Friday, May 31, 2019

In the news, Tuesday, May 21, 2019


MAY 20      INDEX      MAY 22


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
RIGHT-CENTER BIAS, HIGH, non-profit organization

Safe Injection Sites Save Lives, so Why Does the DOJ Want to Ban Them?
The DOJ’s aggressive actions send a definite signal to those hoping to open up one safe injection facilities: expect fierce opposition.

The Solution to Social Media Censorship Is Simple
One has to support the property rights, and consequently, free speech of his political enemies in order to uphold that of his. Just as in the physical realm, individuals on the internet associate with whom they have shared interests. Market mechanisms have allowed for the exercising of this freedom of association, and state intervention only blurs the lines.

Why Forgiving Student Debt Would Solve Nothing
Student loan forgiveness might succeed as a presidential campaign’s bumper sticker, but it fails as a serious policy. Fact: The highest-income quartile holds nearly three times the amount of student debt as does the lowest-income quartile.

Statistical Disparities Among Groups Are Not Proof of Discrimination
To cling to a narrative that asserts racial discrimination as the only cause of statistical disparities turns a blind eye to reality and leads to harmful policies. The bottom line, as Thomas Sowell said, is that “Statistical disparities extend into every aspect of human life” and that “statistical disparities are commonplace among human beings.”

Social Security's Biggest Losers (and Biggest Winners)
Social Security “contributions” do not actually entitle workers to the benefits they have been promised. If Social Security was efficient, equitable, reliable, and sustainable, defending the status quo might be sensible. But it is none of those things.

An examination of the early progressive philosophy of zoning laws and the individuals who executed them. Many view zoning laws to be onerous and burdensome on developers, renters, and homeowners. But worse than that, the history of zoning laws is littered with racist central planners tasked with planning cities and landscapes, resulting in intentional racial segregation.


from  Education Website

Cosmetic Procedures Are Becoming More Affordable
If health care in the U.S. were as cost efficient as the delivery of cosmetic procedures, Americans would have saved $1.19 trillion last year.


from The Independent
LEFT BIAS, Media/News Company in London, UK

Game of Thrones tapped into fears of revolution and political women – and left us no better off than before
The last season of the Game of Thrones has prompted public outcry and culminated in a petition (signed by almost 1 million outraged viewers) to disqualify the entire season and re-shoot a new one. The ferocity of the debate is in itself a proof that the ideological stakes must be high.


from Mises Institute

The Unseen Costs of "Medicare for All"
Most of the attention on Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Medicare for All” plan has focused on the financial costs of its implementation. This is understandable, given that some estimates project costs to exceed $32 trillion over its first ten years, and that Medicare is already suffering massive losses – more than $130 billion since 2008 – along with facing unfunded liabilities in excess of $30 trillion. But what about the non-financial costs like doctor shortages, foregone treatment due to lack of access to care and tens of thousands of deaths due to overly aggressive care?

Tucker Carlson and AOC Are Wrong About Christianity and Usury
Recently the nominally conservative, but increasingly populist firebrand Tucker Carlson joined self-proclaimed socialists Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders in calling for a federally-imposed 15 percent cap on interest rates. In a livestream video introducing their new bill, the Loan Shark Prevention Act , the two legislators lashed out against credit card companies and the payday loan industry for engaging in “predatory” behavior. Ocasio-Cortez tries to use Christian theology to support her interest-rate cap on credit cards - which mostly hurts poor people. But she doesn't understand the Christian position.


from Orthodox Christianity –
Religious Organization in Moscow, Russia

A fire broke out at the Russian St. Panteleimon’s Monastery on Mt. Athos on Sunday, causing serious damage that has yet to be fully assessed. Thankfully, there were no human casualties, and none of the monastery’s sacred relics or icons were damaged. However, the extent of the damage is rather serious and the material damage is quite large. In an interview with Tsargrad, the abbot of the monastery, Archimandrite Evlogy (Ivanov) explained that during the night of Saturday to Sunday, the room housing the monastery’s generators and other technical equipment caught fire and completely burned out. It is unclear what caused the fire. Only one small generator survived, with which they are powering the kitchen. Even the lights in the church are all turned off.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


from WND (World Net Daily)
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

Totally devastated': Major Christian broadcaster suffers catastrophic firebombing
It’s one of the largest Christian networks in the world, and it has now become the victim of a catastrophic firebombing. The Jerusalem studios of Daystar were completely destroyed over the weekend during a weekend arson attack. “Reduced to a pile of rubble and ashes,” said network owner Marcus Lamb. “I’m certain the enemy thought this attack would be fatal to our efforts to share the Gospel across Israel. But as usual, he’s wrong. What the devil meant for evil, God will use for our good.”


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