Lee Chronicle: Studies of the Early Generations of the Lees of Virginia
French-English Dictionary
Washington State Library
If anyone in your tree came through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1924, go to this site (free).
For building the tree, I am using http://www.ancestry.com/ as a guest member, which is free. Before getting started, go to the "Learning Center" tab and check out the information there. As you are building the tree, when you go to "View profile", as you scroll down the right side, you will find "Recent Member Connect activity". If there is anything there, click on "See details". If anyone else has been working the tree, this will give you parents names, and the date of birth and death. At the bottom right you can click on "Search the web for (person's name)". If you are lucky, you might find something like "Descendants of (person's name)", which can keep you busy for a long time if it includes very many generations. Then again, you might find "700000 people connected with European Royalty". Good luck there.
The Downtown Spokane Public Library has a Geneology department on the third floor, open at all times the library is open. Eastern Washington Genealogical Society has volunteers to answer questions and assist beginning genealogists at certain hours. For up to date information, check the Genealogy section of the library's web site: http://www.spokanelibrary.org/.
Washington State Digital Archives: http://www.digitalarchives.wa.gov/
The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.
Genealogy Trails: Washington State Genealogy and History:
Genealogy Trails: Grant County:
HistoryLink.org- the Free Online Encyclopedia of Washington State Historywww.historylink.org
Top FREE genealogy websites:
Family Search www.familysearch.org (For research, historical records and
volunteering to help index) (the free official family/genealogy site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and is very good for searching public records from many countries, and especially the social security death index.)
Find a Grave www.findagrave.com (Millions of online memorials, from transcribed headstones)
World GenWeb Project www.worldgenweb.org (Genealogical data per country)
US GenWeb Project www.usgenweb.com (Genealogical data per state)
National Archives www.nationalarchives.gov (Archived Genealogical data from the US Government)
Genealogy Today www.genealogytoday.com (Genealogical Data)
Access Genealogy www.accessgenealogy.com (Online Genealogical Data)
Family Tree Searcher www.familytreesearcher.com (Online family trees)
GeneaBios www.geneabios.com (Genealogy Biography database)
More highly recommended Free sites:
Cyndi's List www.cyndislist.com (Online genealogical data)
Roots Web www.rootsweb.org (Online message boards and genealogical data)
The Genealogy Society web site is www.rootsweb.com/~waewgs/
Jewish Genealogy www.jewishgen.org (Jewish Genealogical data)
Billion Graves www.billiongraves.com (online memorials with gps tracking to each headstone)
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