Saturday, October 10, 2020

In the news, Thursday, October 1, 2020


SEP 30      INDEX      OCT 02


from Hoover Institution
Nonprofit Organization in Stanford, California

Colonialism and War
"In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” And, after 33 days of dead reckoning navigation, he bumped into the Western Hemisphere on October 12. Spain’s colonization began as a military conquista, coupled with the extraction of precious metals. Within fifty years, Spanish colonists had built cathedrals and libraries in Mexico and Peru. A century later, British civilians colonized North America. Throughout the hemisphere, colonists overwhelmed indigenous populations quantitatively, as well as with religion, literacy, learning, sanitation, and technology as they developed their own civilization. Immigrants flocked from throughout the Old World to the colonies and joined in celebrating October 12 as the beginning of their blessings.


from The Jerusalem Post

The festival of Sukkot, which begins five days after Yom Kippur, is traditionally referred to as the time of our rejoicing. It is an upbeat, celebratory week-long holiday during which we are commanded to eat and, ideally, sleep in a temporary dwelling to remind us that the children of Israel lived in booths during their desert sojourn after God had taken them out of Egypt. Seventy-five years ago, for the first time since their liberation from Nazi death and concentration camps, the survivors of the Shoah sat down together to reflect on their only recently acquired freedom from their nightmarish bondage. At the end of March and early April of 1945, during Passover, most had still been inmates of Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau and other camps, and unable to properly celebrate the holiday.


from NBC News (& affiliates)

The announcement comes shortly after the president said he and the first lady were in the "quarantine process" following senior aide Hope Hicks' positive test.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington

Researchers with the University of California Cooperative Extension dug into the link between cows and fire in California, affirming the positive impact of grazing to reduce fuel load and make fire suppression safer. When cows eat the grass before it dries out, the flame front stays lower, and the carbon goes back into the soil instead of into the air. Climate is changing. Successful climate adaptation means the management of our forests and rangelands must follow the science. The phrase “log it, graze it or watch it burn” applies.


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