Coulee City News
JOE and VIRGINIA PIERCE, Publishers.
Volume 1, Number 2
p. 5, col. 1
Nadine Tanneberg of St. Andrews was taken ill with pneumonia while in school at Hartline last Friday. She was taken to the hospital at Coulee Dam.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Watson and daughter, Rosalie, moved Sunday from the Weller apartments to the Bureau of Reclamation quonset village.
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p. 5, col. 2
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jorgensen of St. Andrews are spending this week in Spokane visiting her sister, Mrs. F. J. Wilcox and family and her brother, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Larsen and family and his niece, Mrs. Pat Gilbert and family.
Mrs. Jess Boyd and son, Larry, are visiting this week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Besaw, in Seattle. Mr. Boyd will meet them in Yakima this week-end and they will attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Marjorie Gagnier, on Sunday before returning home.
Mrs. Paul Borst and Mrs. F. G. Borst spent a day in Spokane last week.
Mrs. H. W. Pyles, who has been confined to her home with neuralgia, was in town last week.
William Donald Thompson, pre-medical student at Whitman college in Walla Walla, visited recently with his mother, Mrs. Alice J. Thompson.
Mrs. Velma Taylor had as a weekend guest her daughter, Mrs. Anna Rae Trout of Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Michelson and two children of St. Andrews have returned from a month's visit with relatives in Southern California.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jensen and three daughters have recently returned from Junction City, Ore., where they visited his sister, Mrs. Earl Jager.
Mrs. C. J. Hermesen from Tacoma has joined her husband here. He is employed by Brady Construction Co.
Mrs. Selma Johnson spent four days in Seattle last week attending market.
Mrs. Bonnie Hallette started to work last week at Neihart Drug.
Mrs. J. E. Bach was out last week after two weeks of flu.
p. 5, col. 3-4
Women's Groups Give To VFW
A pledge of $300 to the VFW memorial hall fund was the main business transacted at the meeting last week of the Woman's Club at the home of Mrs. Mary Pitts.
Mrs. Rachel Wagoner, Mrs. Opal Gray and Mrs. Anne Singert were members appointed to a committee in charge of sending boxes to the French child adopted by the group.
Members were invited to contribute articles to include in the box. All articles to be purchased will come from the club treasury. The first box was sent last week.
Following the meeting, members of the cast of "Nuts and Bolts," a play being prepared by the club, rehearsed. Mrs. Sue Adkins is directing the play.
Mrs. Mary Rhoades will be hostess at the club Xmas party next Tuesday evening.
Members of the Auxiliary to the VFW voted to donate $200 to the VFW memorial hall fund at their regular meeting last week, held at the home of Mrs. Charles Weller.
Mrs. Evelyn Travis, Mrs. Irma Boyd and Mrs. Rachel Wagoner were appointed to investigate possibilities for giving a New Years dance in the school gym, with part of the proceeds to go to the VFW fund.
Investigation revealed that the gym still has partitions in it, which will make the dance impossible.
Mrs. Don Wilson, color bearer, officiated in the absence of senior officers. Eleven members attended.
p. 5, col. 3
Miss Marjorie Gagnier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gagnier of Seattle, will be married Sunday to Martin H. James of Yakima.
The ceremony will be at 12 noon, at the Church of God in Yakima. The reception after the wedding will be held at the home of the bride-elect's grandmother, Mrs. Della Green.
Among the out-of-town guests for the wedding and reception will be Mr. and Mrs. Jess Boyd of Coulee City. Miss Gagnier visited in Coulee City with Mrs. Boyd, who is her cousin, last summer, and while here was employed at the Coulee City Cafe.
The couple will make their home in Yakima.
Members of the Westminister Women's Association voted to adopt two French children at their last meeting at the home of Mrs. Mary Pitts.
Mrs. Art Lewis was named chairman of a committee composed of Mrs. Agnes Gutsmidt, Mrs. Edna Rhoades, and Mrs. Rachel wagoner, to be in charge of sending boxes to the children,a boy and a girl.
Members also drew names for the Christmas party to be held December 19 at the Ladies Aid parlor. Nineteen members attended.
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p. 6, col. 1-2
p. 6, col. 1-3
Big Crowd Attends Club's Turkey Shoot
Approximately 1000 people attended the turkey shoot held Sunday by the Sportsman's Club at their new clubhouse east of town.
Sportsmen from all over this area, including Waterville, Tonasket, Ellensburg, Moses Lake, Marlin, Wilson Creek, Almira, Hartline, Wilbur, Grand Coulee, Mansfield, Ephrata and Soap Lake, attended the event.
"We ran out of turkeys after 75 had been won, and gave $8 prize money to 12 other turkey winners," J. L. Tucker, who was in charge of the shoot, said.
Sixty-five hams, 20 sides of bacon, 6 dozen pair of nylons and 13 geese were also won during the day.
Proceeds from the event were about $1100 and will be used in paying for the new clubhouse and for new traps.
If shells are available, the club will hold a two-day shoot late in March for the sole benefit of the VFW Joplin-Gilden memorial hall fund, Mr. Tucker said.
The club's shooting layout won favorable comment from outside shooters.
Lunch at the shoot was served by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Sportsman's Club which announces a profit of $100 to be used to buy cups, silver and other furnishings for the club house.
Mrs. Dolly Jess was chairman of the social committee in charge of the lunch.
Mrs. Oscar Singert, president, stated that all auxiliary members worked with Mrs. Jess to insure the day's success.
Next meeting of the Sportsman's Club will be at the clubhouse Wednesday. The auxiliary will hold a Christmas party tomorrow at the home of Mrs. Elsie Twining, and will have no more regular meetings until January.
p. 6, col. 4
The St. Andrews Grange will hold its Christmas tree and program at the next regular meeting at 7:30 pm Dec. 21.
The meeting will be for Grangers and their families. Each member should bring a gift for exchange.
Parents may bring gifts for their children, bearing name tags. Women are asked to bring sandwiches.
p. 6, col. 4-5
p. 7, col. 2
Housing which needs another month's work to complete, carpenters leaving town every day, dozens of people anxiously looking for a place to live--that's the local housing situation.
Work on the FPHA project was abruptly stopped last week by the contractor, Brady construction company of Seattle. No public explanation has been made for the stoppage.
Mayor George C. W. Hartman reports he has had "not a line" from the FPHA to explain the stoppage. An FPHA official was in Coulee City the day after work was halted, but he had no idea why the work was stopped or when it would be resumed.
Work on the project was begun in October. The contract between the FPHA and the city called for the city to furnish the site, sewage and water connections and the FPHA to erect the buildings. The city was to operate the project, and the units were to be torn down at the end of five years. Originally, 42 units were to be built, but that was later cut back to 30 by the Seattle office of the FPHA.
Brady construction was building the project on a cost-plus basis. Other Brady projects in Central Washington were halted at the same time.
p. 7, col. 3
The unity and power of the 25 major Protestant denominational churches working together through the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America was the greatest inspiration received from the recent gathering in Seattle, the rev. H. M. Course said upon returning.
Rev. and Mrs. Course returned last Saturday from Seattle where the council convened from Tuesday through Friday.
Among the most interesting speakers was Pastor Martin Niemoller, Rev. Course said. Although they were unable to sit in the main auditorium where all 3000 seats were filled for the Niemoller address, the Courses did find seats with 800 others in the basement where the speech was broadcast by loudspeaker.
Pastor Niemoller and another noted speaker, Miss Hanna Schokking of the Netherlands, came to the basement following their addresses, Rev. Course said.
Several hundred people were turned away from the crowded building at the Niemoller address.
Having attend 41 synod meetings, which is the annual state meeting of Presbyterian churches, and holding office a large part of the time, Rev. Course found this convention, with no responsibilities, no need to watch and take notes, a unique experience.
Wilson Creek basket-ballers won the county merry-go-round Saturday.
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p. 8, col. 1
Mr. and Mrs. William Herrmann and caughter, Mary, of Levenworth visited here last Sunday with Mr. Herrmann's sister, Mrs. Howard Kiehlbauch.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller will leave next week to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller, at Coeur D'Alene, Id.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. W. Hartman and children, Mary, George, Paul and Walter, were in Spokane last week. Mr. Hartman went to Waterville on Tuesday to bring Mrs. Hartman's mother, Mrs. Janetta Miller of Ontario, Ore., for a visit with the Hartmans. Mrs. Miller has been visiting with another daughter, Mrs. John Smith, at Waterville.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weller returned Monday from Spokane where they had spent several days. Mr. Weller attended a meeting of the Northwest Mining Association on Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Pierre and children of Bridgeport, formerly of Coulee City, visited recently with Mrs. John Tomkoski.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gilman of Ephrata visited last Sunday with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Joplin. Mr. Gilman is Grant County sheriff.
Mayor T. J. Howell and son, James, of Ellensburg were guests last Saturday night and Sunday of Mr. Howell's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tucker. They attended the Turkey Shoot Sunday.
The Rev. and Mrs. Course were brought home from Seattle last week-end by a nephew, Albert Course, and a niece, Mrs. Alma Swartz, and her family. Enroute here they visited briefly with relatives in Wenatchee, and called upon Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edgemon here before returning home.
R. M. Buker, controller at the Connelly construction project here, will leave next Friday for San Francisco to spend the Christmas holidays.
The Coulee City School will present its Christmas program at 7:30 pm Wednesday at the Presbyterian Church.
All students in the first four grades will take part in the plays, recitations, drills and songs.
A Christmas tree will be held following the program, with treats for all the children.
Miss Althea Adams is in charge, assisted by Mrs. Frank Legner, Mrs. Arnie Gardner, and Miss Gudrun Holm.
The public is invited.
p. 8, col. 2-4
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