The result of a culture of systemic, impugned violence, Somalia pledges nothing more than violence and death for Christians.

Violence Against Religious Minorities in Pakistan Rose by 22% in 2013
ICC Note: Pakistan continues to be among the most religiously violent countries on the planet. The situation for Christians and other religious minorities in the Sunni Muslim majority country only got worse in 2013. According to reports, incidents of violence against religious minorities rose by some 22% in 2013. For Christians, this included the attack on Joseph Colony in March 2013 and the deadly suicide bombing of All Saints Church in Peshawar. Please pray as Christian continue to face extreme threats in Pakistan because of their faith.

Underground Congregations Across China Facing Arrests, Harassment
ICC Note: Thousands of Christians who worship in "underground," or unregistered churches across China have faced serious persecution over the past several months. The following article takes a look at several major incidents, including the ongoing repression of the Shouwang Church in Beijing, the raid on the Nanle County Christian Church of Henan, and the standoff over the demolition of the Sanjiang Christian Church in Zhejiang Province. Christians in China have faced various levels of persecution for centuries, most recently and most severely during the rule of Mao Tse-Tung from 1945-1976.

Indonesia: Christians Call for New Mayor to End Church Closure
ICC Note: The leaders and congregation of the GKI Yasmin church in Bogor, Indonesia, have called on the newly elected mayor of the region to re-open their church building that was sealed off in 2010 after violent protests by radical Islamic groups put pressure on local authorities. Despite pressure and threats, the congregation of GKI Yasmin refused to leave their church, even holding meetings in the street outside after it was sealed off, only to face angry large mobs of radical Islamists. Since 2010, the Supreme Court of Indonesia has ruled in the churches favor, calling for the church to re-open. The previous Bogor mayor, however, refused to comply with the Supreme Court ruling.

Trial of Jailed TSPM Pastor in Henan, China to Resume
ICC Note: While millions of Chinese Christians choose to worship in "underground" house churches outside of government control at risk of arrest or harassment, those who practice their faith inside a legal "Three-Self Patriotic Movement" Church usually expect to worship in peace. This has not been the case for the Nanle County Christian Church in Henan Province.  In November the church was raided and nearly two dozen members were eventually arrested for various trumped up charges. The churches pastor, Zhang Shaojie, has been held ever since and is still waiting for his trial to begin. It's believed the churches active involvement in the local community and possibly a dispute over church property led to the harsh crackdown at the hands of the authorities.


*from Jen Kuznicki

Doctors Must Speak Out To Save Their Profession
The Daily Mail tells the story of a cardiologist from Great Britain, Dr. Raj Mattu.  In 2002, Mattu was escorted off the premises of the hospital where he had worked after publicly denouncing the bureaucratic mess of NHS, Britain’s version of Obamacare, which he faulted for unnecessary deaths.

I’ve Had About Enough of Lunatic Holier-Than-Thous
During Mass on Easter Sunday, I cringed when the lector asked us to pray, “so that our generation will be the one to protect fragile Earth.”  I’m sure most of the faithful didn’t even give the comment a moment’s thought, but it kind of bothers me that Christians are constantly guilted into giving money or acting upon what amounts to a belief system that does not accept God, but earth instead, as our utmost Savior and Healer.


from The Jerusalem Post


from KGW-TV (Portland)


from KHQ Local News (Spokane)


from KING 5 (Seattle)


from KIRO 7 Eyewitness News (Seattle)


from KOIN Local 6 News (Portland)


from KOMO News (Seattle)

Avalanche traps WSDOT worker clearing Chinook Pass
 A WSDOT employee is OK after being trapped inside a bulldozer for several hours when an avalanche swept down a hillside along Chinook Pass Thursday morning.


from KREM 2 News (Spokane)


from KXLY 4 News (Spokane)


from LiveScience

***Justifying Atrocities Alters the Memory
Torture and atrocities are often downplayed by those inflicting the pain. Now, research reveals how attempting to justify the behavior of one's own group literally alters memory. Essentially, people "morally disengage," a term meaning the process of convincing oneself that ethical standards don't apply to you or your group, the researchers said.

Hot, Hot, Hot: National Park Seen from Orbit
Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas sits next to and partially overlaps the city of Hot Springs, home to 35,000 residents. The park encompasses 5,550 acres (2,250 hectares), including the island of buildings in the green Ouachita Mountains.

Are Wide-Hipped Women Promiscuous? Study Births a Controversy

Poop Apps: 5 Tools for Tracking Your Stools
Sometimes it seems like there's a smartphone app for almost everything, and a ton of them let you track data about yourself. There are apps for tracking your daily calories burned, steps taken and stairs climbed — and now there is a wealth of apps that let you track your bowel movements.

Why Twitter Selfies Matter: They May Reveal Our Moods
By analyzing 1 million photos tweeted over a period of one year, researchers are planning to measure the "moods" of some American cities. The team, including researchers at the University of California, San Diego, and the City University of New York, will correlate the Twitter image data with other sources of happiness data, such as the Gallup Poll results.

Photos of Flightless Birds: All 18 Penguin Species
In honor of ‪#‎WorldPenguinDay‬, a look at the many species of penguins!
[from 10 Sep 2010]


from Los Angeles Times


from MEDIAite


from Media Matters for America


from Money Talks News

7 Extreme Ways to Save Money

Take 5: A Roundup of Reads From Around the Web
1. 10 Romantic and Inexpensive Gift Ideas for Your Girlfriend or Wife
2. Work Stress – At What Point Would You Quit?
3. The Surprising Place I Taught My Daughter About Money
4. 10 Steps to Fix Your Money Problems
5. Weird Money Facts: Why We Throw Money in Fountains

Bitcoin for Dummies
Are bitcoins the next big thing in tech and finance or the Betamax of currency? We explain what they are, how to get some, and if it's worth the risk.

Coffee prices have doubled recently after a brutal drought in Brazil, which produces a third of the world’s coffee. Arabica beans, used for most global coffee production, have been hit especially hard by the dry spell, CBS News said.


from Mother Nature Network

What's the difference between frogs and toads?
In honor of Save the Frogs Day on April 26, leap into the ribbiting world of amphibian ambiguity.

9 foods that fight bad breath
Skip the commercial mouthwash and eat your halitosis away instead.


from MSN News

Stellar photos from the Hubble
Some of the best photos NASA's space telescope has taken since launching on April 24, 1990


from NASA

Drill Here? NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover Inspects Site
The team operating NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is telling the rover to use several tools this weekend to inspect a sandstone slab being evaluated as a possible drilling target.


from The National Audubon Society


from National Geographic

Week's Best Space Photos: Cosmic "Dragon," Alaska Auroras

Cold War Spy-Satellite Images Unveil Lost Cities
Cold War reconnaissance photos triple the number of known archaeology sites across the Middle East.


from National Journal


from National Review

U.S. Reporters Grill Obama in Asia: Did You Like Your Green-Tea Ice Cream?
President Obama’s Asia trip has received some tough criticism back in the United States, but the traveling press seems to be giving the president an easy enough time.


from Natural Society
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Turmeric Shown to Save Your Brain from Toxic Fluoride Poisoning


from NBC News (& affiliates)

Boehner mocks GOP on immigration reform: ‘Ohhh, this is too hard!’


from The New Republic


from Newsmax


from New York Daily News


from New York Magazine


from New York Post


from NPR (& affiliates)


from NWCN (ID-OR-WA)

UW launches effort to prepare region for major quake
A magnitude 9 earthquake struck the Northwest in the year 1700. Scientists fully expect one to happen again. This week, the University of Washington hosted 55 experts with the goal of preparing for the next big one.

WSDOT worker buried under avalanche for five hours
A Washington State Department of Transportation worker was rescued after being trapped in his bulldozer under a natural avalanche for several hours Thursday.

Do you know these Google tricks?
by Kim Komando, Special for USA TODAY

North Bend residents heard, felt blast from miles away
An explosion and fire has destroyed or damaged several businesses in North Bend Friday morning, sending debris flying as far as four blocks away.


from One Minute Healings
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]


from The Oregonian

Welfare in Oregon: Audit paints detailed portrait
Oregon welfare recipients spent just 14.1 hours a month on work-related activities in 2010 – the lowest in the nation.

Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber firmly opposes Ambre Energy coal export terminal, sets May deadline
Gov. John Kitzhaber has taken his strongest stand against a proposed coal export terminal proposed at the Port of Morrow in Boardman, saying it should be rejected and setting a May 31 deadline for a state decision on the project.


from PBS (& affiliates)


from Personal Liberty

More Than Half Believe Neither Party Is For The People

Colorado’s ‘Legalized’ Theft
What began as a strategy for attorneys to obtain Colorado State tax credits for rich clients changed into a way for said attorneys enrich themselves.


from Pew Research Center


from PJ Media




from PoliticusUSA


from Popular Science

The Week In Drones: A War In Yemen, Farming At Night, And More

Toe-Tickling Shoes Let You Navigate The City By Touch
MIT researcher's project replaces smartphone maps with cloud-connected insoles

The Week In Numbers: Powdered Booze, New Rules For E-Cigs, And More

A Packing Peanut Ocean And Other Amazing Images From This Week

Should Animals Be Able To Sue Their Owners?
One group of lawyers thinks so--and vows not to quit until they succeed.

DNA Particles Could Prevent Olive Oil Counterfeiting
In recent years, counterfeit oils have become big business; One European Union anti-fraud trafficker said that the profits from counterfeit olive oil are “comparable to cocaine trafficking, with none of the risks.” Olive oil is often cut with less expensive vegetable oil and disguised with chlorophyll and beta carotene to look genuine, and fakes are surprisingly difficult to detect.

Hints To Longevity Found In Blood Of 115-Year-Old Woman
She maintained clear cognition until near the end of her life.

Mobile App Analyzes A Drink Menu For You
Within a minute, SipSnapp reads the list from the menu and returns a detailed analysis: brewer, style, user ratings and more.

To The Moon With C-1s Or Bust!
Before President Kennedy promised America the Moon, NASA was already planning its manned lunar landing mission.

The (Psychic?) Dreams Of Psychologists
Psychologists have discovered definitive proof that psychic powers exist. (Or not...)


from Press TV (Iran)


[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Every Human Being Carries A Unique Collection of Bacteria That Stems From Everything We've Interacted With In Our Life
As scientists catalog the trillions of bacteria found in every nook and cranny of the human body, a new look by the University of Michigan shows wide variation in the types of bacteria found in healthy people. Based on their findings in Nature, there is no single healthy microbiome. Rather each person harbors a unique and varied collection of bacteria that’s the result of life history as well as their interactions with the environment, diet and medication use.

The "OMG I Can't Believe It's A Raw Brownie" Recipe
Careful because when you eat this brownie, you may not want to eat another cooked brownie again. It's that good. The buttery-nuttiness of the walnuts combined with the sweet dates in the base is only complemented with the rich chocolatey icing. It's simply one of the most delicious and healthiest brownies you will ever taste.


from Psychology Today


from Q13Fox News (KCPQ Seattle)


from Real Clear Politics

Bill Maher: "Socialism Built The Middle Class In America"


from RedState


from RELEVANT Magazine

3 Things to Know About Finding Your Calling
Some things to remember while trying to figure out what you're made to do.


from RetroVision

Lucille Ball died 25 years ago today at the age of 77


from Reuters


from Riel World View (Dan Riehl)


from The Right Scoop


from Right Wing News


from RT (Russia Today)


from ScienceDaily

Star is discovered to be a close neighbor of the Sun and the coldest of its kind
A 'brown dwarf' star that appears to be the coldest of its kind -- as frosty as Earth's North Pole -- has been discovered by astronomers. The object's distance at 7.2 light-years away, making it the fourth closest system to our Sun.

Reconstructed ancient ocean reveals secrets about the origin of life
Researchers have published details about how the first organisms on Earth could have become metabolically active. The results permit scientists to speculate how primitive cells learned to synthesize their organic components -- the molecules that form RNA, lipids and amino acids. The findings also suggest an order for the sequence of events that led to the origin of life.

Increasing consumption of coffee associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, study finds
Increasing coffee consumption by on average one and half cups per day over a four-year period reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 11 percent, research shows. Coffee and tea consumption has been associated with a lower type 2 diabetes risk but little is known about how changes in coffee and tea consumption influence subsequent type 2 diabetes risk, until now.

Traces of recent water on Mars: Liquid water on Mars as recently as 200,000 years ago
New research has shown that there was liquid water on Mars as recently as 200,000 years ago. The southern hemisphere of Mars is home to a crater that contains very well-preserved gullies and debris flow deposits. The geomorphological attributes of these landforms provide evidence that they were formed by the action of liquid water in geologically recent time.


from Scientific American


from The Seattle Post-Intelligencer


from Skeptoid Podcast


from Sky News (UK)

Health Atlas Reveals Patterns Of Illness
An online tool allows you to search your postcode to check on levels of pollution and disease in your area of England and Wales.


from Slate
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]


from Smithsonian Magazine


from (& CollectSpace)

Biggest Solar Flares of 2014: Sun Storm Photos

The Future of Humanity Awaits in Deep Space, NASA Chief Says

SpaceX Formally Protests US Air Force's Rocket Launch Block Buy Contracts

Mars Rover Curiosity Snaps First Asteroid Photo from Red Planet
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has captured the first image of asteroids as seen from the surface of the Red Planet. Curiosity's historic asteroid picture of the Martian sky shows Ceres and Vesta, the two biggest space rocks in the solar system's asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. These objects would be bright enough to be visible to a person with normal eyesight standing on the Red Planet, NASA officials wrote in an image description.

Sun Unleashes Major Solar Flare
The sun erupted with a massive solar flare late Thursday (April 24), triggering a temporary communications blackout on some parts of Earth.


from SPIEGEL International (Der Spiegel)


from The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA)


from The Star (Grand Coulee, WA)

Drawdown exposes explosives along Lake Roosevelt
Explosive material has been found in the bed of the drawn down Lake Roosevelt at the north end of the reservoir behind Grand Coulee Dam, and authorities think more may exist.
News Release from National Park Service


from Sunny Skyz


from Talking Points Memo


from The Telegraph (UK)

Lloyds drops overdraft fee on Islamic accounts
Bank accused of discrimination after telling Muslims they would escape overdraft charge of up to £80 a month




from Think Progress


from Time


from The Times of India




from USA Today


from U.S. News and World Report


from Viral Nova


from The Wall Street Journal


from The Washington Examiner (DC)


from The Washington Free Beacon (DC)

Pentagon: Russian Spy Ship, Tug Operating Near U.S.
Ships near nuclear submarine base at Kings Bay, Ga.


from The Washington Policy Center (State)


from The Washington Post (DC)


from The Week


from The Weekly Standard


from The Wenatchee World (WA)


from The Western Center for Journalism
(Western Journalism)


from WIRED

American Children Pose With Their Guns
Approaching strangers at gun ranges across America and asking to photograph their children holding guns isn’t likely to get you the warmest reception. But that’s exactly what photographer An-Sofie Kesteleyn did last June for her series My First Rifle.

We Need Online Alter Egos Now More Than Ever


from WND (World Net Daily)


from Yahoo News


from Yakima Herald-Republic


from Zero Hedge


from 100 Percent FED Up

Feds Spent $26.2 Million On Medicare Advantage For Illegal Aliens

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