Friday, April 30, 2021

In the news, Monday, April 19, 2021


APR 18      INDEX      APR 20


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
RIGHT-CENTER BIAS, HIGH, non-profit organization

The Biden Administration’s defense budget outline for FY 2022 does not cover the inflationary rising costs of operating and maintaining the current force structure, much less make the necessary investments to continue to modernize the force. Furthermore, announced Administration policies burden the force with combatting climate change, promoting LGBT rights, and tackling unspecified “extremism” at home. Unless remedied by Congress, the Pentagon will have to reduce its planned training, procurement, and research and development efforts to fund increases in personnel, health care, fuel, and other costs. Maintaining force structure and modernization plans requires at least 3 percent growth in defense spending, but the President requested only a 1.4 percent increase. While China and Russia invest in defense at an alarming pace, this below-inflation increase would force the Pentagon to reduce capabilities and readiness. Congress must correct President Biden’s topline and send a message to the world that the U.S. is willing to invest in maintaining its military advantage.

Since Earth Day’s inception in 1970, air quality in the United States has improved significantly. According to the latest report from the Environmental Protection Agency, pollution from the six most common air pollutants has dropped 77% from 1970-2019. We are using energy more efficiently, which saves money and reduces pollution. The U.S. Energy Information Administration projects continued improvement in energy efficiency from the industrial, commercial, transportation and residential sectors of the economy. It is critical to embrace economic freedom and harness the talent of human ingenuity. Many of the indicators that measure a country’s overall economic freedom drive efficiencies and incentivize environmental stewardship. Environmental progress does not mean handicapping economic development. Free societies are the best hope for restoring our earth for current and future generations.

A key aspect of the White House’s grand plan to put Americans back to work is projected to boomerang back in workers’ faces.
President Biden is touting his new $2.3 trillion+ spending plan as a boon to workers, even dubbing it the “American Jobs Act.” But there’s reason to believe that a key provision in Biden’s plan would result in a sizable drop in income for millions of American families. The president wants to pay for his multi-trillion-dollar spending proposal in part by raising the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. A new study from the conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation finds that this tax increase on “Big Business” would ultimately be borne in large part by workers. Heritage macroeconomist Parker Sheppard projects that the economy would shrink to the tune of $1,650 lost per household, with the median worker seeing an $840 decline in their annual income.


from The Heritage Foundation
RIGHT BIAS,  MIXED  American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C.

The Heritage Foundation released a fact check Friday of some of the most egregious lies being echoed by members of Congress, the media, Hollywood, and corporate America about the new election integrity reform in Georgia. These reforms are about one thing—making it easier for American citizens to vote, while making it harder to cheat. Despite the liberal lie that the law ends early voting on Sundays, the bill allows for early voting on Sundays. The law allows for self-service water from an unattended receptacle.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington

The Geneva Apartments at 405 S. Maple Ave., built by original owner Dr. T.L. Catterson in 1908, were sold in 1935 to Elza Hurst and the Collateral Investment Co., which put $35,000 into the building to repair damage from a fire in 1933. Hurst renamed the building the Maplehurst Apartments and it has passed through several owners’ hands since that era. The three-story-plus-basement building has suffered from decay and occasional crime problems in recent years, including a 2003 bludgeoning death during a drunken party. Excessive calls for police service in 2016 led to a probe that found a building manager was subletting rooms without background checks and without the owners’ knowledge.

Last summer, at the behest of the Water Resource Collaboration Group and another unelected group of community activists called the Sustainability Action Subcommittee, the Spokane City Council unleashed a brand new tier-structured “Water Conservation Master Plan” designed to force area residents to reduce water usage by 25% over the next 10 years. These new directives are unnecessary, dangerous and potentially harmful to the environment.


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