Saturday, February 6, 2021

In the news, Saturday, January 23, 2021



JAN 22      INDEX      JAN 24


from Big League Politics

As conservatives and members of the MAGA Movement in general continue to be ostracized by the mainstream media and establishment politicians for the events that unfolded on January 6th, members of congress are moving to further compromise the lives of those who weren’t even involved in the infamous “siege.” While many Trump supporters have been quietly disposed of by their employers, this has largely been a policy of businesses to choose with whom they want to associate with as privately owned companies. However, according to Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), supporters of Donald Trump should be barred from the public sector as well.


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
RIGHT-CENTER BIAS, HIGH, non-profit organization

FDR’s “Four Freedoms” speech dramatically changed the meaning of freedom into something inconsistent with freedom for all Americans.

The changes favored by the ‘Great Reset’ movement would force businesses to serve the interests of ruling elites and leave true stakeholders out in the cold.


from National Review  RIGHT BIAS

The rhetoric of global citizenship, whether used descriptively or prescriptively, is now firmly established as a part of the common language of public affairs and higher education. References to global citizenship are almost never pejorative, and even if they do not have beneficent qualities attached to them, then global citizenship is at least presented as something benign or harmless. The growing tendency to encourage Americans, and school children in particular, to see themselves as global citizens, however, is not without risks to our constitutional republic. Besides the fact that global citizenship does not make sense (it is literally non-sense) since citizenship is about membership in an actual civil society or civic order (civitas), the substitution of attention to global citizenship for attention to national citizenship is an invitation for Americans to become indifferent to the wellbeing of the only civic community of which they really are a part.


from The New Yorker
LEFT BIAS, HIGH, magazine in New York

After the Capitol assault—and after losing his perch as Majority Leader—the senator finally denounced the outgoing President. Was it a moral reckoning or yet another act of political self-interest?
On the afternoon of January 6th, less than an hour before a violent mob supporting President Donald Trump broke into the Capitol, causing mayhem that led to the deaths of five Americans, Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, gave the most powerful speech of his life. In a cold disavowal of Trump’s false claims about rampant election fraud, McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, stood behind the Senate dais and stated the obvious: despite two months of increasingly malign lies from Trump, and from many of his supporters in Congress, Joe Biden had won the Presidency. McConnell, in his dead-eyed, laconic manner, listed the damning facts, citing numerous federal judges and state officials who had rejected Trump’s baseless assertions that the election had been “rigged” against him. “The voters, the courts, and the states have all spoken,” McConnell said. “If we overrule them, it would damage our republic forever.” Then, in a final jab, he pointed out that—contrary to Trump’s ludicrous claim that he’d won a second term by a landslide—the election “actually was not unusually close.” Trump had lost by seven million votes in the popular ballot, and 306–232 in the Electoral College.


from Salon

Joe Biden's inaugural address was soaring, Lincoln-esque oratory — but his vision of national unity is dangerous
Biden's humanity and fundamental decency and generosity of spirit could also prove to be his greatest weakness. The central theme of the president's inaugural address was unity: He wants to reunite the tens of millions of Trump's political cult members with the rest of normal society. To accomplish this goal, Biden is asking good Americans — those who believe in democracy — to reach out to Trump's followers and other Republicans, a group of people who have repeatedly shown that they reject multiracial democracy and embrace authoritarianism and fascism. In essence, Biden is asking his voters and other supporters to do the emotional, moral and physical labor of reaching out to the worst elements of America, those who have exiled themselves into the alternate reality of TrumpWorld and the broader right-wing echo chamber. Biden's approach rewards bad behavior and does not force a new maturity or wisdom onto Trumpists, Republicans and other unrepentant elements of the right. Ultimately, such an approach all but ensures that the White Right will become even more radical and dangerous.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


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