Sunday, April 25, 2021

In the news, Monday, April 12, 2021


APR 11      INDEX      APR 13


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
RIGHT-CENTER BIAS, HIGH, non-profit organization

When people say “follow the science,” often what they’re really saying is “follow our plan.”
The economist Ludwig von Mises once observed the problem with using scientific claims to shape the modern world. He suggested that in many cases people invoke science simply to tell people what they must do. “The planners pretend that their plans are scientific and that there cannot be disagreement with regard to them among well-intentioned and decent people,” Mises wrote in his 1947 essay “Planned Chaos.”


from The Heritage Foundation
RIGHT BIAS,  MIXED  American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C.

If there is one thing that is quite clear in the early days of the Joe Biden presidency, it is the administration is more than willing to spend taxpayers’ dollars, and their children’s dollars, and their grandkids’ … you get the idea. However, when it comes to providing for the common defense, a constitutionally mandated task, the Biden administration suddenly discovered frugality. Earlier today, the administration released a defense budget for fiscal year 2022 which proposes a meager increase of 1.5%—$705 billion to $715 billion—which is not enough to cover the expected 2.2% inflation in the Pentagon. Meanwhile, the administration has requested a 16% increase in the nondefense portion of the discretionary budget. The investments made during the Trump administration have allowed the military to improve its readiness and start refocusing on great power competition. It is foolish and dangerous of the Biden administration to reduce the resources it makes available to the Pentagon.

Today, President Joe Biden signed an executive order creating the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States. The White House announcement and the members chosen for this commission raise serious questions about its real purpose and concerns about its impact on the independence of the judiciary. The left wants a judiciary in general, and a Supreme Court in particular, that is likely to decide cases that will further a leftist political agenda. The list of “reform” ideas that the commission will mull over includes court-packing or, as the White House release puts it, the “membership and size of the Court.” A majority of Americans already believe that the Supreme Court decides cases based on politics rather than the law. This commission will likely worsen that trend.

This so-called skinny budget proposal would drive up wasteful spending and shortchange actual priorities such as national security. The president even proposes using taxpayer funds to attack Americans’ constitutionally protected rights. Lawmakers should carefully review the budget and wind down programs that do not carry out the proper constitutional powers of the federal government.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


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