from ABC News
from About.com
What is Dolphin-Safe Tuna?
[from 2012] Environmental and animal welfare groups promote "dolphin-safe tuna," but the dolphin-safe label is in danger of being weakened in the U.S. and some animal protection groups do not support dolphin-safe tuna.
from ACLJ
from AMAC
White House Admits: ‘It’s True’ Some Americans Won’t Be Able to Keep Their Health Care Plan Under Obamacare
from Ancestry.com
from Breitbart
CBS: Over 2 Million Americans Have Already Received Insurance Cancellations Due To ObamaCare
Turmeric Offers Powerful Anti-Cancer Benefits Without Side Effects
CBS: Horror Story Discredits Obama's 'Reassuring Phrase' About Keeping Health Plans
Gallup: Higher Marriage Rate Could Boost the Economy
CGI Federal executive spent ‘Christmas with the Obamas’
First-ever evidence of a comet strike on Earth
When it exploded in Earth’s atmosphere, the comet rained down a shock wave of fire that obliterated every life form in its path.
This date in science: Hurricane Sandy hits U.S. Northeast
Get ready! Hybrid solar eclipse on November 3
Savage windstorm kills at least 13 in Europe
Researchers quantify toxic ocean conditions during major extinction
UC Riverside-led study points to an ancient oxygen-free and hydrogen sulfide-rich ocean that may foreshadow our future.
Halloween derived from ancient Celtic cross-quarter day
Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to our sun
Earth-size planet in Alpha Centauri system
Tennessee Imam Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi: “Jews and Christians are Filthy, Their Lives and Property can be Taken in Jihad by the Muslims”
from CBS News
video (2:09)
from Choice and Truth
Radioactive Debris in Pacific Ocean: Fukushima Radiation is Tearing up the West Coast of the US and Canada
[shared from Global Research]
“Fukushima Is Here”: Nuclear Radiation On the West Coast, from California to Alaska.
The ocean will dilute Fukushima radiation[shared from Global Research]
More Than 30 Percent of The World’s Food Supply Is Wasted Every Year
Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job
Man who blew the whistle on Gladio tells Italy's largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad[shared from Global Research]
Join the Halloween Protest against War Criminal Dick Cheney in Toronto. Canadian Lawyers have Called for his Arrest
Next Major False Flag Event?
Ginger Root Kills Ovarian & Prostate Cancer Cells Better than Chemo
The Iranian “Smoke and Mirrors Threat” and Washington’s “Human Rights Card”
[shared from Global Research]
[shared from Global Research]
“Fukushima Is Here”: Nuclear Radiation On the West Coast, from California to Alaska.
The ocean will dilute Fukushima radiation[shared from Global Research]
More Than 30 Percent of The World’s Food Supply Is Wasted Every Year
Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job
Man who blew the whistle on Gladio tells Italy's largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad[shared from Global Research]
Join the Halloween Protest against War Criminal Dick Cheney in Toronto. Canadian Lawyers have Called for his Arrest
Next Major False Flag Event?
Ginger Root Kills Ovarian & Prostate Cancer Cells Better than Chemo
The Iranian “Smoke and Mirrors Threat” and Washington’s “Human Rights Card”
[shared from Global Research]
from CNSNews.com
Marriage is good for society.
from The College Fix
from The College Fix
from Columbia Basin Herald
from Cyndi's List
FamilySearch has announced they have reached a milestone in their collection of Family History Books. 100,000 books have now been scanned by the partnership of the Family History Library, Allen County Public Library, and several others of the most important family history libraries in the world. These family history books are online and available to search and use on the FamilySearch.org website.
[shared from LDS Media Talk]
from The Daily Caller
from Daily Mail
from Deutsche Welle (DW) (Germany)
India has officially recognized dolphins as non-human persons, whose rights to life and liberty must be respected. Dolphin parks that were being built across the country will instead be shut down.
from EarthSky
First-ever evidence of a comet strike on Earth
When it exploded in Earth’s atmosphere, the comet rained down a shock wave of fire that obliterated every life form in its path.
Savage windstorm kills at least 13 in Europe
Researchers quantify toxic ocean conditions during major extinction
UC Riverside-led study points to an ancient oxygen-free and hydrogen sulfide-rich ocean that may foreshadow our future.
Halloween derived from ancient Celtic cross-quarter day
Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to our sun
Earth-size planet in Alpha Centauri system
from Facecrooks
from The Farmacy (& Strawbale City)
from Freedom Foundation
In a recent Huffington Post article, SEIU President Mary Kay Henry has criticized Freedom Foundation for our recent report on Proposition 1. Our Labor Policy Analyst Max Nelson, author of the initial report, responds here.
Considering the amount of money being spent in this election for Prop. 1, it is important to look into why local unions are pushing so hard for a minimum wage increase to $15/hr. Max Nelsen, our Labor Policy Analyst, wrote an op-ed about this for Puget Sound Business Journal.
from Freedom Outpost
Tennessee Imam Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi: “Jews and Christians are Filthy, Their Lives and Property can be Taken in Jihad by the Muslims”
from The Guardian
Why we are occupying a £3m council house
There is no justification for Southwark council selling off crucial property during such a desperate housing crisis
Some British people can't afford to heat their food. Aren't we ashamed?
I don't suppose any of the big six energy bosses has wrapped a toddler in a fleece, dressing gown and jumper of an evening
There is no justification for Southwark council selling off crucial property during such a desperate housing crisis
I don't suppose any of the big six energy bosses has wrapped a toddler in a fleece, dressing gown and jumper of an evening
Taking on the big six energy giants is not a leftwing delusion – ask Hungary
The centre-right prime minister, Viktor Orbán, has cut bills by 20% and wants to return utilities to the public sector
Tired? Troubled love life? Try banning gadgets from the bedroom
Late-night fiddling with devices stimulates your brain and invades what should be a quiet space. Time to turn off
British army criticised for recruiting 16-year-olds
Britain is one of just 19 countries that still recruit 16-year-olds to the armed forces. A new report claims that younger recruits are more likely to suffer from PTSD, alcohol problems and suicide than those who join as adults. This video tells the story of David Buck who joined the army at 17 but now feels he was conned by misleading recruitment marketing. (9:09)
The centre-right prime minister, Viktor Orbán, has cut bills by 20% and wants to return utilities to the public sector
Tired? Troubled love life? Try banning gadgets from the bedroom
Late-night fiddling with devices stimulates your brain and invades what should be a quiet space. Time to turn off
British army criticised for recruiting 16-year-olds
Britain is one of just 19 countries that still recruit 16-year-olds to the armed forces. A new report claims that younger recruits are more likely to suffer from PTSD, alcohol problems and suicide than those who join as adults. This video tells the story of David Buck who joined the army at 17 but now feels he was conned by misleading recruitment marketing. (9:09)
from The Heritage Foundation
President Obama mislead America with his promises. He said you could keep it. Turns out, you can't. Now, we are hurting.
from The Hill
Issa subpoenas ObamaCare contractor for website documents
‘God’ May Be Removed from U.S. Air Force Academy Oath
The United States Air Force Academy is considering whether to remove the phrase "so help me God" from the oath recited by cadets during graduation ceremonies. The "Military Religious Freedom Foundation", an atheist organization, has filed multiple complaints and gotten the attention of Academy's superintendent, who has called together a committee to decide on retaining or removing the oath. The news comes as just one more incident in a nationwide effort to remove any references to God from public life in the United States.
U.S. Citizen and Missionary Kenneth Bae Remains Locked Away in North Korea
Nearly two weeks after the conclusion of a visit by his mother, Kenneth Bae remains locked up in North Korea. A U.S. citizen and dedicated missionary, Kenneth was detained by North Korean officials late last year and sentenced in May to 15 years of hard labor for allegedly attempting "hostile acts" and trying to overthrow the authoritarian regime. Kenneth's mother, Myunghee Bae, pleaded with officials to release her son and apologized on behalf of the family for any wrong he may have committed. In North Korea, Christianity is completely repressed. The ownership of a Bible is punishable by life in prison for the owner and up to three generations of the owners family.
Israel to UNHRC: Release of Palestinian terrorists shows we're serious about peace
Issues under discussion include Beduin, migrants.
New York deliveryman awarded $900,000 after 16 years of anti-Semitic harassment
Restaurant manager would pass gas in front of deliveryman, joking that it was Zyklon B used to gas Jews during the Holocaust.
Kerry: US won't succumb to fear tactics of those who oppose Iran diplomacy
US Secretary of State defends Washington's decision to pursue diplomatic avenue with Tehran over its nuclear program.
Report: Abbas softens objection to interim peace deal with Israel
Israel Radio: Palestinian Authority no longer rejecting interim peace deal out of hand, pushing for permanent solution.
Bennett tells Post: I didn’t make a deal with PM to continue settlement construction
"PM told me of prisoner release when it was a fait accompli."
from Judicial Watch
from The Hill
Issa subpoenas ObamaCare contractor for website documents
from iFIBRE ONE News
from International Christian Concern
The United States Air Force Academy is considering whether to remove the phrase "so help me God" from the oath recited by cadets during graduation ceremonies. The "Military Religious Freedom Foundation", an atheist organization, has filed multiple complaints and gotten the attention of Academy's superintendent, who has called together a committee to decide on retaining or removing the oath. The news comes as just one more incident in a nationwide effort to remove any references to God from public life in the United States.
U.S. Citizen and Missionary Kenneth Bae Remains Locked Away in North Korea
Nearly two weeks after the conclusion of a visit by his mother, Kenneth Bae remains locked up in North Korea. A U.S. citizen and dedicated missionary, Kenneth was detained by North Korean officials late last year and sentenced in May to 15 years of hard labor for allegedly attempting "hostile acts" and trying to overthrow the authoritarian regime. Kenneth's mother, Myunghee Bae, pleaded with officials to release her son and apologized on behalf of the family for any wrong he may have committed. In North Korea, Christianity is completely repressed. The ownership of a Bible is punishable by life in prison for the owner and up to three generations of the owners family.
from The Jerusalem Post
Israel to UNHRC: Release of Palestinian terrorists shows we're serious about peace
Issues under discussion include Beduin, migrants.
New York deliveryman awarded $900,000 after 16 years of anti-Semitic harassment
Restaurant manager would pass gas in front of deliveryman, joking that it was Zyklon B used to gas Jews during the Holocaust.
Kerry: US won't succumb to fear tactics of those who oppose Iran diplomacy
US Secretary of State defends Washington's decision to pursue diplomatic avenue with Tehran over its nuclear program.
Report: Abbas softens objection to interim peace deal with Israel
Israel Radio: Palestinian Authority no longer rejecting interim peace deal out of hand, pushing for permanent solution.
Bennett tells Post: I didn’t make a deal with PM to continue settlement construction
"PM told me of prisoner release when it was a fait accompli."
from Judicial Watch
The IRS claims there was no witch hunt. If you want to know how an election is stolen read the report.
Obama Pays Tribute To Those Who Died In Sandy
Report: Administration knew millions couldn't keep current health plan
Bulky troops turn to liposuction to pass fat test
DUI arrests trending downward with liquor privatization
The Washington State Patrol now has a full year of data covering driving arrests and crashes since private retailers took over liquor sales. Despite hard alcohol being much more widely available, there was no increase in DUIs and drunk driving accidents.
Medicare chief apologizes for 'Obamacare' woes
Stressing that improvements are happening daily, the senior Obama official closest to the administration's malfunctioning health care website apologized Tuesday for problems that have kept Americans from successfully signing up for coverage.
Lawmakers: US spy programs may have gone too far
A fierce supporter of the Patriot Act, Rep. James Sensenbrenner now wants to scale back some of the counter-terror laws he once championed, citing an overreach by the NSA.
Final Honor Flight of 2013 takes off
Then and Now: One year after Hurricane Sandy
Chobani hopes to fix smelly whey pond
Residents of an Idaho town are hoping that a new filtration system planned for a local Greek yogurt plant will solve what they say is a smelly problem. The acid whey is typically hauled to a farm and spread on the land as a soil amendment.
Wash. town may reconsider city-run pot shop
The small town of White Salmon, Wash. met Monday morning to discuss the possibility of opening a city-run marijuana shop. The council voted 2-2, and the mayor can not break the tie, so the issue failed this time. But one council member was sick so the issue may come up for another vote next week.
Less crime on Spokane streets in 2013
Spokane Police Department leaders say crime in Spokane has gone down 5% since last year.
Gas prices dip below $3 in some areas
Spokane ranks as one of the most affordable cities in America
Burglars bust into 22 Spokane garages in one week
Former Othello teacher serving one year for molesting 5th grader
A former teacher was sentenced to 51 months on Monday for molesting a young student at Scootney Springs Elementary School in Othello. Lisa Davis will serve 12 months if she participates in a sex offender's treatment program.
World's tallest man gets married
Sultan Kosen towers more than 2 feet over his new bride
WH officials maintain they've always said some plans wouldn't meet new requirements
Superstorm Sandy victims still struggling to rebuild
from Los Angeles Times
Full text of Obama's speech to Congress and the nation
Here is the text of President Obama's first address to a joint session of Congress.
(February 24, 2009)
from Mark Levin
Conservatism in defense of liberty
This reply to moderate Republican Peter Berkowitz a few years back remains a good, concise answer to the pseudo conservatives today.
Ask Stacy: Should I Co-Sign My College Freshman Son’s Lease?
We do what we must for the ones we love, but should that include co-signing a lease for your college freshman?
10 Things Every High School Graduate Should Know About Money
from KHQ Local News (Spokane)
from KING 5 News (Seattle)
from KIRO 7 Eyewitness News (Seattle)
from KOMO News (Seattle)
The Washington State Patrol now has a full year of data covering driving arrests and crashes since private retailers took over liquor sales. Despite hard alcohol being much more widely available, there was no increase in DUIs and drunk driving accidents.
Stressing that improvements are happening daily, the senior Obama official closest to the administration's malfunctioning health care website apologized Tuesday for problems that have kept Americans from successfully signing up for coverage.
Public health - or public shaming? Parents say the Issaquah School District went too far in weighing in teenage kids in front of their peers.
A Poulsbo Walmart was forced to pull nearly $20,000 worth of meat from its shelves after a man was caught jabbing a syringe into a tube of pork sausage. The man blamed heroin addiction and a lack of sleep for what he called his "ridiculously stupid" actions.
from KREM 2 News (Spokane)
A fierce supporter of the Patriot Act, Rep. James Sensenbrenner now wants to scale back some of the counter-terror laws he once championed, citing an overreach by the NSA.
Chobani hopes to fix smelly whey pond
Residents of an Idaho town are hoping that a new filtration system planned for a local Greek yogurt plant will solve what they say is a smelly problem. The acid whey is typically hauled to a farm and spread on the land as a soil amendment.
Wash. town may reconsider city-run pot shop
The small town of White Salmon, Wash. met Monday morning to discuss the possibility of opening a city-run marijuana shop. The council voted 2-2, and the mayor can not break the tie, so the issue failed this time. But one council member was sick so the issue may come up for another vote next week.
Less crime on Spokane streets in 2013
Spokane Police Department leaders say crime in Spokane has gone down 5% since last year.
Gas prices dip below $3 in some areas
Spokane ranks as one of the most affordable cities in America
Burglars bust into 22 Spokane garages in one week
Former Othello teacher serving one year for molesting 5th grader
A former teacher was sentenced to 51 months on Monday for molesting a young student at Scootney Springs Elementary School in Othello. Lisa Davis will serve 12 months if she participates in a sex offender's treatment program.
from KXLY 4 News (Spokane)
Sultan Kosen towers more than 2 feet over his new bride
One major issue victims have: Their dealings with FEMA
Why Sebelius will keep her job for now
Obama has resisted calls from GOP opponents to fire HHS secretary
Wash. Health Plan Finder increases staffing to handle calls
Obama orders flags at half-staff in Foley's honor
Former teacher gets year in jail for molesting student, 10
Lisa Davis, a former Othello teacher who pleaded guilty last month to molesting a 10-year-old student, was sentenced Monday.
Health care site 'hub' back online after malfunction
Outage was latest issue to hit troubled HealthCare.gov
Why Sebelius will keep her job for now
Obama has resisted calls from GOP opponents to fire HHS secretary
Wash. Health Plan Finder increases staffing to handle calls
Obama orders flags at half-staff in Foley's honor
Former teacher gets year in jail for molesting student, 10
Lisa Davis, a former Othello teacher who pleaded guilty last month to molesting a 10-year-old student, was sentenced Monday.
Health care site 'hub' back online after malfunction
Outage was latest issue to hit troubled HealthCare.gov
from Los Angeles Times
Full text of Obama's speech to Congress and the nation
Here is the text of President Obama's first address to a joint session of Congress.
(February 24, 2009)
from Mark Levin
Conservatism in defense of liberty
This reply to moderate Republican Peter Berkowitz a few years back remains a good, concise answer to the pseudo conservatives today.
from Money Talks News
Ask Stacy: Should I Co-Sign My College Freshman Son’s Lease?
We do what we must for the ones we love, but should that include co-signing a lease for your college freshman?
10 Things Every High School Graduate Should Know About Money
The majority of us have assets less than $10,000. But Switzerland has the richest average adult income in the world.
from National Journal
from National Review
from Natural Society
Antioxidants Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene may be Key in Brain Protection
Neurologist Warns of Exploding Neurodegenerative Disease Due to Chemtrail Toxins
At Family’s Urging, Man’s Life Saved from Pneumonia Using High Dose Vitamin C
Failed Inspection: USDA Program Failing to Keep Meat Free of Contamination
The USDA is looking to expand a program instilled in the 1990s, which replaces USDA meat inspectors with inspectors hired by the companies themselves. How could this possibly help keep meat safe?
from NBC News
from NWCN
from One Minute Healings
Did you know a diet rich in fiber could be one of your best cancer prevention weapons? Fill your cart with these foods.
[shared from The Dr. Oz Show]
25 Studies Confirm: Exercise Prevents Depression
25 studies in the past 26 years have found that exercise can prevent depression.
from Red State
Mitch McConnell Ready to Fight GOP Base
The Hungry and the Well Fed
from The Right Scoop
Mark Levin: We should wrap Obamacare around the necks of the Democrat Party and pull it tight!
video (3:17)
from PreventDisease.com
from Psychology Today
25 Studies Confirm: Exercise Prevents Depression
25 studies in the past 26 years have found that exercise can prevent depression.
from Red State
Mitch McConnell Ready to Fight GOP Base
The Hungry and the Well Fed
from The Right Scoop
Mark Levin: We should wrap Obamacare around the necks of the Democrat Party and pull it tight!
video (3:17)
from Senior Airman Brian Kolfage
The Truth About Health Care Insurance Reform
Watch the White House's 'Truth' Video That Turns Out to Be a Complete Sham.
The Obama administration has known the entire time that Americans would lose their insurance, yet campaigned on the idea that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” video (3:00) (This video was produced and published in 2009.)
How to aggravate a politician
Article hinting why DHS bought 2700 armored vehicles priced at $1million each for a total of 2.7 billion dollars. We won't even get into the billions of ammunition issue. It's all about power. Ask yourself this: why do we need a paramilitary force so large that's dedicated to only US Soil? What are they preparing for? We have the National Guard for homeland disaster relief. To me it's clearly a power shift to create a civilian military force that rivals the US military. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what's going on. This article has the most logical reason why that I've seen yet.
[shared from The Spectrum]
from Space.com (& CollectSpacc)
Dream Chaser space plane soars through first drop test, skids off runway
A prototype for a space plane designed to taxi crews to Earth orbit soared during its first drop test but then skidded off the runway due to a landing gear failure on Saturday (Oct. 26). Sierra Nevada Corporation's (SNC) Dream Chaser engineering test article may have passed a milestone toward taking astronauts to the International Space Station, but was damaged when its left landing gear didn't deploy. The mini-shuttle is based on NASA's HL-20 lifting body vehicle concept and is intended to launch atop United Launch Alliance Atlas V rockets.
![]() |
Hubble Photo of Comet ISON
from Oct. 9, 2013
Photos of Comet ISON: A Potentially Great Comet
The much-anticipated Comet #ISON is now within sight of amateur astronomers as it plunges toward the sun.
Spooky Nebula is Coldest Known Object in Universe
The much-anticipated Comet #ISON is now within sight of amateur astronomers as it plunges toward the sun.
Spooky Nebula is Coldest Known Object in Universe
from SPIEGEL International (Der Spiegel)
from The Spokesman-Review
from The Star (Grand Coulee)
from The Telegraph (UK)
David Cameron to unveil £200m Sukuk at the World Islamic Economic Forum in London on Tuesday
from USA Today
from Viral Nova
One man kept his hobby a secret for years. When his grandson discovered what he had been doing with all of his free time, he was dumb founded. His grandpa had been spending hours hand-carving creations that are so detailed, it’ll make your head spin.
from The Wall Street Journal
from Washington Examiner
Obamacare launch spawns 700+ cyber-squatters capitalizing on Healthcare.gov, state exchanges
from The Washington Post
from The Weekly Standard
from The Wenatchee World
from 100 Percent FED Up
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