Thursday, November 12, 2020

In the news, Thursday, November 05, 2020


NOV 04      INDEX      NOV 06


from Gateway Pundit  News & Media Website
Questionable Source, Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News

Matt Braynard, the executive Director of Look Ahead America and former data chief and strategist for Trump for President tweeted out today that he has at his finger tips, the data for everyone in seven key states who requested an absentee ballot or voted early. AZ, GA, MI, NC, NV, PA, WI. Matt added, “Discovering just a *few* matches to the Death List would indicate a much bigger problem as ABS/EV requests of dead voters would be incidental to a larger fraud operation.”


Education Website

Our fifteenth Center of Progress is Mainz, the hometown of the man who invented the metal movable-type printing press, Johannes Gutenberg (circa 1399–1468), and the urban base from which that invention spread throughout Europe. While he may have technically invented the printing press in Strasbourg, Gutenberg soon returned to Mainz, and it was in the latter city that he taught many others the art of printmaking. Political turmoil in the city soon caused a mass exodus of Gutenberg’s apprentices. The printmakers spread out from Mainz to different corners of Europe, where they further disseminated printmaking knowledge. The Mainz printmaker diaspora helped increase the speed with which other parts of Europe adopted the printing press.


from National Review  RIGHT BIAS

Instead of attempting to insult and berate noncompliant voters into submission, Democrats might consider attempting to defend their increasingly radical agenda or at least acknowledging that it turns off a huge number of Americans who are neither racists nor gender traitors. Consider just a few reasons — more plausible than the conspiratorial notion that they were coerced by their husbands into doing so — why more married women may have chosen to vote for Trump rather than Biden.


from The New American Magazine
RIGHT BIAS: John Birch Society

Massive Vote Fraud Across U.S. as Trump Decries Attempted Coup
Reports, videos, and other evidence of rampant and brazen voter fraud from all across the country — especially in jurisdictions controlled by Democrats — continue pouring in faster than the Big Tech giants can censor it and the fake “fact-checking” industry can dishonestly attempt to discredit it. At this point, virtually anybody who is not depending on the fake-news media as their only source of information can see it clearly. The outcome of the election is at stake. And Trump supporters are already rallying nationwide against the “Big Steal.”


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington

A deeply divided Washington Supreme Court on Thursday ruled 5-4 in favor of farm laborers, saying dairy workers in the state should have received overtime pay as part of the Washington Minimum Wage Act. While the decision came from a case brought by dairy workers, it appears the ruling will require all farmers to pay overtime. However, it’s not yet known whether those farmers will have to pay overtime retroactive to the suit’s filing , said Jay Gordon, policy director for the Washington State Dairy Federation. “We are incredibly disappointed and are considering our options because this will be devastating,” Gordon said. “This puts Washington farmers at a massive disadvantage. This is the first court-ordered mandatory overtime for agriculture in the United States.”

It would be easy to opinionate on Wednesday’s chaos for Thursday publication, dissecting the presidential election results or lack thereof with 20-20 hindsight. This column takes a different approach. From Sunday afternoon until Washington polls closed at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, I reached out to Republicans and Democrats for comment regardless of the outcome. What words would they commit to pre-election to be read in the newspaper on Thursday morning?


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