Saturday, August 24, 2019

In the news, Friday, August 16, 2019


AUG 15      INDEX      AUG 17


from Conciliar Post

Once we befriend our failures and shortcomings, we open ourselves to God’s work in our lives, and can then reach out to others in our midst—welcoming the stranger in true hospitality.


from The Heritage Foundation
RIGHT BIAS,  MIXED  American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C.

Greenland Deserves the Attention Trump Is Giving It
The recent media reports that President Donald Trump is interested in purchasing Greenland for United States has brought the unlikely country into the world’s headlines. Greenland is a very important U.S. partner with a long and rich history. Today, Greenland is an autonomous constituent country of the Kingdom of Denmark. Ultimately, it is up to the people of Greenland to determine how and by whom they wish to be governed.


from Hoover Institution
Nonprofit Organization in Stanford, California

Deus Vincit
On August 6, 1682, the Ottoman Empire, at the height of its power, declared war on the Holy Roman Empire. Muslim domination of Europe extended from the Balkans northward through Hungary and reached into Poland. Westward, only Habsburg Vienna barred the way. Louis XIV, for his own reasons, preferred dealing with the Ottomans rather than with the Habsburgs. Were the Muslims to have been victorious, they might have ruled from the Mediterranean to the Baltic.


from  Education Website

An Old-Fashioned Recipe for Economic Growth
With the recent inversion of the yield curve sparking recession fears in the United States, and the stock market swinging wildly in response to the ongoing trade negotiations with China, some are wondering if the longest economic expansion in American history may soon come to an end. Those uncertainties bring renewed urgency to the age-old question at the heart of economics: what creates wealth? Throughout most of human history, there was almost no wealth. People were very poor, and there weren’t that many of us. While our species is roughly 300,000 years old, for the first 290,000 years or so we were foragers barely scraping by. Even after Homo sapiens embraced agriculture, progress was still painfully slow. Then, suddenly, population skyrocketed, followed shortly by an explosion in income and standards of living. Between 1700 and 1900, the world’s population rose from about 600 million people to about 1.5 billion people. Between 1800 and 1900, GDP per person per day doubled. Income grew over twice as much in that century as in the preceding 18 centuries combined. The two trends of rising income and population are related. Elected officials can help the U.S. economy continue to grow by allowing the American people to innovate and exchange. To do so, burdensome regulations and taxes should be eliminated and lowered, and trade wars ended.


from The Living Church
Magazine of The Living Church Foundation (Anglican)

Our unique task as stewards and caretakers of “this fragile earth, our island home,” as Eucharistic Prayer C puts it, is to participate in the unfolding of God’s new creation inaugurated in the resurrection of Jesus. We fulfill that high calling when we use “the power of [our] love to bring the world alive, to give things the love, care, and use they need for their fulfillment”.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


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