Friday, June 4, 2021

In the news, Tuesday, May 25, 2021


MAY 24      INDEX      MAY 26


from Competitive Enterprise Institute

One of the first things President Biden should have done upon taking office was to eliminate the Trump tariffs. This would have provided potent economic stimulus without any additional spending. Instead, as my colleague Iain Murray points out, Biden is making the Trump tariffs his own—along with all of the consumer harm, corporate cronyism, slowed recovery, and diplomatic strain that tariffs cause.


from The Heritage Foundation
RIGHT BIAS,  MIXED  American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C.

Biden has resurrected Obama’s risk-averse foreign policy. Biden’s internationalism, like Obama’s, is a pernicious type of isolationism that covers a desire to withdraw from the world. By shrinking the safety net of American power, it leaves lots of open space for bad people to do bad things.

It was no surprise when now-President Biden made a point to again reject the permit for Keystone on Day One of his administration. The decision has put him at odds with our Canadian allies, 21 states that have filed suit, American workers and labor unions who enjoyed good-paying jobs to build the pipeline, and the reality that canceling the pipeline will have an insignificant impact on global temperatures over the next century. What is utterly baffling, then, is that Biden has not been consistent either with the vision to “show the rest of the world the way forward” or with his own administration’s recent policy decisions relating to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline construction project, supported by Russia and a small cadre of European governments. Biden on Wednesday waived sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG, the subsidiary of Gazprom, Russia’s state-owned energy company, building the pipeline; the company’s CEO; and corporate officers, all using a “national interest” waiver.


from Mises Institute

Why Cause-of-Death Stats Aren't as Reliable as the CDC Wants You to Think
Historically, the overwhelming majority of Americans have ignored death certificates and the topic of how they are processed, produced, and compiled for purposes of government statistics. During 2020, however, death certificates rose to a level of unprecedented prominence in the United States. This was due to the fact that both state and federal government agencies began using covid death counts as a means to justify a wide variety of radical new government decrees designed to combat disease. Given that governments were leaning so heavily on death counts as an excuse for unprecedented expansions of state power, many observers quite understandably began to question how these deaths were being counted. It turns out that the administration of death certificates is something ripe for some serious skepticism. Even before the panic that ensued over rising reports of covid-19 deaths, the accuracy of death certificates was an ongoing concern.


from MyNorthwest
Media/News Company in Seattle

Washington state’s new law mandating Critical Race Theory (CRT) training requires medical students to sit through social justice courses in order to graduate. It will even effectively limit the number of Asian medical student enrollees. It does this in the name of equity. Governor Jay Inslee recently signed into law several bills mandating social justice training for public school staff. But one particular bill goes further. Senate Bill 5228 forces medical students at the University of Washington and Washington State University to undergo CRT training as a condition of graduation. It also institutes quotas that will limit minority students who are most overrepresented: Asians. And the end goal appears tailored towards racial segregation in health care.


from The New American Magazine
RIGHT BIAS: John Birch Society

CCP Advisor Declares Biological Warfare Victory as COVID Lab Origin Theory Goes Mainstream
A university professor who is an advisor for the Chinese Communist Party has declared that Beijing “won” the “biological warfare” battle against the United States. Ping Chen, a professor of economics at Peking University, and senior research fellow at Fudan University, bragged in an unearthed video that the United States has been “beaten back to its original shape.” The statement is notable in light of the western establishment’s recent backpedaling on claims that COVID-19 developed naturally. The media and organizations such as the World Health Organization have long derided the notion that the virus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, yet mainstream outlets are now revising their position.


from Orthodox Christianity –
Religious Organization in Moscow, Russia

Part 2: St. Hibald of Lindsey (December 14/27), St. Pandwina, Nun of Eltisley (August 26/September 8), St. Pega of Peakirk (January 8/21), St. Wendreda of March


from South Florida Sun Sentinel
Daily newspaper in Deerfield Beach, Florida

This year, numerous states have enacted laws protecting fairness in women’s sports — and Florida could be next. It’s exciting to see so many governors and legislators taking a stand for girls and women, especially in the face of immense pressure from special interests and “woke” corporations — including the NCAA — to oppose such common-sense legislation. Florida’s own Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, which is part of Senate Bill 1028, is now sitting on Gov. Ron DeSantis’s desk, and I am optimistic that, by signing the bill into law, he will add Florida to this growing list of states protecting opportunities for women and girls. In short, this bill preserves the values of fairness and hard work that athletic competition instills in our children and teenagers. The difference in male and female physiology has tangible effects in the world of sports; it’s why we separate sports based on sex in the first place. Ignoring those meaningful biological differences denies women opportunities to succeed.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


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