Saturday, July 19, 2014

In the news, Friday, June 27, 2014


JUN 26      INDEX      JUN 28



9 Tips for a Good Night's Sleep

All You Need Is Love Is a Myth
According to a recent study, if you want your marriage to last a long time, you need more than love.

Natural Mosquito Repellent Recipe
How to Make Natural Mosquito Repellent


from ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice)


Welcome to the Gem State: Idaho State Research Guide
Looking for ancestors from the great state of Idaho? Anne Gillespie Mitchell just released a state research guide you will want to check out.


from The Blaze

from Breitbart

In an appearance Washington D.C. radio 103.5 FM WTOP’s “Glass-Enclosed Nerve Center” on Friday, Drudge Report editor and founder Matt Drudge gave a rare interview about Washington and some of the hot-button topics of the day.


from CBS News (& affiliates)

Report: Mexican Military Chopper Crosses Into US, Shoots At Border Agents

Border Resident: Nancy Pelosi Should Visit My Ranch
Captured illegal immigrants heard saying, "That's okay, Obama's gonna let me go."


from (& MRC & NewsBusters)

O'Reilly, Mattera Clash Over 'Ambush Journalism' on Hillary Clinton's Role in Benghazi
During the Wednesday evening episode of The O'Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly slammed conservative activist Jason Mattera's “ambush journalism” of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, calling it “unacceptable” to use “a horrendous act of terror to make a political point.”

Obama: 'I'm Just Going to Make It Up As I Go Along'
The man dubbed the leader of the free world -- beset by foreign and domestic policy crises, sinking in the opinion polls, and just clipped by the Supreme Court -- told a gathering in Minnesota Thursday that he's looking forward to spending a "couple days here in the Twin Cities."

Matt Lauer Tries to 'Tread Lightly' Through Feminist Minefield with GM CEO and Fails

CNN’s Blitzer Presses IRS Chief: ‘Why Shouldn't Taxpayers Use the Crashed Hard Drive Excuse?’


from Columbia Basin Herald

Moses Lake woman sentenced for welfare fraud


from Conciliar Post

Why would a Protestant Christian convert to Eastern Orthodox Christianity? Such a question cannot be answered through the use of dogmatic assertions or theoretical musings. For such a question presupposes a particular person’s journey of faith. And such a journey can only be spoken of from experience.* Similarly, Christianity at its core is an encounter with Christ—a relationship—not a formal set of dogmas. It is not my aim to embark on the process of comparative religion. The journey I wish to take you on is my own: how a nominal Protestant Christian, and his family, found the fulness of Christ in the Eastern Orthodox Church.


from The Daily Caller

Drudge Talks Immigration, The News Business, And Gridlock In Rare Interview
In a rare interview, Matt Drudge, the proprietor of the Drudge Report, praised gridlock in the nation’s capitol, claimed that the news business is in a “vibrant era,” and said that news of the surge of immigrants at the southern U.S. border is his latest obsession.

Is Anybody Really Surprised That Whoopi Goldberg Is A Racist?

Texas Does It Right: Congressmen Offer Reward For Lerner Emails

from EarthSky

Facebook tinkered with users’ feeds for a massive psychology experiment
[via] Scientists at Facebook have published a paper showing that they manipulated the content seen by more than 600,000 users in an attempt to determine whether this would affect their emotional state. Result: They can! Which is great news for Facebook data scientists hoping to prove a point about modern psychology. It’s less great for the people having their emotions secretly manipulated.


from East Oregonian

Governor Kitzhaber listens to local leaders
Gov. John Kitzhaber flipped the switch in his brain to listening mode Friday as he met with a Pendleton group of leaders in government, education, health care and business.


from Eyes Popping
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

10 Healthy Reasons to Eat Watermelon Every Day


Misassigning Blame for Immigration Crisis
A TV ad falsely claims Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander is “responsible” for a surge of “illegal aliens” who are “overrunning our border” because he voted for “amnesty.” The surge in illegal border crossings is the result of poverty and violence in parts of Central America and has been fueled by false rumors being spread in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras that the U.S. is issuing “permits” to those who wish to live in the U.S.

Playing Politics With Education
Did the governors of Michigan and Pennsylvania cut education funding or increase it?


from Forbes

Paul Krugman's Truth-Twisting on Obamacare: A Neverending Story

from Forum for Middle East Understanding
(FFMU) (

The ISIS Jihadist Say: “This Is The War Muhammad Promised Us; The War Of The Great Tribulation”

Fox Reporter Avoids Egyptian Connection To Benghazi Attacks
When it comes to implicating Egyptian terrorist individuals and groups or the former Mohammed Mursi regime in the Benghazi attacks, there is a palpable reticence in the conservative media to do so. The latest example comes from Fox News reporter Adam Housley, who otherwise delivered some very important information.

Chinese Government Gets Sick Of Islamic Violence, Take 13 Muslim Jihadists And Execute All Of Them

Malaysian Courts Rightfully Ban Christians And Other Faiths From Using Allah To Refer To God

WATCH How Giving Allegiance To Antichrist Is Beginning To Take Root


from Fox News (& affiliates)

from The Guardian (UK)

Sudanese woman Meriam Ibrahim 'safe and well' in US embassy
Husband of Christian woman whose apostasy death sentence was overturned says she and children doing well


from Heartland Institute

from The Heritage Foundation

Ralph Nader Calls for Ending ‘Secretive’ Export-Import Bank

Court: D.C. Can’t Require Tour Guides to Pass a Test
This morning, the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that requiring Segway sight-seeing tour guides to pay the $200 fee and pass a test violated the First Amendment.

Florida Moves to Protect Unborn Children
Florida Governor Rick Scott signed H.B. 59, the “Unborn Victims of Violence Act,” into law last week. With the bill’s passage, Florida joins twenty-nine other states with laws that criminalize the deliberate harm or murder of an unborn child.

Why Reid Is Wrong to Try to Bring Back Earmarks
With the momentum of the appropriations process stalled in the Senate, Sen. Harry Reid is trying to bring back the grease that helps the legislative wheels roll: earmarks.

What Does New Auto-Enrollment Rule Mean for Obamacare Customers?

Supreme Court Ruling Could Force NLRB to Revisit Up to 800 Cases
Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling that President Obama’s “recess” appointments to the National Labor Relations Board were unconstitutional could mean as many as 800 cases decided by the illegal appointees would have to be reconsidered.

GAO Report: U.S. Embassies at Risk Because Of Security Gaps

John Stossel: Crony Capitalism at the Core of Export-Import Bank

What I Saw on the Border
The Daily Signal's Genevieve Wood joined Lou Dobbs on his program Thursday night to discuss the continued flood of immigrants crossing the southern border and how it was affecting the morale of border agents and law enforcement officials dealing with the crisis.

Larry Kudlow Attacks the Ex-Im Bank
Should Congress reauthorize the Export-Import Bank? CNBC senior contributor Larry Kudlow says absolutely not, slamming the bank for promoting “fraud, corruption, kickbacks [and] bribery.”


from iFIBER ONE News (WA)

Inside Look - Ephrata's Sage-n-Sun Festival
On this episode of iFIBER ONE's Inside Look, we go behind the scenes of Ephrata's 104th Annual Sage-n-Sun Festival.



from KREM 2 News (Spokane)


This 77-Year-Old Grandma Got the Supreme Court to Uphold Pro-Life Free Speech
Yesterday morning, in a unanimous decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that struck down a Massachusetts “buffer zone” law, sidewalk counselor Eleanor McCullen won the right to speak up freely to women entering abortion centers in Massachusetts.

MLK Jr’s Niece Explains Why We’re Not “Free at Last”
Martin Luther King, Jr’s fight for civil rights is not over, insists his niece Dr. Alveda King. Speaking at the 44th annual National Right to Life convention in Louisville, Ky., King explained that she is continuing her uncle’s legacy because the presence of abortion shows that not all of us can enjoy that freedom for which he fought.

Gallup Poll Falsely Claims 69% of Americans Support Euthanasia

Why are Pro-Lifers Called Anti-Woman When We Want to Protect Unborn Children?

Wendy Davis Filibuster Anniversary Event Featured “God Bless” Abortion Prayer
Texas Democratic gubernatorial nominee Wendy Davis held a celebration of her pro-abortion filibuster on Wednesday, and the event began with a pro-abortion prayer.


from LiveScience

Ancient Asteroid Destroyer Finally Found, And It's a New Kind of Meteorite
For 50 years, scientists have wondered what annihilated the ancestor of L-chondrites, the roof-smashing, head-bonking meteorites that frequently pummel Earth.

Could Ebola Spread to the United States?
The current outbreak of Ebola in West Africa is now the largest in history, but how likely is it to spread to the United States or other countries around the world?

From the Frontline: Saving Australia's Threatened Mammals
Almost a third of Australia’s mammals have become extinct or are facing extinction, largely thanks to introduced predators such as cats and foxes.

Embarrassed? Amused? Humans Share Dozens of Expressions
Human beings have dozens of universal expressions for emotions, and they deploy those expressions in recognizable ways across several cultures, new research finds. That number is far greater than the range of emotion previously thought to be the similar around the world.

New Jersey Bill to Legalize Assisted Suicide Dies After Failing to Get Enough Support

Tiny Elephant Shrew Is Smallest of Its Kind

Liberals Don't Hate Authority After All
Contrary to stereotype, conservatives are not more accepting of authority than are liberals. But they are less concerned that their opinions appear unique.

Snakebite Causes Huge Mass in Woman's Leg, 50 Years Later

Why Eating Fruits and Veggies Won't Make You Thin
Eating more fruits and vegetables is a generally a good idea, but this alone isn't likely to help you lose weight, a new review of studies suggests.

Hurricane Survival Guide: What You Need to Know

Grill Science: How to Make This July 4th The Tastiest Ever
Scientific tips (and a recipe) for a great Independence Day.


from MEDIAite

Matt Drudge in Rare Interview: The Country is Divided, Shouldn’t Media Be the Same?
Matt Drudge, who has owned and operated The Drudge Report website for nearly 20 years, gave a rare interview Friday to his hometown radio station of WTOP in Washington, D.C. During the short chat, he shared his thoughts on the current state of the political media landscape and defended his site’s conservative slant.


from Money Talks News

Are You Making These 6 Costly College Planning Mistakes?

Take 5: A Roundup of Reads From Around the Web
1. These Big Financial Wins Will Put a Lot of Money in Your Pocket!
2. Gaming Gripes: How to Find Cheap Online or Video Games
3. 20 Cheap Summer Activities
4. Teach Kids about Money – A New Approach!
5. 9 Things You Don’t Need to Clean

Selling Your Home? 18 Ways to Kick Up the Curb Appeal

Hate Your Job? Be Glad You Don’t Work for These Companies
Low pay, high stress, poor job security and little chance of promotion – hardly sounds like a job listing anyone would answer. Unfortunately, employees say that’s the reality of working at some U.S. companies. And complaints like those were enough to land 11 businesses on 24/7 Wall St.’s third annual America’s Worst Companies to Work For list. We’ve highlighted the top five from the list, including their overall rating by employees.

Are You Holding Your Daughter Back?
A thought-provoking new ad from Verizon depicts how seemingly harmless comments like “Don’t get your dress dirty,” “Who’s my pretty girl?” and “Why don’t you hand that to your brother?” eventually stifle a young girl’s interest in science.


from Mother Nature Network

How 'friluftsliv' can help you reconnect with nature
The Norwegian word, coined in 1859, has come to embody Norway's cultural enchantment with nature. It doesn't translate easily to English, but the basic spirit of friluftsliv hides inside all of us.


from National Geographic

Q&A: What's Behind Worst-Ever Ebola Outbreak in West Africa?
The disease has killed hundreds, prompting an emergency meeting of nations next week.


from National Review

Murphy’s Law
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong: So goes Murphy’s Law. And so demonstrates another Murphy, Lafayette College professor Bruce Allen Murphy, in his new biography of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia, Scalia: A Court of One. Murphy sets out to show how Scalia’s political views, religious faith, and personality have influenced his judicial decisions and speeches. But instead of the sophistication and nuance such an undertaking would demand, Murphy delivers a cartoonish and incompetent account.

Meet Mitzi Bickers
A scandal-plagued Democratic operative worked the black vote for Cochran.

Barney Fife Meets Delta Force 
Hypermilitarized police departments are more dangerous than whatever they fight.
Nestled awkwardly among the usual guff, the outrage website Salon this week took a welcome flyer and accorded space to something genuinely alarming. “A SWAT team,” the headline screamed, “blew a hole in my 2-year-old son.” For once, this wasn’t hyperbole.

Elizabeth Warren: The Obama of 2016
Her brand of populism could spell doom for Hillary’s White House ambitions.


from Natural Society
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

GMOs Shown to be Safe? Science Media Center Exposed for Incredible GMO Deceit
Real scientific research isn’t supposed to be political. It is, at its best, unbiased and curious, ready to observe an outcome from an experiment no matter what the facts say.


from New York Times

The Great War


from Northwest Watchdog

from Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs)

50,000 Christians Flee Iraqi City Ahead of ISIL

“The full weight of the world should bear down on Hamas…”
Naftali Fraenkel, Eyal Yifrah and Gil-Ad Shaer were kidnapped by savages

ISIS Mass Murder: Tikrit Satellite Images Emerge

Prayer Leader Of Scotland Mosque Who “Never Ever” Showed Signs Of ‘Radicalization’ Calls Upon Muslims To Wage Violent Jihad In Iraq & Syria

Obama letting Benghazi suspects off hook, recent arrest “small potatoes”

Kerry: Syrian moderate rebels could help in Iraq

Texas devout Muslim pleads guilty to attempting to join ISIS

UK Muslim mother demands investigation, firing after school mistakenly serves son non-halal burger

The killing fields of Iraq: ISIS massacred up to 190 prisoners in just four days

British student urges young Muslims to secretly join Syria jihad in online recruitment video


from PBS (& affiliates)

Bill Moyers Essay: What We Can Learn From Lawrence of Arabia



Matt Lauer defends GM mom question
NBC’s Matt Lauer on Thursday responded to critics of his questioning of General Motors boss Mary Barra on whether she thought she got the job because she’s a woman and if she can handle being both a CEO and a mother.


from Popular Science

The Week In Drones: Cameras That Follow You, Retro Police Copters, And More

The Week In Numbers: The Cost Of A DIY Spacesuit, The Calories In A Human Body, And More

The World's Smallest Elephant Shrew Discovered
These animals look like snout-y mice but are more closely related to elephants.

Hot Koalas, Disco Clams And Other Amazing Images From This Week

Take The Sting Out Of Any Trail
Your all-in-one mountain bike suspension

Ask Anything: Would Cannibalism Make You Fat?
Short answer: It all comes down to portion control.

First Exoskeleton Gets FDA Approval For U.S. Sales
The ReWalk exoskeleton helps people with spinal-cord injuries sit, stand, and walk.

Satellite Images Show Massive Reduction In US Air Pollution
Air pollution is still a problem, especially worldwide, but these images show things have recently improved in the US.


from Rare

Obama calls out Boehner for his lawsuit “stunt”
During an interview Friday with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, President Barack Obama called out Speaker of the House John Boehner and the House Republican’s lawsuit against the president, calling it nothing more than a shameless stunt

Texas police officer does the right thing when confronted by “vicious” pit bull
Sgt. Gary Carter responded to a scene where residents told him that a “vicious” and “aggressive” pit bull was chasing them around the neighborhood. Carter discovered that the dog was in fact friendly and was able to get him into his patrol car with a protein bar. “That makes me so happy he thought with his brain and not his gun. Seems every day I see an article about a cop shooting another dog."

Whoopi Goldberg to View guest: “That is spoken like a true white guy”

President Obama proves that he’s a loose cannon president in the weirdest speech ever

Vet gets fired over small act of baked kindness


from Right Wing News

Women in India Invent “Anti-Rape” Jeans to Combat Rape Epidemic
Rape is a serious problem in India, with government statistics finding that a rape occurs every 22 minutes. Several notable examples that have caused international outrage involved women being gang raped and then murdered, and the UN charging Indian authorities with dereliction of duty. But are anti-rape jeans the answer to the problem?


from The Salt Lake Tribune

Salt Lake City officer who shot dog is Trolley Square ‘hero’
Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank police confirmed Friday that the officer who shot and killed a dog last week while searching for a missing child was Brett Olsen. Olsen was one of the "heroes" who helped take down a lone gunman who killed five patrons at Salt Lake City’s Trolley Square in 2007.


from ScienceDaily

Astronomers closer to proving gravitational waves with precise measurements of rapidly rotating neutron star
When Albert Einstein proposed the existence of gravitational waves as part of his theory of relativity, he set in train a pursuit for knowledge that continues nearly a century later. These ripples in the space-time continuum exert a powerful appeal because it is believed they carry information that will allow us to look back into the very beginnings of the universe. But although the weight of evidence continues to build, undisputed confirmation of their existence still eludes scientists. Researchers have now provided another piece of the puzzle with their precise measurements of a rapidly rotating neutron star: one of the smallest, densest stars in the universe.

New theory on cause of ice age 2.6 million years ago
New research has provided a major new theory on the cause of the ice age that covered large parts of the Northern Hemisphere 2.6 million years ago.

Monkeys also believe in winning streaks, study shows
Humans have a well-documented tendency to see winning and losing streaks in situations that, in fact, are random. But scientists disagree about whether the “hot-hand bias” is a cultural artifact picked up in childhood or a predisposition deeply ingrained in the structure of our cognitive architecture.

Early life stress can leave lasting impacts on the brain
For children, stress can go a long way. A little bit provides a platform for learning, adapting and coping. But a lot of it — chronic, toxic stress like poverty, neglect and physical abuse — can have lasting negative impacts. A team of researchers recently showed these kinds of stressors, experienced in early life, might be changing the parts of developing children’s brains responsible for learning, memory and the processing of stress and emotion.

One in 10 deaths among working-age adults in U.S. due to excessive drinking, report finds
Excessive alcohol use accounts for one in 10 deaths among working-age adults ages 20-64 years in the United States, according to a new report. Excessive alcohol use led to approximately 88,000 deaths per year from 2006 to 2010, and shortened the lives of those who died by about 30 years. These deaths were due to health effects from drinking too much over time, such as breast cancer, liver disease, and heart disease; and health effects from drinking too much in a short period of time, such as violence, alcohol poisoning, and motor vehicle crashes.


from The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA)

from The Washington Times (DC)

JOHNSON: An obituary for the Tea Party
Groups may come and go, but the idea of limited government lives


from The Western Center for Journalism
(Western Journalism)

Watch: Furious Man Confronts Police After Officer Enters His Yard And Shoots His “Best Friend” Dead


from Yahoo News

U.S. FDA approves MannKind's inhaled insulin, Afrezza


from YouTube

Disturbing News: President Obama Asks Congress for $500 Million TO FUND ISIS!
When you thought Stupid couldn't get Stupid-er. President Obama is asking for $500 Million to fund the ISIS agenda!


from 100 Percent FED Up


According to a major new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), net employment growth in the United States since 2000 has gone entirely to immigrants.



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