Friday, July 9, 2021

In the news, Thursday, July 1, 2021


JUN 30      INDEX      JUL 02


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
RIGHT-CENTER BIAS, HIGH, non-profit organization

Millions of Americans have bought into forms of digital, decentralized money known as cryptocurrency, valuing its privacy and independence from government meddling. Naturally, politicians in Washington want to rain on the parade and shut down the newfangled currencies— like Bitcoin and Ethereum—that are beyond their control. One of the biggest opponents of cryptocurrency in Washington is Congressman Brad Sherman, a California Democrat who has in the past called for cryptos to be banned. At a Wednesday hearing for the House Committee on Financial Services, Sherman harshly criticized cryptocurrency and renewed his calls for its prohibition. ...Some of Congressman Sherman’s biggest donors are big banks and mainstream financial institutions, the same interests threatened by the rise of cryptocurrency.

Data from the CDC show a sharp increase in the number of Americans experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression. The worst part of COVID may be behind us, but that doesn’t mean we’re driving off into the sunset—at least not without a lot of baggage. Psychologists are reportedly paying close attention to the impact the pandemic made on the country’s mental health, and they’re noticing that many individuals are showing signs of chronic stress.


Education Website

Innovism, a term that the U.S. economic historian Deirdre McCloskey prefers to the somewhat misleading and pejorative “capitalism,” denotes a process of material enrichment based on innovation and trade or “trade-tested betterment” (another term she coined). Trade benefits humanity in a myriad of ways. It allows us to discover the true value of goods and services. It promotes cooperation by building trust between contracting parties. And, most obviously, it enables us to buy goods and services that we would not be able to produce ourselves.



Lytton First Nation’s acting chief is taking aim at CN Rail for its lack of communication after a fire devastated the community this week. The Village of Lytton was almost completely destroyed by fire June 30 and B.C. Wildfire Service says the blaze has grown since Friday night to 83 square kilometres in size. New mapping highlighted the spread of the fire. “What really concerns me right now is different organizations, like CN, is right next to my community and in IR 24, we still have a standing gas station on that reserve and there was a huge structure fire to that bridge that crosses the Thompson River. I actually am hoping CN will stay out of there and not try to repair their bridge until this fire is completely out. We want them to be off-site as well and we want communication with them," said acting chief John Haugen, with the Lytton First Nation during a public meeting with the Thompson Nicola Regional District, the B.C. Wildfire Service and area politicians. "The destruction that we have to live with is not insurmountable that we want to be involved in how we return to living in our community and CN is someone that has to be accountable to what’s going forward with any work they do to remediate that bridge and we want to be involved."


from Mises Institute

Inflation Is a Form of Embezzlement
Once money enters a particular market,  more money is paid for a product in that market. Alternatively, we can say that the price of a good in this market has gone up. (Note, again, that a price is the number of dollars per unit of something.)  Observe that when money is injected it enters a particular market. Once the price of a good has risen to the level where it is perceived as fully valued, the money goes to another market which is considered undervalued. The shift of money from one market to another market is not instantaneous; there is a time lag from increases in money and its effect on the average price increases.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


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