Saturday, September 21, 2019

In the news, Monday, September 9, 2019


SEP 08      INDEX      SEP 10


from Algemeiner
New York-based  Jewish newspaper

President Truman, George Marshall, and Israel
Some in American Jewry are split over whether Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel or pro-Jewish president in the history of the US. Before Trump, some people would have said it was Harry Truman, who in 1947 supported the idea of partitioning the Palestine Mandate into Jewish and Arab territories. He then voted to recognize Israel, following its declaration of independence after the Arab states rejected compromise and declared all-out war. He did this against the overwhelming opposition of some advisers, the State Department, the WASP establishment, and the antisemitic lobbies.


from Conciliar Post

My last article presented several of Jesus’ teachings from the Wisdom of Sirach and noted the fact that Matthew’s gospel paid particular attention to those teachings. While Wisdom of Sirach had only a limited impact on the New Testament, the history of the Maccabees affected first century Judaism so strongly that our Protestant avoidance of 1st and 2nd Maccabees has enabled serious errors in some of our most central doctrines. Like Sirach, 1st and 2nd Maccabees have been mislabeled as “apocrypha,” a title originally reserved for heretical Gnostic writings;1 but no apocryphal teachings arise in 1st or 2nd Maccabees. Even if one does not accept these books as Scripture, Martin Luther called them “profitable and good to read.”2 My hope is that this article will encourage many Christians to read these chronicles of resistance and victory, which strongly shaped Jewish culture at the time of our Lord’s incarnation and the Writings which followed from His apostles.


from Duluth News Tribune
Broadcasting & Media Production Company in Duluth, Minnesota

Duluth synagogue fire under investigation
As Duluth firefighters worked in the rain on Monday afternoon to stabilize a synagogue destroyed by fire overnight, officials were holding open all possibilities about the fire's cause. "Any investigation that we do, we look to make sure (whether) there is a crime or the absence of a crime," Police Chief Mike Tusken said at a City Hall news conference. Firefighters responded at 2:23 a.m. Monday to the fire at the 120-year-old building that was the home of the tiny Adas Israel Congregation, and police investigators were on the scene soon after, Tusken said. Two "people of interest" were interviewed, Tusken said, although he didn't characterize them as suspects.


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
RIGHT-CENTER BIAS, HIGH, non-profit organization

The story of a resurgent polar bear population deserves to be told and applauded.


from The Guardian (UK)

London's abandoned underground – in pictures
London has been shaped by its railways, ever since the Metropolitan opened as the world’s first underground line in 1863. As the network grew, old stations, tunnels, entrances, passageways and shafts were left behind.


from The New American Magazine
RIGHT BIAS: John Birch Society

The Deadly History of Socialism
Many Americans, especially young people, want to get rid of capitalism — because of its inequality — and install socialism as a replacement. But such a plan has been tried all over the world, with disastrous results.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


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