Saturday, December 21, 2019

In the news, Sunday, December 8, 2019


DEC 07      INDEX      DEC 09


from BBC News (UK)

Church in Wales prepares to mark centenary
The Church in Wales is beginning celebrations for its 100th anniversary. Challenges have been there from the very beginning, from the church's foundation in 1920 after breaking with the Church of England. Resentment in Wales had been growing for decades as people objected to paying tithes - taxes - to support the Church of England, even if they went to chapel instead. Leading nonconformist politicians, such as David Lloyd George, saw disestablishment as a way to assert national and linguistic identity. Severing of ties took place in 1914 with the passing of the Welsh Church Act, but was only implemented in 1920 following World War One.


from  Education Website

Stuff of Progress, Pt. 5: Chemical Pesticides
Growing the crops and raising the animals that feed civilization is a ceaseless battle against spoilage induced by pests. Farming produces an unnatural bounty of calories, stored in a single location: a treasure far too tempting for a great many pests. Humans have been battling the causes of crop spoilage and loss for over ten thousand years. However, only in the last few hundred years have agricultural science and technology been able to tip the balance in the struggle against spoilage substantially in human favor. The annals of history are packed with examples of pest-induced crop spoilage and crop loss, often resulting in widespread famine and immiseration. Pesticides, while not perfect, have been major contributors to our current state of food abundance.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


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