Friday, February 12, 2021

In the news, Thursday, February 4, 2021


FEB 03      INDEX      FEB 05


from CNBC
TV Network in Englewood Cliffs, NJ

The U.S. ranks last among industrialized countries relative to employee benefits like healthcare, paid leave, vacation days, unemployment and retirement, according to Zenefits.
States can raise their standards from federal minimums.


from Competitive Enterprise Institute

Today, incoming head of the Senate antitrust subcommittee, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) introduced the Competition and Antitrust Law Enforcement Reform Act. The contents of the bill seek to make antitrust violations easier to prove in court, but the overall thrust of the legislation reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of what drives innovation and best serves consumers.


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
RIGHT-CENTER BIAS, HIGH, non-profit organization

A new paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that "enforcement of mandatory restrictions" appears to have driven the collapse of sales in California.


from The Hill
LEAST BIASED, MOSTLY FACTUAL, News & Media Website in Washington, D.C.

Finally, a Republican leader declares war on Big Tech
A Republican leader has decided to take on Big Tech. It’s high time. While other Republican legislators complain and pontificate about Twitter, Facebook and Google’s interference in our elections and censoring of conservative voices, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared war on the tech giants. DeSantis is proposing legislation that asks the Florida state legislature to impose stiff fines – up to $100,000 per day – on tech companies that “deplatform” political candidates running for office in his state. Candidates like, for instance, Donald Trump.


Education Website

Introducing the city that pioneered the university model of higher learning.
Our twenty-first Center of Progress is Bologna, home to the first university (as commonly recognized) and the oldest continuously operating university in the world today. The University of Bologna, traditionally said to be founded in the year 1088, was the earliest institution to award degrees and promote higher learning in the manner of a modern college or university.


from Mises Institute

[Editor's Note: In this 2009 article, Lew Rockwell lists the problems with government mandates on private use of mobile phones. Observant readers will note the "public safety" arguments against the freedom to use phones as we choose are essentially the same as current claims that "public health" is a justification for dictating daily habits and behavior.]

Helena Rosenblatt, a historian who teaches at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, has written a valuable history of liberalism that is disfigured by her bias against the free market and its advocates. She aims to provide "a word history of liberalism. I feel certain that if we don’t pay attention to the actual use of the word, the histories we tell will inevitably be different and even conflicting…. My approach leads to some surprising discoveries. One is the centrality of France to the history of liberalism…. Another discovery is the importance of Germany, whose contributions to the history of liberalism are usually underplayed, if not completely ignored."

President Joe Biden vowed to put a “quick end” to the Trump administration’s Title IX regulations and return to Obama-era ones at universities. If this happens, the sexual misconduct hearings will be deeply impacted. These “trials” judge whether those accused of sexual misconduct are innocent or guilty. The Obama-era hearings expressed social justice standards that greatly favored an accuser; the Trump-era ones were closer to the Western tradition of due process. The hearings remain a major battleground in the culture war.

After years of delay and endless debates over the long-term relationship between the EU and the UK, Brexit is finally done. At least, it’s done for now. The EU and the UK appear to have struck a trade deal and a deal over the general relationship between them. When it was fully part of the EU, the UK was limited in efforts to unilaterally strike trade deals with countries that weren’t part of the EU. UK trade had to be approved by EU bureaucrats. But that’s no longer the case, the UK is now more free to look beyond Europe for building up global trade.


from MyNorthwest
Media/News Company in Seattle

Jennifer Moore initially saw her role as a customer intake specialist at the Employment Security Department as a kind of calling. She has a background in social work, and wanted a job that would let her make a difference in people’s lives during a crisis. Additionally, Moore herself had been through the state’s unemployment system before, and thought her own experience would help her to advise people. But what she found after her arrival last summer was a system that actively tried not to help people.


from National Review  RIGHT BIAS

It hurts the very people it’s supposed to be helping.
President Biden and his fellow Democrats are pushing hard to increase the federal minimum wage to $15, and polls show strong support for the measure. That’s understandable — after all, who doesn’t care about poor people and want them to do better? The problem is that Americans don’t fully understand how the minimum wage works, or the many ways it hurts the very people it’s supposed to help. As the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) notes in a new review of the relevant academic studies, the economic consensus on minimum-wage laws is much clearer, and much more clearly negative, than the press often makes it out to be: The data show that increasing the minimum wage results in a significant net increase in unemployment. The increase is particularly pronounced among young adults — and most pronounced of all among low-skilled workers.

It thwarts treatment for pain and makes the black market deadlier
In 1819, U.S. Supreme Court chief justice John Marshall aptly warned that “the power to tax involves the power to destroy.” Today, new state taxes on prescription opioids threaten to destroy the market for them, along with the lives of patients who depend on them for control of crippling pain. And these taxes may ultimately increase drug-overdose deaths. Over the past three years, New York, Delaware, Minnesota, and Rhode Island have imposed taxes and fees on opioid manufacturers and pharmaceutical distributors that deliver opioids to pharmacies and hospitals in their respective states. Other states are expected to follow suit. Senator Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) has proposed a national excise tax on prescription opioids. These taxes are intended to discourage opioid abuse and raise revenue to fund opioid treatment and deterrence programs. They have little chance of achieving these laudable objectives, however....


TV Channel in Wenatchee, WA

President Joe Biden’s administration today finally declared the Washington wildfires of 2020 a federal disaster. The state has sought disaster classification for those massive fires since they struck last September, but the Trump administration never acted on the request. The president’s approval makes federal money available for recovery and rebuilding in the fire zone, which includes Douglas County, Okanogan County, and the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington

President Joe Biden on Thursday declared last year’s wildfires in Washington a major disaster, approving public assistance funds requested by Gov. Jay Inslee after blazes devastated communities across the state, including the towns of Malden and Pine City. Former President Donald Trump held up the requests for more than four months over a feud with Inslee, a Democrat, despite pleas to approve the aid from Republicans and Democrats who represent Washington in Congress. Biden’s approval applies to nine counties, as well as the Yakama Nation and Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation.

When Mitchell Pitney decided to re-open his business last summer, it wasn’t political defiance. He is committed to physical fitness and personal responsibility, starting with taking care of his members. “People who have better health have better outcomes,” Pitney said at a recent virtual panel discussion. It’s not a stand that makes him a convenient political poster child for the right or the left.


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