Information from some sites may not be reliable, or may not be vetted.
Some sources may require subscription.
from ABC News (& affiliates)
from ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice)
Secretary Kerry’s Hot-Mic Israel Critique: He Has No Excuse
IRS: Maybe Lois Lerner Emails Aren’t So “Lost” After All, Oh, And We Lost a Few More Too
IRS, Benghazi, Fast & Furious: Will We Ever Know the Truth About Obama Administration Scandals?
from The Blaze
from Breitbart
from CBS News (& affiliates)
Federal judge rules D.C. handgun ban is unconstitutional
Couple has questions after agents seize Land Rovers
from Clarion Project - Addressing Islamic Extremism
Afghan Girl, 10, Slated for Honor Killing After Being Raped
Last week, the police took the girl from a shelter and returned her to her family, despite the fact that her family intends to kill her.
from Clarion Project - Addressing Islamic Extremism
Afghan Girl, 10, Slated for Honor Killing After Being Raped
Last week, the police took the girl from a shelter and returned her to her family, despite the fact that her family intends to kill her.
from CNSNews.com (& MRC & NewsBusters)
‘Big Three’ Ignore IRS Official Saying Backup of Lois Lerner’s Emails May Not Exist
Networks Ignore: As Chaos Breaks Out, White House Claims Obama Has Brought 'Tranquility'
You know something is seriously wrong when late night shows do better journalism than the mainstream media!
McCain Fires Back at Jon Stewart: 'Gets Away' With Being 'Absolutely Wrong;' Jabs Media
NBC, ABC Yawn as Rick Perry Sends National Guard to the Border
from Columbia Basin Herald
from Conservative Tribune
Sen. Jeff Sessions: Obama’s Plan “Threatens the Foundation of Our Constitutional Republic”
WATCH: Andrea Tantaros Goes Off On Barack Obama’s Pathetic “Foreign Policy”
from Creators Syndicate
from Cyndi's List
from The Daily Beast
from The Daily Caller
Ben Carson Wins 2016 Straw Poll Of Conservative Activists
Obama Pushes For Ceasefire To Save Hamas
First ever reptile skull mapped: 300 million-year-old creature could reveal the origin of lizards, birds and mammals
Take a trip inside the mysterious Siberian hole: New footage emerges from deep within the strange structure
from Daily Mail (UK)
First ever reptile skull mapped: 300 million-year-old creature could reveal the origin of lizards, birds and mammals
Take a trip inside the mysterious Siberian hole: New footage emerges from deep within the strange structure
from The D.C. Clothesline
[Information from this site may not be vetted.]
from Discovery News
from EarthSky
What exactly is twilight?
Twilight is the time of day between daylight and darkness. Astronomers, the experts on nighttime, recognize three kinds of twilight.
from East Oregonian
from Examiner.com
[Information from this site may not be vetted.]
from Eyes Popping
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
from Facecrooks (& Bitdefender)
Beware of Fake Facebook Profiles Set Up for Flight MH17 Victims
As we have warned countless times before, scammers often take advantage of tragic events. Always do your research before contributing to any online charity. Also avoid shocking headlines and questionable links!
from FactCheck.org
from Family Tree Magazine
from The Farmacy (REALfarmacy.com)
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
*from The Federalist
*from The Federalist Papers
from Forbes
from Forum for Middle East Understanding
(FFMU) (Shoebat.com)Watch Muslims Giving Allegiance To ANTICHRIST
Muslims Declare War Against Catholicism, And Attack Priests And Monks, Forcing Them To Leave Immediately
Five IDF Task Forces Begin Driving Into Gaza City. Israel Draws Up Over-Plan For Control Of The Gaza Strip
from Fox News (& affiliates)
PM Netanyahu: Hamas ‘Wants to Pile Up As Many Civilian Deaths As Possible’
‘Our Citizens Are Under Assault’: Gov. Perry to Deploy Nat’l Guard to Border
IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious: Will we ever know the truth about Obama administration scandals?
By Jay Sekulow: "On some of the most critical issues of our time, White House secrecy, spin, and deception have been so effective that we may never learn the truth."
Derailing the American Dream since 2010: Thanks a lot, Dodd-Frank
Ground Zero Cross: Court presses atheist group to explain why artifact is 'offensive'
from FRANCE 24 English
Egyptian media applauds Israel’s Gaza offensive
Since the beginning of Israel’s offensive in Gaza, much of the Egyptian media has laid the blame squarely on the Islamist group Hamas, which controls the tiny Palestinian enclave. Some journalists have even said that all Palestinians are to blame for their current plight.
from Freedom Foundation (WA)
from Freedom Outpost
from Gizmodo (& SPLOID)
Watch NASA's Full TV Broadcast of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing Right Here
Scientists Can Now Cut HIV Out of Human DNA
HIV is a sneaky virus. Its MO involves integrating its own genes into your DNA, so that even as antiretrovirals hold everything in check, HIV lurks quietly inside your cells. Now scientists have found a way to edit the virus straight out of the human genome—a potential cure for even latent infections.
from Global Research
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
from Greatist
from The Guardian (UK)
from Heartland Institute
Killing marine life with ethanol
Ethanol damages your cars, small engines, food budget – and kills Gulf of Mexico animals.
Why Deregulation Is Essential To Restoring Booming Economic Growth, And The American Dream
from The Heritage Foundation
EPA Proposes to Choke Alaskan Mine Development
The EPA’s assertions and warnings come with almost no credibility.
The Deep Roots of the Border Crisis
Border Crossings Stop After Texas Man Takes Security Into His Own Hands
Chris Christie Criticizes White House for ‘Awful’ Response to Border Crisis
Mark Pryor Challenges Obamacare Critics: ‘Give Me Something Better’
This Democrat Senator is Totally Unaware of The Many Conservative Alternatives to Obamacare
These Bills Could Affect American Higher Education. Here’s How.
An Interactive Timeline of the Export-Import Bank
from Higher Perspective
6 Famous Castaways
from Hoax-Slayer
from Hot Air
Police protect Jewish students from Pro-Palestinian mob…in Boston
from The Hill
from History
6 Famous Castaways
from Hoax-Slayer
from Hot Air
Police protect Jewish students from Pro-Palestinian mob…in Boston
from HowStuffWorks.com
from Huffington Post
[Information from this site may be unreliable.]
Obama Signs Executive Order On LGBT Job Discrimination
I'm Done Apologizing for Israel
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Obama Signs Executive Order On LGBT Job Discrimination
I'm Done Apologizing for Israel
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
from Human Events
Saddle Mountain fire stayed in Kittitas County on Saturday
Cows rain down cliff onto SR 17 Sunday, 12 die and road closed
FRAUD: Couple loses money to scam seeking "transaction fees"
Semi-truck causes four vehicle rear-end chain-reaction in Moses Lake
from Independent Journal Review
For the First Time, We've Found an Exoplanet at the "Frost Line"
Carlton Complex four times the size of Seattle
At 243,000 acres, the Carlton Complex is the largest recorded forest fire in state history, larger than the Yacolt Burn, which consumed 238,920 acres in southwestern Washington in 1902.
1,100 acre Tonasket wildfire force evacuations
Carlton Complex evacuations expand and close Highway 20
from The Mind Unleashed
Running on Empty: Mark Pryor Campaign in Free-fall, Runs Away from Reporter
Hotels Are (Mostly) Doing it Right
Hundreds of Nude Photos Recovered From ‘Wiped’ Phones
A security software company says the factory reset on Android smartphones fails to remove everything.
Stand Up, Governors
The states should resist the EPA’s all-pain, no-gain carbon regulations.
Maj. Gen. John Nichols on Texas Border Security
Adjutant General of Texas National Guard Maj. Gen. John Nichols talks about Gov. Rick Perry's plan to send 1,000 members of the Texas National Guard to secure the Texas-Mexico border.
Brian Williams Interviews Netanyahu on Israel-Gaza Conflict
Bill’s secret ‘mistress,’ the ‘Energizer’
Goldman Sachs director found dead after kiteboarding accident
For These Vegans, Masculinity Means Protecting The Planet
from The Olympian
Did Reagan really rush back to DC after Korean plane shoot down in '83?
Conservative commentator Kate Obenshain said that when the Russians shot down a Korean passenger plane in 1983, Reagan rushed home from his Santa Barbara vacation. The actual timeline shows that even after the White House concluded that the Soviets were responsible, administration officials decided that the president would remain in California. It took about half a day for them to change their minds. Aside from a brief statement, it took Reagan several days before addressing the issue with the American public. In a practical sense, the delay was not long but there was more deliberation than Obenshain’s words would suggest. We rate the claim Mostly False.
Hillary Clinton says economic stats were 100 times better under Bill Clinton than Ronald Reagan
Clinton said the number of jobs created and people lifted out of poverty during Bill Clinton’s presidency was "a hundred times" what it was under President Ronald Reagan. Clinton’s record does outpace Reagan’s on the four statistical measures we looked at. But the differences are not like night and day, as her phrasing claims. Both presidents saw improvements, with Clinton’s being incrementally better -- not 100 times better. We rate the claim False.
from RedFlag News
Mark Levin lays out the history of the modern day jihad movement and Adolph Hitler
from iFIBER ONE News (WA)
![]() |
Grant County Sheriff's Office photo |
Cows rain down cliff onto SR 17 Sunday, 12 die and road closed
FRAUD: Couple loses money to scam seeking "transaction fees"
Semi-truck causes four vehicle rear-end chain-reaction in Moses Lake
from IFL Science
from The Independent (UK)
from Independent Journal Review
from International Business Times
*from International Christian Concern
from Investor's Business Daily
from io9
*from Jen Kuznicki
from The Jerusalem Post
from Judicial Watch, Inc.
from KHQ Local News (NBC Spokane)
from KIMA Action News (CBS Yakima)
from KING 5 (NBC Seattle)
Carlton Complex four times the size of Seattle
At 243,000 acres, the Carlton Complex is the largest recorded forest fire in state history, larger than the Yacolt Burn, which consumed 238,920 acres in southwestern Washington in 1902.
from KOMO News (ABC Seattle)
from KREM 2 News (CBS Spokane)
1,100 acre Tonasket wildfire force evacuations
Carlton Complex evacuations expand and close Highway 20
from KXLY 4 News (ABC Spokane)
from Legal Insurrection
from LifeNews.com
from LiveScience
from Los Angeles Times
from The Madison Project PAC
from The Madison Project PAC
from MEDIAite
from Media Matters for America
from The Mind Unleashed
from The Minority Report
Running on Empty: Mark Pryor Campaign in Free-fall, Runs Away from Reporter
from Money Talks News
Hotels Are (Mostly) Doing it Right
Hundreds of Nude Photos Recovered From ‘Wiped’ Phones
A security software company says the factory reset on Android smartphones fails to remove everything.
Free credit scores are available like never before. Some are more valuable than others.
from Mother Jones
from Mother Nature Network
from MSN News
from myscienceacademy.org
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
from NASA
from The National Audubon Society
from National Journal
from National Review
Stand Up, Governors
The states should resist the EPA’s all-pain, no-gain carbon regulations.
from NaturalNews.com
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
from Natural Society
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
from Nature News and Comment
from NBC News (& affiliates)
Maj. Gen. John Nichols on Texas Border Security
Adjutant General of Texas National Guard Maj. Gen. John Nichols talks about Gov. Rick Perry's plan to send 1,000 members of the Texas National Guard to secure the Texas-Mexico border.
Brian Williams Interviews Netanyahu on Israel-Gaza Conflict
from Newsmax
from New York Daily News
from The New Yorker
from New York Magazine
Bill’s secret ‘mistress,’ the ‘Energizer’
Goldman Sachs director found dead after kiteboarding accident
from New York Times
from Northwest Watchdog
from NPR (& affiliates)
For These Vegans, Masculinity Means Protecting The Planet
from NWCN (ID-OR-WA)
from The Olympian
from The Oregonian
from Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs)
from Patheos
[Information from this site may be questionable.]________
from PBS (& affiliates)
*from Personal Liberty
from Phys.org
from PJ Media
from PoliticusUSA
from PolitiFact
Did Reagan really rush back to DC after Korean plane shoot down in '83?
Conservative commentator Kate Obenshain said that when the Russians shot down a Korean passenger plane in 1983, Reagan rushed home from his Santa Barbara vacation. The actual timeline shows that even after the White House concluded that the Soviets were responsible, administration officials decided that the president would remain in California. It took about half a day for them to change their minds. Aside from a brief statement, it took Reagan several days before addressing the issue with the American public. In a practical sense, the delay was not long but there was more deliberation than Obenshain’s words would suggest. We rate the claim Mostly False.
Hillary Clinton says economic stats were 100 times better under Bill Clinton than Ronald Reagan
Clinton said the number of jobs created and people lifted out of poverty during Bill Clinton’s presidency was "a hundred times" what it was under President Ronald Reagan. Clinton’s record does outpace Reagan’s on the four statistical measures we looked at. But the differences are not like night and day, as her phrasing claims. Both presidents saw improvements, with Clinton’s being incrementally better -- not 100 times better. We rate the claim False.
from Popular Science
from Press TV (Iran)
from PreventDisease.com
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
from Rare
[Information from this site may not be vetted.]
Bus stop stabbing suspect held thanks to a passerby carrying a gun
Does your state love the military? These enlistment statistics may surprise you
Iraq War vet staring down fines for keeping ducks to help his PTSD
This restaurant stands up for the Second Amendment and suggests criminals eat some place else
Bus stop stabbing suspect held thanks to a passerby carrying a gun
Does your state love the military? These enlistment statistics may surprise you
Iraq War vet staring down fines for keeping ducks to help his PTSD
This restaurant stands up for the Second Amendment and suggests criminals eat some place else
from Real Clear Politics
from Reason Magazine
from RedFlag News
from RedState
from Religion News Service
from RetroVision (news.kjosy.com)
from Reuters
from Riel World View (Dan Riehl)
from The Right Scoop
from Right Wing News
from Roll Call
from RT (Russia Today)
(Russian government-supported propaganda channel)
'British Bulls**t Corporation': Protest in Belfast accuses BBC of 'biased' Gaza coverage
Perverted truth: How rebel mourning MH17 victims was turned into looter with trophy
10 more questions Russian military pose to Ukraine, US over MH17 crash
40 shot, 4 dead from gun violence in Chicago over weekend
Apollo 11's Scariest Moments: Perils of the 1st Manned Moon Landing
Apollo 11 Flight Log, July 21, 1969: Launching from the Moon
Apollo 11 Patch Flown on 1st Moon Landing to Launch with Astronauts to Mars
These Quadcopter Dropships Could Land Rovers on Mars
The Future of Moon Exploration, Lunar Colonies and Humanity
from Stars and Stripes
from ThatsNonsense.com
Obama Signs New Executive Order Restricting Religious Freedom
Dr. Ben Carson Wins Conservative Straw Poll
Rick Perry Receives Tea Party Message; Will Send National Guard Troops to Texas Border
*from United Liberty
from U.S. News and World Report
Report: Gov. Rick Perry to mobilize Texas National Guard troops to secure U.S.-Mexico border
More than 100 Palestinians dead in worst day of Gaza conflict; Israel denies soldier captured
How Hamas uses its tunnels to kill and capture Israeli soldiers
What Happened To the IRS IT Asset Management Team?
Joe Biden: Wrong Again
'British Bulls**t Corporation': Protest in Belfast accuses BBC of 'biased' Gaza coverage
Perverted truth: How rebel mourning MH17 victims was turned into looter with trophy
10 more questions Russian military pose to Ukraine, US over MH17 crash
40 shot, 4 dead from gun violence in Chicago over weekend
from Salon
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
from ScienceBlogs.com
from The Salt Lake Tribune
from Science-Based Medicine
from ScienceBlogs.com
Science and art bring back to life 300-million-year-old specimens of a primitive reptile-like vertebrate
Paleontologists have recreated the cranial structure of a 308-million-year-old lizard-like vertebrate that could be the earliest example of a reptile and explain the origin of all vertebrates that belong to reptiles, birds and mammals.
More than glitter: How gold nanoparticles easily penetrate cells, making them useful for delivering drugs
Scientists can now explain how a special class of gold nanoparticles can easily slip through cell membranes, making them good candidates for delivering drugs directly to target cells.
Mysterious dance of dwarf galaxies may force a cosmic rethink
The discovery that many small galaxies throughout the universe do not 'swarm' around larger ones like bees do but 'dance' in orderly disc-shaped orbits is a challenge to our understanding of how the universe formed and evolved. The researchers believe the answer may be hidden in some currently unknown physical process that governs how gas flows in the universe, although, as yet, there is no obvious mechanism that can guide dwarf galaxies into narrow planes.
Bacteria swim with whole body, not just propellers
Many bacteria swim using flagella, corkscrew-like appendages that push or pull bacterial cells like tiny propellers. It's long been assumed that the flagella do all the work during swimming, while the rest of the cell body is just along for the ride. But new research shows that a helical movement of the cell body generates thrust and helps the organism to swim.
from ScienceDaily
Science and art bring back to life 300-million-year-old specimens of a primitive reptile-like vertebrate
Paleontologists have recreated the cranial structure of a 308-million-year-old lizard-like vertebrate that could be the earliest example of a reptile and explain the origin of all vertebrates that belong to reptiles, birds and mammals.
More than glitter: How gold nanoparticles easily penetrate cells, making them useful for delivering drugs
Scientists can now explain how a special class of gold nanoparticles can easily slip through cell membranes, making them good candidates for delivering drugs directly to target cells.
Mysterious dance of dwarf galaxies may force a cosmic rethink
The discovery that many small galaxies throughout the universe do not 'swarm' around larger ones like bees do but 'dance' in orderly disc-shaped orbits is a challenge to our understanding of how the universe formed and evolved. The researchers believe the answer may be hidden in some currently unknown physical process that governs how gas flows in the universe, although, as yet, there is no obvious mechanism that can guide dwarf galaxies into narrow planes.
Bacteria swim with whole body, not just propellers
Many bacteria swim using flagella, corkscrew-like appendages that push or pull bacterial cells like tiny propellers. It's long been assumed that the flagella do all the work during swimming, while the rest of the cell body is just along for the ride. But new research shows that a helical movement of the cell body generates thrust and helps the organism to swim.
from Scientific American
from The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
from Skeptoid Podcast
from Slate
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
from Smithsonian Magazine
from Snopes.com
from Space.com (& CollectSpace)
Apollo 11's Scariest Moments: Perils of the 1st Manned Moon Landing
Apollo 11 Flight Log, July 21, 1969: Launching from the Moon
Apollo 11 Patch Flown on 1st Moon Landing to Launch with Astronauts to Mars
These Quadcopter Dropships Could Land Rovers on Mars
The Future of Moon Exploration, Lunar Colonies and Humanity
*from The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA)
from The Star (Grand Coulee, WA)
from Stars and Stripes
from The Telegraph (UK)
from ThatsNonsense.com
from Think Progress
from Time
from The Times of India
from The Times of Israel
from Townhall.com
from TPNN (Tea Party News Network)
Obama Signs New Executive Order Restricting Religious Freedom
Dr. Ben Carson Wins Conservative Straw Poll
Rick Perry Receives Tea Party Message; Will Send National Guard Troops to Texas Border
from Truth Theory
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]________
*from United Liberty
from Universe Today
from USA Today
from Vox
from The Wall Street Journal
from The Washington Examiner (DC)
from The Washington Free Beacon (DC)
from The Washington Policy Center (State)
from The Washington Post (DC)
Report: Gov. Rick Perry to mobilize Texas National Guard troops to secure U.S.-Mexico border
More than 100 Palestinians dead in worst day of Gaza conflict; Israel denies soldier captured
How Hamas uses its tunnels to kill and capture Israeli soldiers
from The Washington Times (DC)
from The Week
from The Weekly Standard
What Happened To the IRS IT Asset Management Team?
Joe Biden: Wrong Again
Updated: How to assist fire victims
Chiwaukum Fire moving slowly toward Icicle Ridge
Two men arrested after back burns go out of control
Firefighting efforts claim homeowner’s life
Storm could bring rain, lightning
Firefighters go on the offensive, winning small victories
from The Western Center for Journalism
(Western Journalism)
from The Wenatchee World (WA)
Updated: How to assist fire victims
Chiwaukum Fire moving slowly toward Icicle Ridge
Two men arrested after back burns go out of control
Firefighting efforts claim homeowner’s life
Storm could bring rain, lightning
Firefighters go on the offensive, winning small victories
from The Western Center for Journalism
(Western Journalism)
from WIRED
from WND (World Net Daily)
from WorldTruth.TV
[Information from this site may be very unreliable.]
from Yahoo News
from 100 Percent FED Up
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