Saturday, November 2, 2019

In the news, Friday, October 25, 2019


OCT 24      INDEX      OCT 26


from Conciliar Post

Christians, and especially church leaders, should possess a historical mind. History provides the only data of human experience and therefore should be the “library” consulted by those tasked with solving contemporary problems. Not only should church leaders be well acquainted with history, but all people, within and without the church, should be versed in church history. Stated more concisely, everyone should study history; moreover, everyone should study church history.  Without knowledge of church history, we cannot be good citizens because we will not fully grasp the rationale, origin, and significance of the institutions and political ideals we hold dear and are charged to preserve; those upon which our entire way of life depends.


from  Education Website

Stuff of Progress, Pt. 2: Iron
Iron is a lustrous gray metal and the fourth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. While exceedingly rare in pure metallic form, iron is prodigiously abundant as an ore called Magnetite (Fe3O4). The exploration and mining of iron ore, and the manufacture of iron-based products, such as high-strength steel, are crucial to countries undergoing industrialization. The metal, quite literally, forms the skeleton of modern infrastructure. The word iron lent its name to the “Iron Age” and while it is true that today humanity mines more sophisticated metals, such as titanium, tungsten and aluminum, we are still, in many important ways, living in the age of iron.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


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