Saturday, December 9, 2017

In the news, Tuesday, November 21, 2017


NOV 20      INDEX      NOV 22

Information from some sites may not be reliable, or may not be vetted.
Some sources may require subscription.


from FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)
RIGHT-CENTER BIAS, HIGH, non-profit organization

Power and Predation
We cannot talk about rape without talking about power. Recently, much of our nation’s political discourse has centered around allegations of rape and sexual misconduct. Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore, for example, has been accused of pursuing sexual relationships with young teenagers. The questions, for me at least, are these: why does there seem to be such a high correlation between power and it's abuse, and if it exists and is visible to all of us, why do we prop up a system that allows humans to trade a pound of decency for an ounce of influence?

5 Reasons Why We Need Principles, Not Policies
Principles do not suggest specific actions, but they do suggest specific kinds of actions. Policy comes from limited individuals with limited information. Policy mandates large, complex solutions to large, complex problems. The problem lies in that mismatch. There is a large margin of error with policy, precisely because it hits or misses on the basis of a small, time-bound data set. The more specific the policy recommendations, the more things can go wrong.


from First Things

The standard of “affirmative consent” (the much-mocked gradualist approach of Antioch College), and renewed inquiries into how alcohol erases agency (and how a prospective partner can gauge inebriation), are not wrong, but they’re a long way from being fully right. We can best chasten and instruct sexual predators by approaching sex with not only responsibility, but reverence.


from Judicial Watch
Nonprofit Organization in Washington, D.C.

Judicial Watch: New FBI Records Show FBI Leadership’s Conflicts of Interest Discussions on Clinton Email Investigation
Advised of possible conflict of interest between Jill McCabe candidacy and Clinton email investigation, Comey responded that he “has no issue with it” Dep. Dir. McCabe used official FBI email to promote wife’s candidacy: ‘Check her out on Facebook as Dr. Jill McCabe for Senate.’


from The Liberty Review
[Information from this site may be unreliable.]

Street trading, also known as street hawking or vending, is one example of the sort of enterprise that thrives in developing countries. Though it is rarely seen in the West today, this kind of entrepreneurial activity is very prevalent in countries like Nigeria. However, in recent years, the government has become increasingly adamant about eliminating this market institution.


from The Living Church
Magazine of The Living Church Foundation (Anglican)

What kind of sycophant do you want me to be?
It may seem perverse that Dante places two flatterers in a lower circle of hell than even mass murderers. Two courtiers are in the eighth circle of Hell, immersed in merda. Dante’s crude scatology is a biblical symbol for utter degradation: “their blood will be poured out like earth, and their bodies like excrement” (Zeph 1:17). Why are Alessio Interminei and Thaïs placed lower than even Attila the Hun? The Parkers write that murder, however terrible, has its limits. Fraud, including sycophancy, is endless: it corrosively renders all interactions questionable. Sycophancy must be confronted, not managed.



To Save Net Neutrality, We Must Build Our Own Internet
We must end our reliance​ on big telecom monopolies and build decentralized, affordable, locally owned internet infrastructure.


from The Spokesman-Review
Newspaper in Spokane, Washington


from We the Governed
[Information from this site may not be reliable.]

The Empire always strikes back – State Democratic Party lashes out after widespread lawbreaking exposed
If you dare to speak truth to power, there will always be repercussions.  The powerful always strike back.  We are witnessing this in Washington State as the cascading exposure of widespread violations of the state’s campaign finance laws become widely known.  The Washington State Democratic Party, led by Tina Podlodowski, is doing their best to strike back.  After spending a year denying that reform of our campaign finance laws was needed, the Washington State Democratic Party lashed out with 40 campaign finance complaints against Republicans. They now agree that reform is needed, but they are angry they were caught violating the law.


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