Friday, June 28, 2019

In the news, Tuesday, June 18, 2019


 JUN 17      INDEX      JUN 19


from DW News (Deutsche Welle)
Broadcasting & Media Production Company in Bonn, Germany

Domestic violence against men – German states move to break taboos
For the first time ever, two German states are launching an initiative to help male victims of domestic violence. Officials in Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia say they want to break the taboos surrounding the topic.


from Hoover Institution
Nonprofit Organization in Stanford, California

Center Of Gravity
In Tolstoy’s massive novel War and Peace at the Battle of Borodino with Napoleon’s Grande Armée some eighty miles from Moscow, Carl von Clausewitz, then and now the foremost strategist of the study of war, suddenly canters onto the scene in a cameo appearance and is overheard to pronounce on the fighting: "Der krieg muss im Raum / verlegt werden. Der / Ansicht kann ich nicht / genug Preis geben" [“War must be extended in space.  I cannot put too much value on that.”]


Education Website

On his immensely popular HBO show, the host of Real Time with Bill Maher observed, “Not every movie set in the future has to be a super clean utopia or a smouldering post apocalypse.” “Isn’t there something in between,” he asked. “It’s always either the earth is a giant Apple store or burning man got way out of control.” Maher is onto something. There is a strange disconnect between Hollywood’s dark vision of humanity’s future and a much more palatable reality of human existence.


from National Review  RIGHT BIAS

America’s First Third-World State
Third World symptomologies are predictably corrupt government, unequal or nonexistent applicability of the law, two rather than three classes, and the return of medieval diseases. Third World nations suffer from high taxes and poor social services, premodern infrastructure and utilities, poor transportation, tribalism, gangs, and lack of security. Another chief characteristic of a Third World society is the official denial of all of the above, and a vindictive, almost hysterical state response to anyone who points out those obvious tragedies. Another is massive out-migration. Residents prefer almost any country other than their own. Think Somalia, Venezuela, Cuba, Libya, or Guatemala. Does 21st-century California increasingly fit that definition — despite having the nation’s most amenable climate and most beautiful and diverse geography, with major natural ports facing the dynamic Asian economies, and being naturally rich in timber, agriculture, mining, and energy, and blessed with a prior century’s inheritance of effective local and state government?


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


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