Monday, December 7, 2020

In the news, Sunday, November 22, 2020


NOV 21      INDEX      NOV 23


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


from Sputnik
RIGHT-CENTER BIAS, MIXED, Broadcasting & Media Production Company out of Moscow, Russia

The researchers noted that although some of the awakening microbes are actually known to science, a percentage of them might have “unpredictable behaviour after release”. With the ongoing thawing of glaciers and permafrost in various parts of the Earth, it remains unclear what consequences there might be as dormant organisms, which had remained encased in deep layers of frozen ground, begin to wake up, warn researchers who have written an article published in Scientific American magazine. Noting that permafrost covers about 24 percent of our planet's surface, the scientists point out how "Arctic lands offer unexplored microbial biodiversity and microbial feedbacks", with some layers possibly harbouring "ancient frozen microbes, Pleistocene megafauna and even buried smallpox victims".

The ongoing dispute over the potential election fraud has exposed an apparent long-term strategy of the Democratic Party to gain a competitive advantage over the Republicans, suggest former Reagan administration official Dr Paul Craig Roberts and Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel. The Republican and Democratic parties are bracing for the 5 January Georgia runoff races that will determine which party controls the Senate. Despite losing several House seats in the 2020 elections, the Dems are still holding the lower chamber and hope that their nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, will assume the Oval Office in January 2021. The margin between the Republican and Democratic Senate candidates in Georgia is razor-thin, adding to partisan tensions simmering around the political battle.

The Trump administration announced its intention to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty in May, accusing Russia of violating its conditions. Moscow dismissed the allegations. With the scrapping of Open Skies as far as the US is concerned, the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty is now the last major arms control agreement between Russia and the US. The White House National Security Council has formally confirmed that the United States is no longer a party to the Open Skies Treaty, announcing the decision on Twitter.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said he was not guided by ulterior motives when he withheld congratulations for Joe Biden on his projected presidential victory amid Donald Trump's refusal to concede. "Formalities must be followed based on established practices and legal standards. There is no ulterior motive or anything that could serve to further degrade our relationship. It is a purely formal approach," Putin told the Rossiya 1 broadcaster. The president added he took the wait-and-see approach as he expects the post-election dust to settle in the United States. "It is not that we like or do not like someone — we are simply waiting for an end of this internal political confrontation," Putin said, adding he had equal respect for both Trump and Biden. "We will work with any person, who holds the trust of the US people. But to whom this confidence is given — it must either be indicated through political convention when one of the parties recognizes the victory of the other, or the final results of the election should be summed up in a legitimate, legal way". Putin also said that everyone understands that the US election system has drawbacks. "It is quite evident - it is clear for everyone in the world - it seems to me that it is clear for Americans, there are problems in the US election system...A candidate, who wins in this or that state, he gains all votes of the electors. For example, there are 20. Gained 11, but took all 20. But it may be that there are fewer voters behind these electors...Is it democratic? In my opinion, the question is obvious," the president said. 

Innovators behind the "Ouroboros Steak" offer those concerned about consuming animal meat to try the lizard lifestyle of consuming your own flesh. However, new technologies would allow it to be done much less violently. A team of scientists in the US has developed a DIY-meal kit branded "Ouroboros" which allows a consumer to grow edible meat from their own human cells, in an attempt to question the ethics of eating meat of any kind.


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