Friday, January 5, 2018

In the news, Tuesday, December 26, 2017


DEC 25      INDEX      DEC 27

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from Free Market Central

[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

When it comes to President Trump’s big tax plan, Democrats are worried — not that it will fail but that it will succeed, igniting the U.S. economy and providing so much economic growth that all those low-information voters out there will see the leftist scare talk of the last 25 years has been complete rubbish.


from The Hill
LEFT-CENTER BIAS, MIXED, newspaper in Washington, D.C.

10 times the intel community violated the trust of US citizens, lawmakers and allies
No matter where you stand politically, a growing body of facts raises the question: Is there systemic corruption or misfeasance at work inside America’s intelligence agencies? By that, I don’t mean people stealing money. I mean officials who are stealing our privacy — using the tools of intelligence-gathering and law-enforcing, which are meant to protect Americans, to instead spy on them, to gather information that isn’t the government’s business (at least not without a court’s approval). And, in some instances, it appears, to punish or silence those with whom they disagree — personal and political foes, in and out of government — rather than to pursue and protect Americans from the country’s real enemies.


from NBC News (& affiliates)

Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit, but political reality stands in his way
Revenue shortfalls created by the new GOP tax law could make House Speaker Paul Ryan's political goals easier to achieve. Ryan wants to cut so-called entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security to reduce the deficit. The political landscape ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, however, might be too treacherous for Ryan to achieve his goals.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


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