from Ancestry.com
What Do Boston, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh Have in Common?
They all make the Top 10 list of most Irish cities. AncestryDNA's Dr. Julie Granka maps concentrations of Irish ethnicity to develop the most and least Irish cities and states in the U.S.
from BizPac Review
from The Blaze
from CBS News (& affiliates)
Job Seekers Swarm Marijuana Career Fair As Colorado’s Green Rush Continues
Survey: Unflattering Selfies May Be Responsible For Increase In Cosmetic Procedures
from CNN
CNN Exclusive: Analysis shows two possible Indian Ocean paths for airliner
Is this an alien landing site, ancient monument, or something else?
In 1997, Danae Stratou joined with industrial designer Alexandra Stratou and architect Stella Constantinides to create a breathtaking spiral made up of alternating conical dips and protrusions in the Sahara Desert, near the Egyptian town of El Gouna just off the Red Sea. The project, known as Desert Breath, spreads over one million square feet of sand.
from Columbia Basin Herald
Drilling at Wanapum Dam to begin soon
from Discover Magazine
Celebrating 40 Years of the Rubik's Cube
An interactive exhibit all about the famous mathematical puzzle will open April 26 in New Jersey.
An interactive exhibit all about the famous mathematical puzzle will open April 26 in New Jersey.
from Discovery News
from The Farmacy (& Strawbale City)
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
This Simple & Affordable Technology Is Going To Make History: Meet The LifeStraw
This Simple & Affordable Technology Is Going To Make History: Meet The LifeStraw
from The Federalist
Have We Turned Into A Nation Of Isolationists?
Always war or never war. Are those really our choices?
*from The Federalist Papers
from Fox News (& affiliates)
from Freedom Foundation (WA)
Union Kills Accountability
Among the highest priorities of government unions is to shield government employees from accountability.
from The Guardian (UK)
Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'?
Natural and social scientists develop new model of how 'perfect storm' of crises could unravel global system
Gravitational waves: have US scientists heard echoes of the big bang?
Discovery of gravitational waves by Bicep telescope at south pole could give scientists insights into how universe was born
from The Heritage Foundation
WATCH: Cruz Explains in Under Two Minutes Why Ukraine Aid and IMF Changes Shouldn't Be in Same Bill
How Big Business Is Promoting Common Core
Obama Administration Eyes New Obamacare Delay
Poll: Putin Stronger Than Obama
Indiana Legislature Ends Common Core, Contemplates New Standards, Sets Precedent
Israel Intercepts Missile Shipment from Iran as U.S. Shortchanges Missile Defense
from Huffington Post
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
Western Sanctions Readied For Crimea Vote
Everything You Know About St. Patrick's Day Is Wrong
10 brutally honest facts about St. Patrick's Day
Franklin Graham Thinks Putin's Stance On Gay Rights Is Better Than Obama's
Ezra Klein, I'm Calling Bullsh*t on Your Defense of Hiring Brandon Ambrosino, and Here's Why
Black Hole 'Information' Paradox May Have Been Resolved
Western Sanctions Readied For Crimea Vote
Everything You Know About St. Patrick's Day Is Wrong
10 brutally honest facts about St. Patrick's Day
Franklin Graham Thinks Putin's Stance On Gay Rights Is Better Than Obama's
Ezra Klein, I'm Calling Bullsh*t on Your Defense of Hiring Brandon Ambrosino, and Here's Why
Black Hole 'Information' Paradox May Have Been Resolved
Soap Lake building collapses Friday due to wind, no one injured
Moses Lake man found hiding in a clothes dryer to avoid arrest
Global Rise In Use Of Blasphemy Law: U.S. Report
ICC Note: A new report has highlighted the rising trend of the abuse of blasphemy laws. The most flagrant violator is Pakistan. At least 14 people are on death row and 19 others are serving life sentences for alleged blasphemy against Islam. Many more have been accused and still face trials or have already suffered from a sort of vigilante justice system. While blasphemy accusations can be brought against Muslims, they disproportionately are used against Christians, the USCIRF report found.
Islamic Extremists in Somalia Behead Two Christians
ICC Note: The terrorist group Al Shabaab has reportedly publicly executed two Somalis because of their Christian faith. The mother of two girls and her cousin had previously lived in Kenya, a majority Christian country, and according to neighbors “did not take Friday prayers seriously.” Al Shabaab has made a public statement that they want to wipe-out any Christian fellowships in the area.
Nigeria’s Churches Will Not Stay Silent During Violence, Leader Says
ICC Note: The absolute horrors being committed throughout Nigeria by the terrorist group Boko Haram have devastated the country. The Christian community continues to speak out, despite a military enforced “state of emergency” the attacks continued unabated. On March 8, three more churches were burned to the ashes. Weekly attacks have occurred throughout the region and the death toll just in the month of February exceeded 400 in three states alone.
Baghdad Postcard: The Perils Of Being Christian In Cradle Of Civilization
ICC Note: Somewhere near a million Christians have left Iraq over the past decade. For those who have stayed behind they continue to risk danger from fighting that in some cases shows no discrimination, and at other times extremists who target Christians to make a point. For those who have stayed behind, it is largely a love of country that has kept them there, despite the dangers.
Iran’s Oppressed Christians
ICC Note: What does it mean for an Iranian to convert from Shi’a Islam and embrace another faith, especially Christianity? It usually results in intense persecution. Even for those Christians who stay “underground” it is not unusual for them to end up in prison, serving out long sentences, if they return at all. Many Christians have since fled the country, making their way to neighboring countries or eventually to Europe or the United States. For those who don’t leave their fate in Iran is an uncertain one.
Final Push Begins in Senate for Passage of Middle East Special Envoy Bill
ICC is asking two Senators to release their hold on a religious freedom bill that has spent more than 3 years working its way through Congress. The “Near East and South Central Asia Religious Freedom Act of 2013” would create a position for a “Special Envoy” at the State Department to focus on the rapidly deteriorating conditions for religious freedom in the Middle East. The bill had overwhelming support in the House, where it was passed last September. With more than a million Christians having fled their homes in the Middle East over the past decade, there has never been a more important time to create this position. The Senators preventing the bill from passage are Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and Mike Lee of Utah.
from iFIBER ONE News (WA)
Soap Lake building collapses Friday due to wind, no one injured
Moses Lake man found hiding in a clothes dryer to avoid arrest
from International Christian Concern
Global Rise In Use Of Blasphemy Law: U.S. Report
ICC Note: A new report has highlighted the rising trend of the abuse of blasphemy laws. The most flagrant violator is Pakistan. At least 14 people are on death row and 19 others are serving life sentences for alleged blasphemy against Islam. Many more have been accused and still face trials or have already suffered from a sort of vigilante justice system. While blasphemy accusations can be brought against Muslims, they disproportionately are used against Christians, the USCIRF report found.
Islamic Extremists in Somalia Behead Two Christians
ICC Note: The terrorist group Al Shabaab has reportedly publicly executed two Somalis because of their Christian faith. The mother of two girls and her cousin had previously lived in Kenya, a majority Christian country, and according to neighbors “did not take Friday prayers seriously.” Al Shabaab has made a public statement that they want to wipe-out any Christian fellowships in the area.
Nigeria’s Churches Will Not Stay Silent During Violence, Leader Says
ICC Note: The absolute horrors being committed throughout Nigeria by the terrorist group Boko Haram have devastated the country. The Christian community continues to speak out, despite a military enforced “state of emergency” the attacks continued unabated. On March 8, three more churches were burned to the ashes. Weekly attacks have occurred throughout the region and the death toll just in the month of February exceeded 400 in three states alone.
Baghdad Postcard: The Perils Of Being Christian In Cradle Of Civilization
ICC Note: Somewhere near a million Christians have left Iraq over the past decade. For those who have stayed behind they continue to risk danger from fighting that in some cases shows no discrimination, and at other times extremists who target Christians to make a point. For those who have stayed behind, it is largely a love of country that has kept them there, despite the dangers.
Iran’s Oppressed Christians
ICC Note: What does it mean for an Iranian to convert from Shi’a Islam and embrace another faith, especially Christianity? It usually results in intense persecution. Even for those Christians who stay “underground” it is not unusual for them to end up in prison, serving out long sentences, if they return at all. Many Christians have since fled the country, making their way to neighboring countries or eventually to Europe or the United States. For those who don’t leave their fate in Iran is an uncertain one.
Final Push Begins in Senate for Passage of Middle East Special Envoy Bill
ICC is asking two Senators to release their hold on a religious freedom bill that has spent more than 3 years working its way through Congress. The “Near East and South Central Asia Religious Freedom Act of 2013” would create a position for a “Special Envoy” at the State Department to focus on the rapidly deteriorating conditions for religious freedom in the Middle East. The bill had overwhelming support in the House, where it was passed last September. With more than a million Christians having fled their homes in the Middle East over the past decade, there has never been a more important time to create this position. The Senators preventing the bill from passage are Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and Mike Lee of Utah.
from KREM 2 News (Spokane)
from Money Talks News
8 ‘Gotchas’ Your Credit Card Company Doesn’t Want You to Know
We’ll Spend $255M for Beer on St. Patrick’s Day
A Tip at Your Fingertips for Your Starbucks Barista
Starbucks will soon let you tip your barista right through your phone. Will you use it?
How to Keep Amazon Prime for Cheap, Plus Other Options
N.J. Teen Who Sued Her Parents Returns Home
from Mother Jones
The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is already shielding Americans from shady dealings by mortgage lenders, student loan servicers, and credit card companies.
from Mother Nature Network
Yurts: Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask
[from 17 Jun 2013] Here's your 101 guide on the structure that helped Genghis Khan conquer Eurasia — from how they're made to where you can stay in one or where you can buy one.
from National Geographic
Causes of the Furred and Feathered Rule the Internet
New study points to surge in young people's opposition to using animals for medical testing.
Behind the Headlines: Who Are the Crimean Tatars?
Could the Tatars face the nightmare of repression from Russia again?
Animation: Fly Through Thousands of Galaxies in 3-D
On large scales, galaxies tend to line up and form filaments. Those strands then twist themselves into an immense cosmic web. Between the strands are voids, or regions of mostly empty space. Or so we thought.
from Natural Society
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]
LSD-Tainted Meat Sickens FL. Family, A Throwback to CIA Experiment in France
from NBC News (& affiliates)
Word! Scrabble asks Facebook fans to help them add to official game dictionary
Teddy Roosevelt, Not-So-Great Reformer
What Washington-focused liberals miss about Progressivism
Scott Brown Moves One Step Closer to a Senate Bid
Does the White House know how many people have paid Obamacare premiums?
from The New Republic
What Washington-focused liberals miss about Progressivism
On Einstein's birthday, a look at his life.
from New York Times
Scott Brown Moves One Step Closer to a Senate Bid
from Northwest Watchdog
from NWCN (ID-OR-WA)
The NW has thousands of fugitives able to escape justice by crossing state lines.
Legal lines drawn over detainees right to starve themselves
Immigration detainees at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma have the right to starve themselves, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.
'Kissing sailor' from iconic World War II photo dies
The sailor kissing the nurse in the famous end of World War II celebration of V-J day photo taken Aug. 14, 1945 in Times Square has died.
from The Oregonian
Food stamps: Oregon official insists decision is 'right thing to do'
Amid a growing national uproar, Gov. John Kitzhaber’s office on Friday defended his decision to sidestep food stamp cuts.
from Popular Science
The U.S. Constitution On A Receipt And Other Amazing Images From This Week
Genius, As A Tot
The Week In Numbers: Google's Robot Army, A Beautiful View Of Pi, And More
Leaves In Chernobyl Area Are Decaying Unusually Slowly
They just linger in a thick layer on the forest floor.
It's Not Just Pi Day, It's Pi Month!
Forgetting Is An Actively Controlled Process In The Brain
A study of genetically-modified roundworms has turned up a protein that is involved in eroding memory.
Robotic Fish And Inflatable Tentacles: How MIT Is Solving Hard Problems With Soft Robots
The Week In Drones: Flying Into A Volcano, Delivering Drugs, And More
More Proof That Health Care Is A Mess
FYI: Why Do We Hate The Sound Of Nails On A Chalkboard?
Has The Reintroduction Of Wolves Really Saved Yellowstone?
Recent science suggests that, while important to restoring Yellowstone Park's ecological health, wolves are not the primary solution. Let the fighting commence.
Gravitational Waves: Einstein Was Right, Again, Maybe
Cosmologists hope for a field-rocking announcement next week.
Federal Chief Of Academic Integrity In Science Quits Due To 'Remarkable Dysfunction'
The job is probably about as thankless as you might imagine.
from Space.com (& CollectSpace)
from The Spokesman-Review
Situated near what is now the Sprague curve of Interstate 90, the East Sprague held a thousand cars, making it a busy place on weekend nights. It closed in 1993 in anticipation of a rerouted off-ramp. Some of the other drive-ins were the West End, the North Cedar and the East Trent Motor-In.
from Statesman Journal (Salem, OR)
Oregon ACLU urges school to remove records of suspensions related to tweet
from The Wall Street Journal
The Future of Brain Implants
How soon can we expect to see brain implants for perfect memory, enhanced vision, hypernormal focus or an expert golf swing?
How soon can we expect to see brain implants for perfect memory, enhanced vision, hypernormal focus or an expert golf swing?
from The Washington Examiner (DC)
from The Weekly Standard
President Obama is warning Americans that they might have to change doctors because of Obamacare.
Scott Brown Announces Exploratory Committee to Run for Senate from New Hampshire
Scott Brown is officially exploring a run for U.S. Senate from the state of New Hampshire, he announced today.
from The Western Center for Journalism
(Western Journalism)
MSNBC Host Outraged That Even Liberal ABC Dared To Question Obama
An annoyed Rachel Maddow on Thursday lectured ABC News for daring to run a segment questioning Barack Obama's appearance earlier this week on an internet comedy show.
Scientists May Get Best View Yet of a Black Hole in Action
Car Dealers Are Terrified of Tesla’s Plan to Eliminate Oil Changes
Car dealers fear Tesla. In states across the country, powerful car dealer associations have lobbied to ensure the electric car maker and its direct-sales model are kept out. This movement claimed another victory this week when New Jersey banned Tesla stores in the state.
from The Western Center for Journalism
(Western Journalism)
MSNBC Host Outraged That Even Liberal ABC Dared To Question Obama
An annoyed Rachel Maddow on Thursday lectured ABC News for daring to run a segment questioning Barack Obama's appearance earlier this week on an internet comedy show.
from WIRED
Car Dealers Are Terrified of Tesla’s Plan to Eliminate Oil Changes
Car dealers fear Tesla. In states across the country, powerful car dealer associations have lobbied to ensure the electric car maker and its direct-sales model are kept out. This movement claimed another victory this week when New Jersey banned Tesla stores in the state.
from Yahoo News